
The method of making Bamboo Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bamboo chic and elegant, elegant, elegant Athens, used to make small bamboo bonsai, decorate the room, very elegant. There are many kinds of bamboo, and it is appropriate to make small bamboo with thin and short stems and narrow leaves, such as Buddha belly bamboo, square bamboo, Guanyin bamboo, purple bamboo, jadeite bamboo and so on. When transplanting bamboo, one or two years of age should be selected in spring.

Bamboo chic and elegant, elegant, elegant Athens, used to make small bamboo bonsai, decorate the room, very elegant. There are many kinds of bamboo, and it is appropriate to make small bamboo with thin and short stems and narrow leaves, such as Buddha belly bamboo, square bamboo, Guanyin bamboo, purple bamboo, jadeite bamboo and so on.

Transplant bamboo, it is appropriate to choose one or two years in spring, the root bamboo with bamboo whip is well developed, the root should be dug with roots, and when transplanting, the root should have persistent soil, the trunk should be short, and the potted plant should stay dry about 50 centimeters. It is best to plant it in a small tile basin first and then plant it in a shallow pot after survival. Humus soil is the best soil for bamboo bonsai. As the growth of potted bamboo is controlled, the small bamboos extracted in spring and autumn are relatively slender and short, so they are very suitable for bamboo bonsai. After planting, it is watered once and cultivated in a shady, moist and ventilated place for one year, and can be processed into small bamboo bonsai in the second year.

According to the different types of bamboo, different sets can be adopted. Small bamboos, such as jade white bamboo, can be planted in square or oval pots; medium-sized bamboos such as green bamboos can be planted in rectangular or oval shallow pots. If there is an imbalance on one side of the basin, a beautiful stone with beautiful shape and appropriate proportion to the size of the bamboo plant can be arranged at the other end of the basin, which can not only achieve balance, but also increase the interest of bonsai and appear lively and natural. Large bamboos such as Phyllostachys pubescens, Phyllostachys pubescens and spotted bamboos are used to make bonsai, which should be artificially dwarfed and planted in small and medium-sized shallow pots in order to achieve the effect of "shrinking dragon into inch".

Bamboo bonsai should be sparsely planted, not multiplied, scattered and not densely planted. Only three, five, seven branches, high and low orderly, dense, natural layout, planted in Yixing shallow basin, adorned with beautiful stones, slightly covered with moss, plus one or two pottery ancient costumes, stroll in it, very poetic and picturesque, can be called bonsai wonderful products, can make the whole bamboo bonsai show natural bamboo forest scenery. Otherwise, it will be disorganized, like a pile of reeds and weeds, with no interest in bonsai and no ornamental value.

In order to increase the beauty of bamboo bonsai, the roots can be planted when the bamboo goes into the pot. After a stage of bamboo growth and development, part of the root topsoil is removed, so that part of the bamboo roots are exposed on the topsoil, showing the potential of hanging roots and claws, revealing the beauty of bamboo roots, which is very enjoyable to watch.

Bamboo bonsai should be placed in a warm, moist, leeward and transparent environment and should not be exposed to the sun in summer. The tufted bamboo is not hardy in winter, so the pot should be moved into the room to keep warm and keep cold. Bamboo bonsai should be properly maintained in water and fertilizer, although bamboo likes fertilizer, but potted plants should be applied as little as possible, only thin fertilizer; bamboo likes to be wet, but avoid stagnant water in the basin, such as improper maintenance, will cause bamboo bonsai metamorphosis and poor growth. During the vigorous growth period of new bamboo in spring and summer, watering should be reduced properly, so that the bamboo stem can be dwarfed. From May to August every year, apply organic thin fertilizer solution for 2 to 3 times, and pay attention to proper shading and maintenance in hot weather in summer, so that the bamboo leaves can be kept fresh and green. Change the soil and basin every 2 ~ 3 years between March and April, remove part of the old roots and host soil, and replace it with new culture soil, it will grow well.

Bamboo germinates and grows faster, so we should pay attention to pruning in order to maintain the graceful posture of bamboo bonsai. From June to July every year, when the growth of Hsinchu is completed, it will be renewed and pruned. In the future, new bamboo shoots should be removed immediately, so as not to disturb the shape of bamboo bonsai and consume nutrients to affect the growth of mother bamboo. Usually as long as a little careful maintenance, so that it always maintain the beautiful landscape and branches and leaves green, elegant, beautiful, a pot of bamboo bonsai can be enjoyed by people for a long time.

Bamboo is a kind of special plant, regardless of appearance, morphological characteristics, and even cultivation and growth are different. Bamboo contains philosophy such as rigidity and modesty, which has always been loved by people. Using bamboo as bonsai, you can not only watch the leaves, but also considerable dry, but also watch its posture. Put it in the room and have no wild interest in the mountains and forests. The material for making bamboo bonsai is easy to obtain, and the price is low. The modeling of bamboo bonsai does not need deliberate binding and pruning. Bamboo bonsai should be sparse and straight, should not be planted densely, should be scattered, not planted in clusters. Tall and short, planted in a shallow basin, adorned with good stone, a little cloth moss, plus 1 or 2 pottery costume figures walking during it, can be called Jiapin. There are many kinds of bamboo suitable for making bonsai, which can be divided into two categories: one is tufted bamboo, such as Phoenix tail bamboo, rice bamboo, Buddha belly bamboo, green skin bamboo, etc., and the other is scattered bamboo, all of which are large bamboos, such as fresh bamboo, fresh bamboo, water bamboo, spotted bamboo, etc., which are used to make bonsai and must be artificially dwarfed before they can be planted in pots.

① when the bamboo shoots grow to about 10 centimeters, use a clean camera and carefully peel the bamboo shoots off the ring. Do not peel when the temperature is high at noon, but should master the principles of peeling more when the growth is vigorous, peeling less in the early and late stages, peeling the weak bamboo shoots slowly, growing fast at night, peeling them in time, and peeling only 1 or 2 leaves at a time.

② when bamboo shoots grow to about 14 cm, reduce watering, restrain growth and height, and make bamboo shoots send out branches and leaves as early as possible, so as to achieve the purpose of dwarfing. The cultivation of bamboo bonsai is usually on a cloudy day from March to April. In the bamboo forest, the one-to two-year-old bamboo with shallow whip and good development is selected as the seedling. When digging, cut off the connection between the bamboo pole and the old pole foundation, dig out together with the bamboo shoot buds, and pay attention to less damage to the root hair, more soil, and pruning before planting. If it is a scattered large bamboo, the bamboo pole can be cut off and the bamboo shoot buds can be retained; for small bamboo in clusters, more branches should be thinned and leaves removed properly to facilitate survival. For basin soil, it is better to use rotten bamboo leaf soil with the same amount of coarse sand, and acid nutritious soil can also be used to match coarse sand. Planting should not be deep, after planting in the shade and keep the environment moist, it is easier to survive. Before setting the plant, it should be pruned according to the number, size, posture and different layout of the bamboo. In the layout, make sure that the primary and secondary is clear, the height is appropriate, and the density is appropriate. Matching stone is often peak-shaped stalagmite, symbolizing the emergence of bamboo shoots after a spring rain. Taihu stone can also be used. Finally, the cloth moss is placed, and a beautiful bonsai is made successfully.

Bamboo bonsai should be placed in a warm, humid, leeward, transparent place, can not be exposed to the sun in summer, winter tufted bamboo is not cold-resistant, important indoor overwintering. On the other hand, scattered bamboo is hardy and can survive the winter outdoors. Bamboo bonsai likes to moist the soil, but it can't be waterlogged. Proper reduction of watering during the peak growth period of new bamboo in spring and summer can dwarf the bamboo culm. from June to July every year, when the growth of new bamboo is completed, it will be renewed and pruned. From May to August every year, apply thin rotten bean cake fertilizer and water for 2-3 times, and pay attention to summer maintenance. The basin was changed every 2 ~ 3 years from March to April to remove part of the old roots and persistent soil. We should also pay attention to trimming and styling every day.

Time: 2019-05-26 Click: