
What are the manifestations of the rotten roots of Ping an tree?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ping an tree is evergreen all the year round and has high ornamental value, so many people like to plant it as a family potted plant, which can not only beautify the household environment, but also purify the indoor air, but also has a good meaning of auspiciousness and health, so it is very practical to put its potted plants in the family.

Ping an tree is evergreen all the year round and has high ornamental value, so many people like to plant it as a family potted plant, which can not only beautify the home environment, but also purify the indoor air, but also has a good meaning of auspiciousness and health, so it is very practical to put its potted plants in the family. But it is only under the premise of raising the potted safe tree that its value can be reflected. In the actual management process, many people will encounter the phenomenon of rotten roots of Ping an trees, so what are the manifestations of the rotten roots of Ping an trees?

The root rot of Ping an tree is caused by many reasons, such as improper watering, excessive fertilization, soil discomfort, and so on. In fact, the rotten roots of the Ping an tree is not terrible, and it has become a common occurrence for experienced friends. However, for beginners, there is often nothing they can do. As for the Ping an tree after the emergence of rotten roots, often through the growth state of the plant can be shown, especially when the branches and leaves are abnormal.

Usually, at the beginning of the rotten roots of Ping an tree, its leaves will gradually lose their gloss, followed by yellowing, and then dry spots of different sizes will appear on the leaves. At this time, we can obviously see that the leaves of the plant are drooping, drooping and lifeless, and after a period of time, the plant will show the phenomenon of withered and yellow branches and leaves. If it is allowed to do so and does not take remedial measures in time, the plant will be fatal at most.

Therefore, in our daily maintenance process, the management method must be scientific and reasonable, and the original should also adjust the management means appropriately according to the growth performance of the plant. In particular, it should be noted that the root system of Ping an tree is generally fibrous root, the absorption capacity is very limited, and the plant generally grows luxuriant branches and leaves, so water and fertilizer management should be timely. But at the same time, because the root system is relatively weak, it is necessary to avoid too much watering, too high fertilization concentration or the application of raw fertilizer, otherwise the root system of the plant is easy to be damaged and rot occurs.

Once we encounter the phenomenon of wilting, yellowing and shedding of the branches and leaves of the plant, the first thing we need to consider is to check whether there is rotting root in the root of the plant in the basin. Once found, we should remove the plant from the pot in time, clean up the rotten roots at the same time, do a good job of sterilization and disinfection, and plant it again in the pot. Not only that, the withered and yellowed branches and leaves should also be cut off, which can not only save nutrients, but also avoid expanding the withered and yellow area, but also reduce the burden on the root system.

Under normal circumstances, if the rotten root is not deep and the damaged area of the root is not wide, it can generally be saved by taking the above treatment methods in time. But if we let it go, the root system of the plant will rot completely for a long time, and then we will save it. I believe that the immortals will not be able to recover, because the plant is basically in a state of death. It can be seen that when it comes to the phenomenon of rotting roots of Ping an trees, rescue measures should be taken sooner rather than later, otherwise it may bring serious losses to us.

Time: 2019-05-28 Click: