
Bonsai technology sharing: how to make Lingxiao bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lingxiao was recorded in the Book of songs as early as the Spring and Autumn period. At that time, people called Lingxiao Lingxiao, which is called Lingxiao. The name of Lingxiao flower began to appear in Tang Materia Medica, which is said under Ziwei: this is Lingxiao flower, and stems and leaves are used. The beauty of Lingxiahua impressed many flower friends.

Lingxiao was recorded in the Book of songs as early as the Spring and Autumn period. At that time, it was called Lingxiao. The name of Lingxiao flower first appeared in Tang Materia Medica, which said under Ziwei: "this is Lingxiao flower, and its stems and leaves are useful." The beauty of Lingxiao flower impressed many flower friends, and some flower friends asked Lingxiao flower whether it could be potted. You can tell flower friends that Lingxiao flowers can be potted, and some flower friends also use Lingxiao flowers to make bonsai.

From June to September, Lingxiao is in full bloom. At this time Lingxiao bonsai, green leaves, such as Jasper, red flowers, such as the morning sun. Its branches droop and the vines float obliquely, just like a woman wearing a gorgeous lid, beautiful and beautiful! So, how to make Lingxiao bonsai? Now I would like to introduce to you.

If Lingxiao seedlings are planted directly in the pot and grow slowly, it is best to plant them on the ground for three or four years. After the stem is long and thick, leave 40 cm heavy cut in early spring, move the soil into the pot, or buy a stronger plant pot in the flower market. There are three ways:

One is to set up a frame on the basin and lead it to grow around the basin frame. The advantage is that it is easy to turn the basin and change soil, and it is easy to move and trim. The disadvantage is that the ventilation and light transmittance is slightly poor, and the inner chamber leaf is easy to yellow.

The second is to put it on the open balcony and pull it upward with a rope, which can also make some stem vines droop naturally, connected up and down, elegant and unrestrained. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to turn the basin and change the soil, it takes two people to work together, and pruning is also more difficult, so we should pay attention to safety.

Third, the potted plant is made into stump or cliff bonsai, which is placed on the balcony or on the viaduct.


Potted Lingxiao should choose clay pots or buckets with good permeability and deep depth. It likes neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam with good fertility and loose drainage, and can be cultivated with the same amount of rotten leaf soil and vegetable garden topsoil.

Draw materials:

In October, after the seeds of Lingxiao are ripe, the pods are picked, harvested and dried, the seeds are removed, sundries are removed, dried and stored, and the seeds are sowed in the following spring. The seeds can be soaked in clean water for 2 to 3 days before sowing to promote germination. You can also take the branches of Lingxiao and cut them in the loose sand in March of Yangchun, and then put them into the basin after a few years of deep roots and luxuriant leaves.

Put on the basin:

On the basin or turn the basin every other year to change soil should be in early spring, and put a layer of broken charcoal block or hard plastic foam block at the bottom of the basin to facilitate ventilation and drainage to prevent rotting roots. Can not bare roots, to retain about 1 stroke 3 of the persistent soil, the root can not be in direct contact with the base fertilizer, the middle layer of plain soil.


In order to control the growth of branches and promote lateral branches, the axillary buds and adventitious buds that germinated at the branches and bases should be erased in time during the growing period, and the residual flowers should be cut off in time after flower failure so as to form buds again. Because the space of potted Lingxiao flower is sometimes limited, it should be pruned in time, and some dead branches, weak branches and over-dense branches should be cut off in early spring.


The shape of Lingxiao bonsai is not only different from pine and cypress bonsai (mainly flat tie), but also different from other miscellaneous wood bonsai (truncation, pruning and pruning). Spring, it can be free to grow, even if "hair", but also do not need to cut. Starting from the middle of May, only two or three bud holes will be left to truncate the branches. Prune several times to maintain the desired branch length until the end of spring and the beginning of summer when buds appear on the branches. More phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied before and after budding to promote flowers and leaves.

Change the basin:

Flowering plants can be changed every spring after the weather warms up, retaining protective soil as far as possible, pruning branches and aging roots, applying sufficient organic fertilizer at the bottom of the basin, watering enough fixed root water after planting, shading treatment, keeping the basin soil moist without stagnant water, normal management after slow seedling.


1. Lingxiao likes strong light and can withstand sparse shade, but it should not be too shaded, otherwise it will grow slowly and blossom very little.

2. Avoid water stains according to Lingxiao's happy light. Therefore, Lingxiao bonsai should be placed in a higher leeward and sunny place.

3. Lingxiao also likes fertilizer, applying organic fertilizer once after sprouting in spring, topdressing again before flowering in June, adding organic fertilizer after defoliation in autumn, and applying barnyard manure as base manure when changing pots every year.

4. The main diseases and insect pests of Lingxiao are powdery mildew, gray spot and root-knot nematode. Once the above diseases and insect pests are found, they can be killed with chlorothalonil, dichlorvos and other agents.

Time: 2019-05-26 Click: