
How to maintain the stars in winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mantianxing is a very delicate and beautiful flowering plant, and its natural flowering period is usually from June to August in summer. When it blossoms, like the stars in the summer night sky, it makes the sky very beautiful. If the growth environment is suitable and the maintenance is good, it is even expected to blossom all the year round.

Mantianxing is a very delicate and beautiful flowering plant, and its natural flowering period is usually from June to August in summer. When it blossoms, like the stars in the summer night sky, it makes the sky very beautiful. If the growth environment is suitable and the maintenance and management is good, it is even expected to blossom all the year round. And the effect of decorating and decorating the home environment is very good, so it is very suitable for family potted cultivation.

However, in the cold winter, we should take good care of the maintenance and management. Although Mantianxing is relatively cold-resistant, it is generally able to withstand a low temperature of 0 °C. However, if the winter temperature is below 10 °C, it will go into a dormant state and stop growing; when the ambient temperature is below 0 °C, its tiny fibrous roots are vulnerable to frostbite. So, how to maintain the stars in winter? Indoor maintenance, generally only need to focus on two aspects of management.

1. Proper watering

Although it looks like a recommendation, it is strictly a woody plant and generally does not need to be watered in winter. Usually wait until the basin soil is dry and then irrigate in time, and it can be watered every 2-3 weeks. Of course, the water temperature of watering should also be consistent with the room temperature as much as possible, and it is easy to stimulate its relatively fragile capillaries if the temperature difference is too large.

Second, clean up the branches and leaves

Although the winter weather is relatively cold, even in the indoor environment, the original is often not high, often less than 10 °C. Although the plant will enter dormancy below this temperature, the plant will still undergo the metabolic process, resulting in the replacement of new and old leaves. Therefore, we also need to clean up these dry old leaves. But the leaves all over the sky, like the flowers, are very small. How can we get rid of such tiny leaves?

In fact, we can clean up with the help of pine branches. We can gently sweep the starry plants with pine branches, just like cleaning up floating dust. In this way, the tiny dry leaves in the sky can easily be swept off, and then clean up the fallen leaves. Of course, when you encounter dry branches, it is recommended to cut them off with scissors. This can prevent dry branches and leaves from wasting nutrients and water.

After cleaning the branches and leaves, the potted plant looks much more refreshing, and the plant will be able to produce many lovely flowers in the coming year. It can be seen that the maintenance and management of potted plants in winter is relatively less, generally only need to do the above two aspects well.

Time: 2019-05-27 Click: