
What if the leaves of potted rubber trees turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Rubber tree is a very beautiful indoor foliage plant, which is generally planted in the living room. As long as it grows well, it can bring us many benefits, such as purifying the air, beautifying the environment, playing the role of fengshui and so on. The premise is how to keep it growing well.

Rubber tree is a very beautiful indoor foliage plant, which is generally planted in the living room. As long as it grows well, it can bring us many benefits, such as purifying the air, beautifying the environment, playing the role of fengshui and so on. The premise is how to keep it growing well. Many potted friends will encounter all kinds of problems in the process of planting rubber trees, and yellowing of leaves is the most common phenomenon.

The yellowing of leaves in potted plants is a common phenomenon, which is generally caused by the lack of maintenance and management. So what happens when the leaves of potted rubber trees turn yellow? First of all, we need to find the crux of the problem, and then prescribe the right medicine according to these sticks. only in this way can our potted rubber tree be saved from destroying our outlook on life, outlook on the world and values.

First, basin soil consolidation

In the previous article, the editor mentioned that potted rubber trees should change their pots from the seedling stage, because if the pots are not changed for a long time, the soil will become hardened and there will be less and less nutrients in the soil. Especially after the soil hardening, the root system of the plant will not be able to breathe smoothly, resulting in asphyxiation. The leaves of the plant will turn yellow due to lack of water and nutrients. If the treatment measures are not taken in time and effectively, the plant will die soon.

In view of the yellowing of the leaves caused by the over-consolidation of the pot soil, we should first choose an appropriate time to change the pot in time, and at the same time cut off the dead part of the plant root system. After rearranging the plant, fill it with loose and breathable new soil.

Second, the temperature is too low

According to the growth habits of rubber trees, we know that plants can survive the winter safely when the temperature is not less than 5 °C. if the temperature of the growth environment is lower than this value, the leaves will turn yellow or even lose leaves.

In view of the phenomenon that the leaves of rubber trees turn yellow due to low temperature, the first thing we think of and need to do is to take measures to keep them warm immediately, so that the environmental temperature of plant growth can reach 5 °C in the shortest time, supplemented by other restoration measures. I believe it will soon be able to restore the state of green leaves.

Third, lack of nutrients

The rubber tree not only likes the wet growth environment, but also likes fertilizer very much. As long as there are enough nutrients, it will keep growing. On the contrary, if the plant grows in the barren pot soil for a long time and does not get enough nutrients for growth, the plant will grow poorly. Not only will the leaves become thinner, but also the leaves are prone to yellowing.

If the yellowing of leaves is caused by the lack of necessary nutrients for growth, we should change the basin at the right time, add sufficient base fertilizer to the basin soil, and then cut off the yellow leaves. In the later stage, the dilute liquid fertilizer mainly composed of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be poured every half a month or so. After the growth of the plant is stable, the yellow leaves can disappear completely.

IV. Excessive fertilization

In the above point, the editor analyzed the yellowing of leaves of potted rubber trees due to long-term lack of nutrients. So, if the fertilizer is too much, or the concentration of liquid fertilizer is too high, will the leaves turn yellow? It's inevitable. If the fertilizer is too much or the concentration of liquid fertilizer is too high, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage to the rubber tree, and its leaves will also appear fat yellow phenomenon.

In view of the phenomenon that the leaves of rubber trees are fat and yellow due to excessive fertilization or high concentration of liquid fertilizer, the first thing to think of is to be rescued by changing pots. Because the fertilizer effect is too much, the fertility is too strong, the soil in the original basin is not good. Take the plant out of the original pot, trim off the rotten roots, change the pot and replant it, and fill it with moist new soil. Be careful not to continue fertilizing for the time being, but you can spray foliar water to moisturize and dilute the nutrients in the plant.

Fifth, air causes

If the room is not ventilated or the air is too dry, it is easy to cause the leaves of potted rubber trees to turn yellow, and the old leaves in the lower part of the plant are also easy to wither and fall. If the air is too dry, the basin soil and leaves will not get water supply because of evaporation, while poor indoor air circulation will cause harmful gases to gather together and cause excessive concentration. Both cases can cause the leaves of the rubber tree to turn yellow.

In view of the above situation, on the one hand, the ventilation conditions should be improved immediately, and at the same time, water replenishment measures should be taken to improve the basin soil and air humidity. You can move the flowerpot to the windowsill and open the window for ventilation; at the same time, water the pot in time, and spray foliar water and surface water to increase air humidity. As long as the growth environment of the potted rubber tree is suitable, the plant will soon return to its normal growth state, and the yellow leaves will gradually disappear. (written by: laughing Book 22:40)

Time: 2019-05-30 Click: