
How to plant seeds of Gesang flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Gesang flower has indomitable vitality, flowering brightly, and can gradually change color with the change of seasons, so it is very suitable for planting in the south. And Gesang flower is also suitable for breeding seedlings by sowing, whether it is planted in the ground or in the pot, it has high ornamental value.

Gesang flower has indomitable vitality, flowering brightly, and can gradually change color with the change of seasons, so it is very suitable for planting in the south. And Gesang flower is also suitable for sowing to breed seedlings, whether it is planted in the ground or potted, it has a very high ornamental value. As long as the temperature of 12 ℃-16 ℃ is maintained during sowing, the seeds can sprout normally. When the seedlings spread out 5-6 true leaves, they can be transplanted. So, how to plant the seeds of Gesang flower?

The sowing and propagation of Gesang flower can be carried out either in spring or in autumn, as long as the temperature is kept above 15 ℃. If it is sown in early spring, it will blossom in May-June in summer, but if the temperature is too high in midsummer, it will blossom less naturally, but it will continue to blossom in large numbers after the autumn weather turns cool. Autumn can be sown in November and blossom in January the following year. Let's take a look at how the seeds of Gesang flower are planted.

First, sowing seeds

Gesang flowers can be sown in both spring and autumn, as long as the temperature and humidity are suitable, they can generally be directly planted in the open field, but they can also be sowed and raised seedlings before transplanting. After sowing the seeds, it is necessary to cover a layer of soil equivalent to 2 times the diameter of the seeds. If the maintenance and management work is done well, the seedlings can generally emerge in 5-10 days.

2. Transplanting

When the seedlings of Gesang flower grow to a height of about 5 cm, and the seedlings spread out 5-6 true leaves, we are ready to transplant. For open-field cultivation, you only need to choose the soil and time and transplant in a suitable weather; if it is a pot, prepare a deeper flowerpot, load it into deeper soil, and then transplant.

III. Management

The maintenance and management of Gesang flower is relatively simple, generally only need to do the necessary heart picking to promote germination and branching and do a good job in water and fertilizer management. Of course, light and ventilation also need to be guaranteed, which is also an important condition to ensure the normal growth of plants.

1. Pick the heart

After the Gesang flower slows down smoothly, the next thing that needs to be done is the maintenance and management work. Original in the appropriate environment, the growth of Gesang flower is relatively rapid, in order to promote its more germination and branching, especially as a potted plant, it needs to be coring many times during the period. This ensures that while branching, more flowers will be produced, thus more flowers will bloom.

2. Watering

Gesang flower is not only drought-resistant, but also relatively cold-resistant, the requirement of water is not high, so watering should pay attention to control the amount to avoid excessive watering and cause adverse effects on its growth. It is generally possible to keep watering twice a week in spring, and watering can be increased in the bud period to maintain a certain degree of soil moisture, while the flowering period should keep the pot soil slightly dry. After entering the summer, due to the rise in temperature and large amount of water evaporation, watering should be increased appropriately.

3. Fertilization

Gesang flower has the characteristics of tolerance to barren, so the demand for soil is not high, even in the period of vigorous growth, there is no need for regular fertilization to supplement nutrients. And fertilizing too much is easy to grow branches and leaves because of too much nutrients, reduce flowering, and may even grow branches and leaves without flowering. Even fertilization is usually carried out in the bud period, which can be maintained with ordinary flower fertilizer every 1-day, and mainly with low concentration of thin fertilizer.

IV. Harvest

The flowering period of Gesang flower is mostly from June to September, which is the most suitable time to enjoy the flowers, and after the flower fades, it begins to bear seeds. Generally, when you see withered and yellow on the branches of the plant, the seeds gradually mature. At this time, you can cut off the inflorescences that once had large and colorful flowers, and then dry them to collect the seeds. However, if the flowering temperature is too high, it is not easy to seed, and even if the seed, it is easier to fall after maturity, so it is necessary to seize the opportunity to harvest seeds.

Time: 2019-05-23 Click: