
What about green plants?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Douban green is a very common small potted plant. This article will talk to flower friends about how to do Douban green rotten roots. First of all, flower friends should not be nervous, because even if Douban green rotten roots, there may still be hope to save them. We can use Douban green to reproduce again.

Douban green is a very common small potted plant, this article to talk with flower friends about how to do Douban green rotten roots, first of all flower friends do not nervous, because even if Douban green rotten roots, there may still be hope to save, we can use Douban green easy cutting characteristics to re-breed.

Let's first analyze the reasons for the rotten roots of Douban Green, so as not to make similar mistakes in the future. Generally, the rotten roots are mostly caused by long-term ponding. For example, some flower friends 'Douban Green is half-soil and half-water. Although these methods are OK in the short term, they are not conducive to the growth of Douban Green in the long run. Therefore, it is suggested to plant them in soil. Some flower friends raise Douban Green soil is nutritious soil and the like. Long-term high-frequency watering causes the root system to be stuffy and wet, resulting in rotten roots.

1. The reason why the green roots of Douban are rotten

1, the temperature is too high

The most suitable growth temperature is 20~25℃, but the summer temperature is too high and the sunlight is strong. If proper cooling measures are not taken, the stems and leaves will turn black, resulting in rotten roots.

2. Too much watering

Douban green likes humid environment, in the air humidity environment, do not need too much moisture. Too much watering at one time will cause poor breathing at the roots and lead to root rot.

3. Improper fertilization

Douban green requires more fertilizer and water. Pay attention to avoiding roots when fertilizing, so as to avoid burning roots of fertilizer and causing root rot.

4. Diseases

Root neck rot disease is one of the diseases that are easy to occur in Douban green. It should be treated in time. Generally, 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times solution should be sprayed.

5. Poor water quality

Douban green can be planted in hydroponic culture, but pay attention to the water quality problem. If the water body is sticky and worried, it needs to be cleaned and replaced with clean water, otherwise it will cause the root system of Douban green to be polluted and rotted.

Second, the treatment method of watercress green root rot

To be processed according to the degree of rot of Douban Green, such as the picture below, can be processed. If the rotten roots are serious, the stems and leaves are rotten and there is no way.

The following is how to do the rotten roots of Douban Green. In fact, the method is very simple. First, take the Douban Green out of the basin, then rinse it clean, cut off the rotten part, and then dry it in a cool and ventilated place for an hour. When the wound heals, insert it into wet soil (pure sand, perlite, etc.).

Simply put, the solution is to use the principle that Douban Green is easy to cut. There is no way to recover the rotten roots, so re-cutting is the best solution. The basic survival rate is 99%. Of course, some flower friends like to take root and transplant again. This is also possible. As long as flower friends remember that Douban Green is very easy to reproduce, use this to save it.

3. Prevention and control methods of Douban green rot

Douban green is not cold resistant, nor high temperature resistant; although the leaves are leathery, can prevent part of the water evaporation, the environmental humidity requirements are not high, but in the summer high temperature, high humidity environment, if not pay attention to strengthen management, easy to lead to rot.

Winter temperature is too low, Douban green leaves are also easy to rot due to freezing. In order to prevent this situation, summer can be placed in the shade of Douban green maintenance, and pay attention to ventilation, avoid watering too much, but to keep the pot soil moist. In winter, the potted plants can be placed in the sunny position, and the room temperature is kept at 12-15℃.

Rotting roots are one of the biggest killers of plants. So in order to avoid this situation, we should pay attention to the following points:

1, watering should be moderate

Watering should be moderate, not too frequent, this is a mistake that many beginners often make. The principle of seeing dry and wet should be mastered. Special attention should be paid to this in the dormancy period of pot plants and in the early stage of pot replacement.

2. Fertilizer should be decomposed

All kinds of organic matter mixed in the culture soil, such as rotting soil, manure, sawdust, farm manure, manure, organic garbage, etc., must be fully fermented and decomposed for a long time before they can be used. Do not use raw fertilizer. Otherwise, when the raw fertilizer is fermented, the temperature is too high, which will lead to root burning.

3. Fertilization should be scientific

When topdressing pots and plants, the dosage and concentration must not be too large, should try to follow the principle of "a small number of times", the dosage is too large, will also make the roots burned.

Time: 2019-05-31 Click: