
How to raise potted impatiens

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although impatiens has indomitable vitality and strong ability to adapt to the environment, as a potted plant, the maintenance and management process must not be careless. Because scientific and reasonable conservation and management means can ensure that potted plants can blossom on time and have high ornamental value, then how to raise potted impatiens?

Although Impatiens has tenacious vitality and strong adaptability to the environment, as a potted plant, the conservation and management process must not be sloppy. Because scientific and reasonable conservation and management measures can ensure that potted plants can bloom on schedule and have high ornamental value, how can potted balsamines be raised?

Impatiens use the way of sowing to breed potted seedlings, but the sowing time should be chosen well, the most suitable for March to May, smooth words, more than 1 week can emerge. The pot time should also be grasped well, usually more than 1 week after emergence and 3-4 true leaves can be put on the pot. Put the potted plants in a cool and ventilated place to ensure smooth seedling growth. In addition, daily maintenance management should be done well after serving the basin.

I. Soil

Impatiens like fertile loose basin soil environment, but at the same time also have good air permeability effect, with sandy loam is appropriate. At ordinary times, it is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist, and at the same time, the soil also needs to have a certain effect of water and fertilizer conservation.

II. Light

Impatiens prefer light, usually should be as much as possible to provide adequate light, daily light reception time can not be less than 4 hours. In summer, when the temperature is high, shade measures should be taken in time to avoid sunburn; in winter, potted plants should be placed in the sun at noon on a sunny day to fully receive light to promote normal photosynthesis.

III. Temperature

The best growth temperature of Impatiens is about 25℃, usually between 16-26℃, and the flowering temperature should be kept above 10℃. Summer high temperature period to shade spray water to cool down, winter in order to avoid plants were frostbite, low temperature to timely move potted indoor maintenance.

IV. Watering

Impatiens relatively humid growth environment, but because of its leaves more stomata, water evaporation, so watering should be timely, to avoid long-term water shortage phenomenon. And watering should also adopt the principle of "see dry see wet", but to avoid ponding in the basin or long-term too wet. Florescence can not appear water shortage phenomenon, otherwise easy to appear bud drop, or even early wither phenomenon.

V. Fertilization

Impatiens are more fertile, especially in growth and flowering. During the growth period, it is generally necessary to keep applying thin liquid fertilizer 1-2 times a month, and during the bud stage, it is generally necessary to spray 1-2 times of low concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which can promote the flowering of potted flowers, colorful flowers and more lasting flowering.

Time: 2019-05-29 Click: