
The planting method of six times profit (butterfly flower)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I remember watching pictures of the Aegean Sea on the Internet, every family's yard, walls, and even aisles and alleys were covered with pots of dangling flowers, forming a flower ball along the flowerpot. The deep and shallow blue, the red and green crawling all over the wall and the blue sea in the distance have a great visual impact.

I remember when I saw pictures of Aegean Sea on the Internet, every yard, wall, even aisle and alley were covered with hanging flowers in pots, forming a flower ball along the flowerpot. Deep and shallow blue, red and green crawling all over the walls and blue sea in the distance give people a great visual impact. So the omnipotent mother once again told me the answer, that basin of deep shallow blue has a strange name called six-fold profit, the first time I heard this name, I thought directly of the pawn shop in ancient times. Well, the name doesn't sound good, but the flowers look good. About seven years ago, I started my six-fold planting road.

Sixfold seeds are very small and slightly larger than fleshy seeds. Sowing is not covered with soil, autumn sowing is best in the south, seedlings do not have to experience summer baking; northern winter indoor heating spring and autumn sowing at will. Seeds germinate in about 5 days when the temperature and humidity are appropriate. The optimum temperature for growth is 15°-25°. It is a long six-month process from budding to flowering, during which a series of preliminary work such as transplanting seedlings, topping, fertilizing, etc., followed by daily maintenance and waiting for flowering.

I remember the first time I planted six times the profit, I was not sure what the situation was. After sprouting and transplanting seedlings, seven or eight pots of large and small seedlings were installed for a long time. A friend came to shun flowers, recommended six times profit, friends saw a full pot of green vegetables, immediately disgusted, said this like my family's bean sprouts, or do not it. Not long after, really not long after flowering, full of a pot, take a photo to a friend to see, she immediately regretted.

Six times the color is not many, white, pink and various shades of blue. I have always felt that the name of Liubei Li is tacky. I planted it once. Then I understood the name as follows: six months from budding to flowering, as long as I take good care of it, I will give you multiple surprises. In fact, the scientific name of Liubei Li is Lobelia erinus, and her name is transliterated.

See a lot of flower friends on this small flower type of grass flower planting some questions, just planted before, share the experience to everyone, there is a need, you can listen to me.

First of all, flowers can not become very beautiful, in the above sowing must have the right time. It took me three years to grow from exposure to sixfold profit to satisfactory results:

The first year, variety trial planting.

The aim is to understand the habits of this plant variety, such as temperature, humidity, fertilizer, medium, container and topping control.

In the second year, seed picking experiment.

The purpose is to understand the most suitable sowing time of this grass flower, and the influence of different picking on the growth of flowers.

In the third year, harvest the finished flowers.

Through trial and error, I concluded that the best sowing time in the Yangtze River Basin (I myself was in Wuhan) was September 10-September 20, not later than November, and not earlier than September 1.

The following year I tried August, September and October sowing, and learned:

Sowing in August, the seedlings will take shape very early, and they can bloom from the end of February to the beginning of March. However, due to climatic conditions, it is difficult to guarantee the sunshine and temperature of flowers and plants, and the flowering effect is not ideal and relatively sparse. As the temperature rises, the internodes of the branches become longer, and the effect of opening will be loose, which will not achieve the goal of fullness. Of course, if you like the effect of hanging very gracefully, it is very ideal.

September is the most suitable month for sowing, especially in the middle of the year. Look back at the pictures to understand my statement.

Sowing in October, the temperature will drop faster, the seedling will be long, and the growth will be slow throughout the winter, so the patience of flower friends will be tested. As the temperature rises in spring, the seedlings will grow gradually, leaving a short time for the control of the topping, and it will be difficult to come up with a good effect.

Therefore, mastering the appropriate sowing time is the key to success. Look at the seedlings sown in August. They are not small very early. By the end of March, they have opened more.

The disadvantage is that the light and temperature are not enough, and the flowers are not dense enough. With the rise of late temperature, the branches will be very long, and it will be easier to disperse, affecting the ornamental nature, only suitable for hanging viewing.

Of course, some flower friends like this, but I prefer to spend a lot of money.

Of course, this early sowing also has certain advantages, that is, the flowering period is long.

Some questions and so on I empty one by one reply, first according to the general direction.

It is certain that the flowers sown in September will come later than those in August. I have more control over the topping, and the flowering will be in late April. At that time, it will just catch up with the small bell opening, so the resources for it are also much less, and there is no more shooting. Because it was experimental, my goal was to understand what I needed.

Take a look at this, that is, September sowing, the density of flowers must be much better, open up the type will not be scattered. Obviously, it looks better when the flowers bloom more densely.

The seedlings sown in October can also be pulled up and bloomed, but because the temperature is already relatively high in the season suitable for growth, the internodes will be longer and the density of flowering will be greatly reduced.

Because this flower is not heat-resistant, so in many places the time to enjoy flowers is limited, you do not want to pull hard for more than half a year, suddenly gone, ha ha. This one was planted in October and blooms.

Because I used the same variety, planted in the same year, so more reference value.

After the first trial planting and the completion of the second year experiment, all the data were summarized to provide a good basis for successful planting in the next season.

In the third season, I chose to sow in mid-September, and gave suitable fertilizer according to the growth needs of different periods. After a long winter of growth and maintenance, I could harvest the most beautiful moment in the spring of the next year.

Let's take a look at some of the flowers first.

Close-up, leaves are becoming less and less common, and that's exactly what I want.

Time: 2019-05-25 Click: