
Cultivation techniques of Plum Blossom Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/22, Plum and pine and bamboo are also called old and cold friends, and their flowers are simple and elegant; their branches are mottled and old, and they are not easy to rot, so they are one of the few tree species that can be used as shellfish and sacred branches in bonsai materials. It has high appreciation and collection value, so it is sought after by bonsai teachers.

Plum and pine and bamboo are also called old and cold friends, and their flowers are simple and elegant; their branches are mottled and old, and they are not easy to rot, so they are one of the few tree species that can be used as shellfish and sacred branches in bonsai materials. It has high appreciation and collection value, so it is sought after by bonsai teachers. Plum blossoms are very popular in winter when the flowers are withered. People put the branches of plum blossoms in a bottle or display them indoors when they blossom, beautifying the room and pleasant fragrance.

Plum blossom, Rosaceae plum deciduous trees, beautiful branches, elegant colors, fragrance, in the winter flowers withered, proud frost snow, welcome the cold in full bloom. It represents the indomitable noble quality of the Chinese nation, and its charm, beauty and fragrance are all excellent, ranking first among the top ten traditional famous flowers in our country. Plum blossom is a small deciduous tree of the cherry genus of Rosaceae, which can be used as a pot ornamental. So, how to cultivate the plum blossom bonsai? The following is to introduce the cultivation techniques of plum blossom bonsai:

1. Reproduction

The seed setting rate of plum blossom is not high, and sowing and propagation are rarely used in practical cultivation. It is better to sow in autumn. If spring sowing is needed, the seeds should be stratified with wet sand in autumn and sown with strips in early spring. The sowing seedlings of plum blossom are often used to propagate rootstocks or to select new varieties because of their slow growth rate, late flowering stage and great variation in the seed character of their offspring.

2. Upper basin

Potted plants near flowering in spring should choose loose and fertile sandy soil as basin soil and mix some rotten cake fertilizer while the new leaves are not unfolded. After putting on the basin, it should be watered twice in a row, and then put in a sunny place to cultivate.

3. Watering

Plum blossoms are afraid of waterlogging. too much water will hurt the roots and cause fallen leaves, affecting the opening of pregnant buds. In summer, they are usually watered once every afternoon. On rainy days, the pots should be put down to eliminate stagnant water in time. Water less in autumn and less during flowering and leaf expansion. Newly purchased plum blossoms are often difficult to sprout because they blossom too much to affect the tree. Therefore, from the beginning of flowering to sprouting to budding, it is necessary to spray water on the tree to avoid dry body to facilitate sprouting.

4. Fertilization

In addition to fertilizing plum blossom in spring and changing pots, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied once a week in summer, nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and a small amount of available phosphorus fertilizer should be applied in autumn bud stage, so as to control plant growth and promote flower bud differentiation.

5. Pruning

As far as branches are concerned, strong branches should be cut lightly and weak branches should be cut heavily. The flower bud of plum blossom is formed in the new branch of the same year, in order to make more flowers, the method of pruning can be used to make more branches. Diseased branches, overgrown branches, slender branches, overlapping branches and dead branches should be cut off at any time. Pruning of potted plum is more important than open field cultivation, and thinning and cutting should be equally important and short cutting should be equally important.

6. Modeling

In order to cultivate the bonsai with luxuriant flowers and beautiful trees, in addition to careful maintenance and management, artistic processing is essential, and the basic method is pruning and binding. The formation of flower buds on the new branches of the same year is the characteristic of plum blossom, so if it wants to blossom more, it must be pruned in time to form substantial new branches. The new branches of plum blossoms are easy to grow upward naturally. In order to ensure the beautiful shape of the tree, it is necessary to tie them with ropes in time.

7. Change the basin

Plum blossoms should be changed once every spring after they blossom. Every other year, the pots will be changed after cutting after flowering (March). Changing the basin is to peel off the soil completely and rinse the roots with water. If the work of cleaning up the soil is neglected, the management will go from bad to worse and get out of control in the future. The key to pruning the root is to cut off the thick root and the long root and keep the fine root as much as possible. Because of the close relationship between roots and branches, as long as there are many fine roots, the number of branches will increase, which will contribute to the dense growth of branchlets.

8. Disease and pest control

There are many kinds of plum blossom diseases, the most common of which are powdery mildew, leaf shrinkage, anthracnose and so on. Insect pests such as shell insects and aphids are easy to occur, so they need to be disinfected at the right time.

Time: 2019-05-24 Click: