
The method of making Iron Tree Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The iron tree, whose real name is Cycas, is a small evergreen tree of the genus Cycas of the Cycads family, and is a precious ancient relict plant. Cycads native to the mountains of Fujian are mainly cultivated in China. In recent years, Sichuan Panzhihua cycad, Yunnan cycad and so on, have also been introduced and cultivated in various places. Cycads are graceful in shape

Iron tree original name cycad, alias armor pine, phoenix tail banana, etc., cycad for cycad family cycad evergreen small trees, is a precious ancient relic plants. Cycas cultivated in China are mainly native to Fujian mountainous areas. In recent years, Sichuan Panzhihua Cycas, Yunnan Cycas, etc., around the introduction of cultivation. Cycas graceful body, the top of the large pinnate green lovely, can present the southern scenery, is a valuable species of leaves, suitable for all seasons. Old stem decoration bonsai, full of deciduous traces, spots like scales, unique charm. Cluster planting cycad bonsai, coupled with clever stone, more elegant.

1. Materials

Cycas are usually cultivated by sowing, fruit division and embedding. The sowing method is suitable for sowing with harvest before autumn, or sand storage until spring of the following year. South open field sowing, seedbed soil should be fertile loose, good drainage sandy soil, sparse seeding, covered with fine soil, in humid and high temperature conditions, easy to germinate. Seedling should pay attention to strengthen management, watering should be appropriate, should not be too wet, too wet easy to occur root rot, cultivation 2~3 years can be transplanted. The method of dividing sin is to cut small sin buds from the roots of old cycas plants for cultivation. If the sin buds are not easy to grow leaves, a flower pot can be turned upside down on it to cover the light and promote leaf growth. After the new leaves are sent out, remove the covered flowerpot, set up a shed to shade and gradually increase the light. In the cold region of Yangtze River valley, the stem of Cycas should be wrapped with straw in winter and kept warm. This method should be adopted in general family culture without greenhouse conditions.

2. Select basin

Potted cycas should be planted in different types of flower pots according to plant size, using slightly acidic sandy culture soil rich in humus, loose and fertile, and strong permeability. The bottom of the flowerpot (barrel) should be opened, and a layer of broken tiles should be laid at the bottom of the pot to prevent the root system from rotting. Do not have to change the pot every year, but often apply organic liquid fertilizer, sesame sauce residue or bean cake water is good, can make the leaves bright green.

3. Upper basin

Selection basin: Cycas for evergreen foliage species, appropriate purple sand pottery basin or glazed pottery basin can be used, color with dark purple, light green, yellow is good. Pot shape with oval or rectangular for more, single plant can also be used in shallow round pot or hexagonal pot.

With soil: cultivate cycad basin soil, with fertile loose, good drainage, acidic or slightly * sexual sandy loam is good. 70% humus soil or weathered pond soil mixed with 20% sandy soil and 1% to 20% cake fertilizer can be used for household potted plants.

Planting: Cycas are warm-loving plants, and the upper pots should be transplanted in April. When planting, pad a layer of broken tiles and coarse sand at the bottom of the pot to facilitate water permeability, and then put decomposed cake fertilizer or organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. If the number of plants is planted together, it is necessary to combine the modeling when planting, set the planting position and angle, and achieve the size and height.

4. Modeling

Cycas making bonsai, its block or cylindrical stem can not be processed modeling, the key lies in the selection of materials, with multi-headed, stem weir lying prostrate, vertical and horizontal tilt, natural posture strange and strange materials to decorate bonsai is the best. Also can choose a few cycas plants of different sizes, heights, clever layout in the pot, forming a cluster of potted plants, but also have a unique flavor.

Processing: Cycas for bonsai, its trunk generally can not be processed modeling, so the key lies in the selection of materials. Usually with multi-headed, trunk prostrate Yan Yang, vertical and horizontal inclined, strange and strange materials for the best. The main processing method of cycas is pruning, that is, cutting off dense or beautiful leaves at any time.

Tree shape: Cycas should not be planted upright as a potted plant, but inclined or recumbent as well. Often two plants are planted in a pot, one large and one small, one positive and one oblique configuration. It can also be planted in groups, but attention must be paid to the changes of primary and secondary, density and density, so as to achieve the effect of diversity and unity.

5. Management

During the spring and summer growth period of iron tree, the pot should be kept moist, but it should not be waterlogged; in midsummer and high temperature, it should be sprayed with new lipid film on the leaves to reduce water evaporation and prevent bacterial infection to keep the leaves green; in winter, the pot soil should be properly dry, such as the pot soil is wet, which will lead to rotten roots, so it must be controlled in watering. Growth season, often apply topdressing, nitrogen, potassium-based, with decomposed cake fertilizer water is better. Fertilization should pay attention to thin fertilizer and frequent application, avoid excessive concentration. In order to promote dark green leaves and light translation, can be added to the fertilizer appropriate amount of ferrous sulfate solution.

Cycads potted plants in order to posture beautiful, can be appropriately cut too dense or too long leaves, as well as withered leaves, to maintain the symmetry of the tree. After pruning, spray the tree protector in time to destroy the source of harmful bacteria, eliminate the virus by osmosis, and close the replication and transmission path of the virus. Combined with pot turning warehouse for pot, cut off dead roots and bad roots, replace with fertile and loose new culture soil, so that plants grow vigorously.

Time: 2019-05-26 Click: