
Potted planting method of cosmos

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although cosmos plant shape is relatively tall, but its leaf shape looks very elegant, color is also very rich, whether used for landscaping or potted planting, are very beautiful and interesting. Therefore, as a family user, it is also a good choice to plant cosmos as a potted plant. today

Although the plant shape of Persian chrysanthemum is relatively tall, its leaf shape looks very elegant and its color is also very rich. it is very beautiful and interesting whether it is used for landscaping or potted cultivation. Therefore, as a family user, Persian chrysanthemum as a potted plant is also a good choice. Today, the editor will share with you the potted planting method of Persian chrysanthemum.

Persian chrysanthemum can be sown in pots, but it needs to be sown in shallow pots. On the other hand, pot sowing can be used to replenish water after sowing, or sowing can be done after watering through water. Do not water thoroughly after sowing, otherwise the seeds will be easily washed away when the amount of water is too large, which will not only affect the germination of seeds, but also affect the cultivation of seedlings.

And after emergence, the seedlings of Persian chrysanthemum need to be treated in time, during which the water management should be done scientifically to prevent the seedlings from being dry due to lack of water. Usually after 10 days, if the surface nutrient soil becomes dry, it is watered in time. As a pot sowing seedling watering, generally use a multi-eye sprinkler for watering, as just after sowing, can not be directly irrigated with heavy water, to avoid flushing the young roots out of the soil, thus affecting the growth of the roots. In contrast, the immersion method is often more secure.

When the seedlings pull out about 4 true leaves, we can choose the machine for pot transplanting. However, before transplanting, it is recommended to water it once, so that it will be easier to bring soil balls to transplant, the survival rate is often higher, the seedlings are easier to take pots, and grow better in the later stage. After transplanting in the upper pot for 1-2 weeks, in order to promote the strength of the seedlings, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied once, and the frequency of topdressing every 3 weeks can be maintained in the later stage to supplement nutrients.

As the stems of Persian chrysanthemum tend to grow thin and soft, it is easy to lodge, so as a family pot cultivation, the original can set up a support for it in time to support its better growth. And in order to promote the plant to germinate more lateral branches and make the plant shape fuller, it needs to be treated many times before the end of spring, which can also achieve the purpose of controlling the height and make the plant type more beautiful.

Many flowers and plants should properly strengthen the management of water and fertilizer during the growing period, but potted Persian chrysanthemum should properly control water and fertilizer, and usually only need to keep the potted soil moist, so that the plants can grow luxuriantly. When the summer temperature is too high, especially when it is higher than 33 ℃, Persian chrysanthemum will often enter the dormant period, during which the plant is basically in a state of stagnant growth. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the strict control of water and fertilizer at this time.

After the flowers fade, the seeds of Persian chrysanthemum gradually mature and the plants gradually die. If it is necessary to continue sowing, it is often necessary to harvest the seeds in time when they are ripe, and the seedlings can be sowed and propagated in late March next year. If the growth conditions are met, it can usually bloom again as scheduled after 2 months. Of course, we can also adopt the way of cutting to breed young plants. generally, the sturdy top branches are cut in May as cuttings, the length is kept at 8-10 cm, and then cut in the basin. In this way, we can get new Persian chrysanthemum potted.

Time: 2019-05-23 Click: