
Make a gentleman's planting method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The gentleman is a kind of plant that is easy to identify, because its floret composed of five petals will droop down when it is fully opened, and the shape of the flower is very special. It blooms from June to September in summer, and the florescence is quite long. There are two types of flowers, single and double, but the most common is single, double is very rare.

The gentleman is a kind of plant that is easy to identify, because its floret composed of five petals will droop down when it is fully opened, and the flower shape is very special. It blooms from June to September in summer, and the flowering period is quite long. There are single and double flowers, but the most common ones are single flowers, double flowers are very rare, and the flowers gradually change from white to pink when they bloom. At first glance, it looks like a plant with flowers of two colors.

Make the gentleman drought-resistant, sprouting and anti-pollution very strong, very suitable for flower corridors, arches, fences, shade climbing plants, he will not only exude beautiful flowers, but also send out elegant fragrance, often linger in the flowers, such an elegant plant, if there is no courtyard only balcony, you also want to have it, in fact, it is not difficult, as long as it is a bright environment, you can also plant two or three plants in a flower trough Climbing on branches or bars, you can still use it to attract bees and butterflies every year.

There are many breeding methods for a gentleman, such as sowing, cutting, ramet or high pressure. Spring and autumn are both suitable for sowing, while the cutting method must select two-or three-year-old branches as cuttings, which are easy to root in well-drained sandy loam and are the most commonly used way of propagation. The suitable temperature for growth is 20: 30 ℃, full-day or half-day sunshine is OK, the general courtyard is very easy to cultivate, and the amount of fertilizer is medium, as long as a little long-acting fertilizer is added in spring every year, and the deciduous period is from November to February in winter, at this time, watering times can be reduced and fertilization can be stopped. If the branches are disorganized quickly due to spring and summer growth, winter pruning can also be used to avoid affecting the next year's flowering.

[planting method]

Propagate with seeds, ramets, cuttings and strips.

Seed seedling transplanting

Harvest ripe and full fruits in autumn and sow with picking, or mixed with wet sand for spring sowing. The height of seedlings can be planted about 30cm.

Ramet propagation: in March, transplant according to the sprouting tillers of the robust mother plant.

Cutting propagation: there are branch cutting method and root cutting method. In the branch cutting method, from February to March or September to October, 1-2-year-old strong branches were cut as cuttings with a length of 20-25cm, which were obliquely inserted on the seedbed and transplanted in the following year. In the root cutting method, from December to January to February of the next year, part of the lateral roots other than the main root 30cm were cut and dug out, and the cuttings with a diameter of more than 1cm were cut into cuttings of about 20cm, and then transplanted in the seedbed one year later.

Striping propagation: from 2 to 3 months, first strong long branches, bent and buried in the soil, or wavy striping, after rooting, intercepted and transplanted. The seedlings propagated by the above methods were planted in mid or late February or in the rainy season. The row spacing was 3.3m × 2.3m. The stable manure was applied in the hole and mixed with the soil. One seedling was planted in each hole, and the root was fixed by watering after planting.

[field management]

1-2 years after planting, often ploughing and weeding, topdressing 2-3 times a year. After entering the fruiting stage, topdressing was applied once at budding and after fruit harvest in the following year. In winter, we should pay attention to cultivate soil or cover weeds at the base to protect against cold. Prune once a year in early spring or after fruit harvest to make the branches evenly distributed. Those planted in pieces should build sheds for them to climb.

Time: 2019-05-25 Click: