
Cultivation and management of open-air towel gourd

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation and management of open-air towel gourd

Towel gourd is a common kind of gourd vegetable in our daily life, which has a very large market demand, and the planting area in our country is also very extensive. When planting towel gourd, management is very important, and the quality of management also directly affects the yield and quality of towel gourd. So how to manage the cultivation of open-air towel gourd? The following editor brings you the key points of cultivation and management of open-air towel gourd, let's have a look!

1. Build a melon shed

Because towel gourd is a climbing vegetable, we must build a good melon shed when we plant it. To meet the habit of climbing and growth of towel gourd, when building a melon shed, we should first pile up the foundation with cement and control the height of the shed. Should not be too low, if too low, it is easy to lead to the decline of field permeability, according to the towel gourd climbing habits to control the melon shed at two meters up. Then according to their own planting habits to control the shape of the melon shed, mainly semicircle, the melon shed should not only be able to withstand the amount of towel gourd, but also have a certain ability of wind and rain resistance.

2. Site selection and planting

Towel gourd has a large demand for nutrition, so the soil for planting towel gourd should choose plots with sufficient fertility and normal drainage and irrigation. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of lime powder into the soil before planting to adjust the pH of the soil. Planting should not choose cloudy and rainy days, otherwise it will be affected and the survival rate will be reduced. Before sowing, you should first turn the soil about 25 centimeters deep, and then apply enough base fertilizer. According to the planting area to control the amount of fertilizer, usually apply farm fertilizer 3000kg, compound fertilizer 150kg per mu, and then do border planting.

3. Water and fertilizer management

It has just been said that the nutritional needs of towel gourd are very large, so it is necessary to apply adequate base fertilizer first. Then according to the growth stage of towel gourd to do a good job of topdressing, the first topdressing should be carried out in the early stage to meet the nutritional needs of towel gourd. Then, in the peak melon period, topdressing again to improve the melon rate, topdressing fertilizer is mainly farm manure and compound fertilizer. But also according to the nutritional needs of towel gourd, appropriate supplement of some micro-fertilizer. Finally, watering should be controlled to keep the soil moist and provide sufficient water for the growth of towel gourd. But water should not be too much, too much watering or rainy days, to do a good job of drainage, to avoid retting root rot, reduce the rate of melon.

4. Rational harvesting

Towel gourd fruit ability is relatively strong, planting can be harvested many times, especially in summer, the yield of each crop is very much. Therefore, we must do a good job in harvesting, the harvest time of towel gourd depends on the variety, generally in the fruit development of a week or so. When the pedicel is not rough, the color becomes darker and the hairs gradually decrease, it can be harvested. Harvest time should not be too early and too late, too early, then towel gourd is not mature enough, affecting the quality. If it is too late, the towel gourd will gradually age, the fiber will increase, and the taste will become worse.

The above is a brief introduction to the cultivation and management of open-air towel gourd. When we harvest towel gourd, we should pay attention not to pull it by hand and cut it with scissors, otherwise it will easily affect the healing and cause disease infection. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.