
Pot planting method of Gesang Flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Gesang flower symbolizes the holy flower of auspiciousness and has a high status in the hearts of the Tibetan people in China. It can be described as a holy spirit on the grassland, so it is regarded as the city flower of Xizang Lhasa City. In addition to its beautiful figure can often be seen on the prairie, it is also planted in many areas in the south of our country.

Gesang flower symbolizes the holy flower of auspiciousness and has a high status in the hearts of the Tibetan people in China. It can be described as a holy spirit on the grassland, so it is regarded as the city flower of Xizang Lhasa City. In addition to its beautiful figure can often be seen on the prairie, in fact, it is also planted in many areas of southern China, and more and more people are planted as family potted plants.

In fact, Gesang flower as a potted plant, it also has a very high ornamental value, and its flowering period is also very long, from June in summer to September in autumn, it can often bloom. However, due to the high temperature and hot weather in the midsummer, the number of flowers will be affected to some extent, but once the temperature drops, a large number of flowers will bloom. So, how do you plant Gesang flowers? Next, the editor will share with you the method of potted planting of Gesang flowers.

First, sowing and reproduction

Gesang flower mostly uses the way of sowing to breed potted seedlings, and it has a certain ability to tolerate drought and cold, and the requirements for potted soil are not strict, so it can be planted with neutral or acidic soil. The sowing time is generally better in April in spring. After sowing the seeds in the culture soil, covering the soil and watering them, you can wait for them to germinate.

Second, the process of raising seedlings

The germination temperature of Gesang flower is between 12 °C and 16 °C, and the most suitable temperature is about 15 °C. After the original completion of sowing, it is necessary to do a good job in the management of temperature and humidity, and if it goes smoothly, it can sprout in about 7-10 days. After budding, in addition to proper watering, it is also necessary to provide a good light and ventilation environment, and when the seedlings pull out 5-6 leaves, they can wait for the opportunity to be planted in pots.

III. Planting in the upper basin

When the seedling of Gesang flower grows to a height of about 5 cm, it happens that the seedling can basically pull out more than 5 leaves, so it needs to be transplanted in time. But as a potted plant, we first need to prepare a large flowerpot, load a lot of soil, and then transplant the seedlings into the flowerpot, while paying attention to keeping a proper distance between the seedlings to avoid overcrowding in the later growth. Usually a few seedlings can be implanted in a flowerpot. Generally transplanting with soil is more conducive to serving pots, and after watering, slow seedlings are placed in places where the light is not strong.

IV. Maintenance and management

The maintenance and management of potted Gesang flower is relatively simple, after all, this kind of flower plant does not have high requirements for potted soil, but also relatively resistant to drought and cold, so it can be raised well without too much care. However, in order for it to bloom smoothly, light is a condition that must be satisfied. after all, Gesang flowers prefer light, and the environment should be ventilated smoothly, and then water and fertilizer management should be scientific. As Gesang flower is more drought-tolerant and barren, so the requirement of water and fertilizer is not high, a small amount of water and fertilizer can be given.

V. Disease and pest control

Gesang flower is a kind of flower plant with strong vitality, but if the environment is not suitable, it will not only affect the normal growth of the plant, but also breed some diseases and insect pests. The common diseases are mainly leaf spot, powdery mildew and so on, which can be sprayed with Taub wettable powder diluted with water; insect pests are mainly aphids, beetles and so on. Once you encounter diseases and insect pests, you can use insecticide essential oil diluted with water to spray, often can achieve better results.

Time: 2019-05-23 Click: