
What about the yellowing of the geranium leaves?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Geranium blossoms delicate and beautiful, with a relatively high ornamental value, so many people like to plant it as a potted plant on their own balcony, bringing a different style to the balcony. Especially in some places abroad, people like to use it to decorate roads and decorate life. But if you want to raise the potted geraniums well

Geranium blossoms delicate and beautiful, with a relatively high ornamental value, so many people like to plant it as a potted plant on their own balcony, bringing a different style to the balcony. Especially in some places abroad, people like to use it to decorate roads and decorate life. However, if we want to raise potted geraniums well, we also need to master some knowledge of conservation and management. Otherwise, not only can not show its beauty, but will promote the growth of geraniums, yellowing leaves is a more common symptom.

Many people will encounter the phenomenon of yellowing leaves in the process of raising geraniums, which not only affects the ornamental effect, but also is not conducive to the normal growth of plants. So, what happened to the yellowing of geranium leaves? If it is just drawn out of the tender leaves, its color is often relatively dim, looks a little yellowing, but this is generally a normal phenomenon. Of course, it is also possible to encounter the phenomenon of yellow leaves and falling leaves in the normal management of geraniums, which can also be a manifestation of metabolism, which is still a normal phenomenon.

However, sometimes the yellowing of geranium leaves can also be caused by incorrect or unscientific management methods we use in the process of conservation and management. It is mainly shown in the following aspects:

I. the temperature is too high

High temperature and overheated weather are often one of the important reasons for the emergence of yellow leaves in potted flowers and plants, especially in summer. The same is true of geraniums, which usually occur when it is hot and hot in summer. The main reason is that the muggy weather hinders the normal growth activity of the plant root system and affects the absorption function of the root system, thus causing the yellow leaf phenomenon. And when the degree is serious, it may also cause leaf loss, leaf scorching, wilting and other phenomena.

If we want to solve this problem, we should first take shading and cooling measures, while spraying some foliar water to strengthen ventilation. Of course, you can also eat a small amount of iron once a week, and you can basically return to the normal growth state in about half a month.

Second, improper watering

Many flowers and plants will also have yellowing or falling leaves due to improper watering. If the basin soil is too dry due to too little watering, it will lead to the phenomenon of lack of water and yellow in the geranium, and when it is serious, it will produce withered branches and leaves; but if it is watered too much, it will inevitably cause stagnant water in the basin and make the basin soil too wet all the time. Original then the leaves of geraniums will appear water-yellow phenomenon, especially tender leaves, which may cause rotten roots and death.

Therefore, we usually watering should be scientific and reasonable, not long-term non-watering, nor excessive watering. If you water too little, you can replenish it in time, but it will be troublesome if you water too much. In addition to immediate drainage, it is also necessary to remove the basin soil and improve ventilation to speed up water evaporation. In serious cases, it is recommended to change the basin and soil.

III. Sudden changes in the environment

Many flowers and plants adapt to the growth environment where they are placed nowadays. Once the phenomenon of frequent movement occurs, it may cause plant growth instability, often showing the phenomenon of yellow leaves and falling leaves. But sometimes the temperature changes too much, which may also cause this phenomenon, and may even affect the normal flowering.

Therefore, if it is not a special case, generally do not wantonly frequently move potted plants. Especially in the case of excessive changes in the temperature environment, when the plant appears the phenomenon of yellow leaves and fallen leaves, we should cut off the withered branches and leaves in time, and then take scientific and reasonable management and protection measures, we believe that the plant will soon return to the normal growth state.

Fourth, infected with diseases and insect pests

The infection of diseases is harmful to many potted flowers and plants, and sometimes even fatal. When potted geraniums are attacked by bad fungi and bacteria, it is easy to induce leaf spot, gray mold and other diseases, resulting in disease spots and affect leaf color. It seems that the leaves show the phenomenon of yellow. Of course, this phenomenon often occurs when it is eaten by insect pests.

On that day, when the geranium suffers from this kind of situation, we should go down in time to deal with the disposal measures. if the diseases and pests are not serious, they can be improved by manual pest catching and reasonable management and protection; but if the diseases and insect pests are more serious, we usually need to use drug spraying to prevent and cure it.

Time: 2019-05-29 Click: