
Planting technique of Zihua Diding

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, After autumn, the stems and leaves of purple flowers are still green, accompanied by needlelike fruits, and the aboveground parts do not wither until the beginning of winter, so they are excellent ground cover plants and can also be planted in gardens, decorated flower borders or inlaid lawns. Purple flower is a common ground cover plant, perennial herb, plant height 1015cm, because of its purple flower color.

After autumn, the stems and leaves of purple flowers are still green, accompanied by needlelike fruits, and the aboveground parts do not wither until the beginning of winter, so they are excellent ground cover plants and can also be planted in gardens, decorated flower borders or inlaid lawns.

Purple flower is a common ground cover plant, perennial herb, plant height 10-15cm, because of its purple flowers, underground roots such as nails, so it is called purple flower, is a kind of medicinal, edible and ornamental value of the plant. Purple flower is bitter, pungent, cold, non-toxic, with the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and detumescence, so it is deeply loved by the majority of flower friends, so it is necessary to understand its planting method! The following editor will give you a brief introduction to the planting method of purple flower.

[the habit of purple flower]

Viola viridis, which is alias Viola and Viola, prefers semi-shady environment and moist soil, but it can also grow in sunlight and drier places, it is resistant to cold and drought, and is not strict with the soil. it is difficult for other herbs to invade except sheep beard grass. Can symbiosis with many low herbs in the sun. The flower color is pansy or lavender, the flowering period is from April to May, and the flowering period is about 25 days.

Zihua Diding has strong growth and strong resistance, and organic fertilizer can be applied every 7-10 days during the growing season without special management. It will make the landscape more effective. During the growth period, pay attention to the removal of weeds, generally do not apply fertilizer and pay attention to drainage in the rainy season. Like semi-shady environment and moist soil, but can also grow in sunlight and dry places; cold and drought tolerance; lax requirements on soil, self-sowing and reproduction in North China, showing strong competitiveness in semi-shade conditions, symbiosis with many low herbaceous plants in the sun.

[cultivation techniques]

1. Prepare before sowing. It is best to disinfect the soil before sowing Zihua Diding seeds. Potassium permanganate can be used. Generally, the solution concentration is controlled at 0.1% Muo0.3%, and the bed soil is sprayed. The purpose of soil disinfection is to cultivate strong seedlings and prevent diseases and insect pests at the seedling stage.

2. The sowing method can be used when sowing Zihua Diding seeds. Use a small seed seeder or hand to spread the seeds evenly on the soaked bed soil, and cover them with fine sifted soil after sowing. After sowing, the indoor temperature should be controlled at 15-25 ℃.

3. The management of Zihua Diding seedlings should be strengthened after emergence. The temperature should be controlled at 15 ℃ during the day and 8 ℃-10 ℃ at night to keep the soil slightly dry.

4. There is no need for special management during the growth period, and organic fertilizer can be applied every 7 to 10 days in the peak growing season. Pay attention to weed removal and drainage in rainy season

5. For the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, red spiders can be sprayed and killed with stone-sulfur mixture.

Purple flowers can be planted in the lawn as a decorated lawn to increase the ornamental effect of the lawn for visitors to enjoy and rest.

Time: 2019-05-25 Click: