
How to raise Tiger Pilan in Winter

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tiger skin orchid leaves are straight, stiff and striped, while keeping evergreen all the year round, which is very suitable for indoor foliage pot cultivation. Although Tiger Pilan is named after the stripes of the leaves that look like tiger tails, it is not as hardy as wearing tiger skin, but is very afraid of the cold. Therefore, overwintering in winter is a problem

Tiger skin orchid leaves are straight, stiff and striped, while keeping evergreen all the year round, which is very suitable for indoor foliage pot cultivation. Although Tiger Pilan is named after the stripes of the leaves that look like tiger tails, it is not as hardy as wearing tiger skin, but is very afraid of the cold. Therefore, overwintering in winter is a problem.

Due to the influence of low temperature in winter, Hu Pilan is easy to go into dormancy and stop growing. In order to make it safely through the winter without frostbite, the first problem we need to solve is to improve its cold resistance and take warm measures for it. So, how to raise tiger skin orchid in winter?

First, enter the room in time

Due to the poor cold resistance of Tiger Pilan, when the temperature drops when winter comes, it should be moved to indoor maintenance in time. If it is placed in the environment below 10 °C for a long time, the plant is not only easy to go into dormancy and stop growing, but also has the risk of freezing injury, which will freeze to death in severe cases. Therefore, it is necessary to put it in the sunny place in time before cooling, and take necessary measures to keep warm.

Second, control watering

After moving Tiger Pilan indoors, if the temperature is still low, you don't have to water it a lot, or even water it. Because watering it in a low temperature environment will reduce its cold resistance. If the indoor temperature is relatively high and the environment is relatively dry, it should be watered in time to maintain the humidity of the basin soil, and more water should be sprayed around the plant to improve the air humidity.

Third, stop fertilizing in time

Under the influence of low temperature, the growth of tiger skin orchid which went into dormancy was very slow and almost stopped. Therefore, the plant consumption of water and nutrients are very small, in addition to controlling water, but also quite fat. Because in this case, even if the fertilizer, tiger Pilan can not be absorbed, but easy to cause fat damage and death. Generally wait until the temperature warms up in the coming spring and the plant resumes growth before topdressing it.

In addition to the above three aspects, we put the potted tiger skin orchid indoors, there are certain requirements for the environment, otherwise the plant will still have poor growth. We should not only let it bask in the sun more in winter, but also do a good job of keeping warm and cold measures to avoid being frozen, but also let the environment have a certain degree of humidity, smooth air circulation, to avoid the environment is too dry. In this way, the plant can safely get through the winter.

Time: 2019-05-27 Click: