
Plain sailing. How to grow potted plants?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The plain sailing flower stem is tall and straight and beautiful, fresh and pleasing to the eye, which is one of the preferred materials for potted plants. The flowering period of plain sailing is usually from May to August, but if it is carefully maintained, it may bloom all the year round. Decorate it as a potted plant in the living room or study.

Smooth flower stem straight and beautiful, fresh and pleasing to the eye, is one of the preferred potted materials. The flowering period of smooth sailing flowers is generally from May to August, but if carefully maintained, it may also be undefeated throughout the year. Decorate it as a potted plant in the living room or study, it will make people feel fresh and natural, very comfortable, and put it in the hotel lobby, the front of the audience, the entrance and exit of the station, the window of the commercial building, etc., it is elegant and handsome.

So, what about smooth sailing potted plants? Please follow the small series below to learn it!

1. Soil requirements

The requirements of plain sailing pot culture on soil are that the soil should be loose, drainage and ventilation are good, and heavy clay soil cannot be used. It is suggested that rotting leaf soil, peat soil, river sand and pearlite should be used as matrix. In the planting process, proper amount of decomposed farm manure can be added as base fertilizer.

2. Lighting conditions

Because smooth sailing likes a semi-shady growth environment, it is necessary to avoid direct exposure to strong light. It can meet the demand for light by giving it scattered light properly, and appropriate shade and light protection measures should be taken in summer. However, due to the low temperature in winter in the north, light can be given appropriately to promote photosynthesis and growth on the one hand, and lay the foundation for late flowering on the other hand.

3. Temperature guarantee

Relatively speaking, smooth sailing is more resistant to high temperatures, and the suitable growth temperature is between 20-28℃. In winter, due to the low temperature, in order to ensure its safe winter, when the temperature is lower than 10℃, it should be placed indoors to do a good job of cold insulation. If the temperature is too low, coupled with too much moisture in the pot, it will lead to the occurrence of root rot, yellow leaves and deciduous phenomena.

4. Proper watering

Because smooth sailing prefers a humid environment, it is necessary to ensure water supply during its growth period, but at the same time, it is necessary to avoid excessive watering, because excessive watering is easy to cause ponding in the basin, thus causing rotten roots and yellow leaves. In summer or dry season, due to insufficient air humidity, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves of smooth sailing potted plants, or spray a certain amount of water on the ground to maintain the air humidity needed in the growing environment of plants.

5. Appropriate fertilization

Because smooth sailing grows faster, the demand for nutrients is naturally larger. Therefore, the family culture potted plant smooth sailing to give the right amount of nutrient supplement, that is, appropriate fertilization. In the growing season, organic liquid fertilizer or thin compound fertilizer and decomposed cake fertilizer water are generally applied once a week or so. In this way, not only conducive to the healthy growth of plants, but also conducive to the extension of flowering. However, when the winter temperature is too low, fertilization should be stopped, otherwise it is easy to cause fertilizer damage, that is, damage to plants.

6, timely change basin

Due to the limited nutrients in the pot soil and the overcrowding of the plants, the pots should be changed once a year, and the time for changing pots should be selected before a large number of new buds in early spring. Before changing pots, choose flower pots of appropriate size; remove part of the old soil when changing pots, and at the same time combine pruning plant roots and adding new culture soil; loosen the pot surface after changing pots to keep it loose and breathable, which is more conducive to smooth and healthy growth.

7, pest control

Usually, the diseases that cause damage to smooth sailing are leaf spot disease, brown spot disease and anthracnose, and are often accompanied by insect pests such as scale insects and red spiders. Usually in the maintenance process, we should pay more attention to observation, found problems should be dealt with in a timely manner, especially in advance to do a good job of protective measures, so as not to find problems when the panic, delay the best time to deal with.

Time: 2019-05-31 Click: