
Bonsai-- make memories a little tipsy

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the past, little attention was paid to potted plants. It is only in recent years that I began to like bonsai, and Zeng Geometry's father's flowerpot is the last thing I want to help take care of. Now indulge in bonsai, but let the family Xi Xi: you are old! Listen, I laugh. It's true that I'm getting old, but not Cang Lao er! It's just peace of mind.

In the past, little attention was paid to potted plants. It is only in recent years that I began to like bonsai, and Zeng Geometry's father's flowerpot is the last thing I want to help take care of. Now indulge in bonsai, but let the family Xi Xi: you are old! Listen, I laugh. It's true that I'm getting old, but not Cang Lao er! Just calm down, do not want to live under pressure, just want to spend the day leisurely.

As early as the Tang Dynasty Yan Liben's "Duty tribute Map", there is a scene into the bonsai of Gongshan. Tao Yuanming, the famous author of "return and return words" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the founder of potted plants in South China, has used the word "potted plant" in his article praising wild chrysanthemum after he resigned his official and returned to Xiang Li. After Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and even today, there are rich historical documents for textual research. For example, the Chronicles of long things written by Wen Zhenheng at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the six stories of floating Life by Shen Fu, a writer in the Qing Dynasty, and the Flower Mirror, an ancient book of horticulture by Chen Mengzi, a horticulturist in the Qing Dynasty, have stood to record bonsai elegance. It can be seen that it is elegant and charming.

Hehuang Valley, which is located in the border area, is naturally influenced by the scenery of the Central Plains. Like to play with bonsai, explore mountains to find old piles, turning pots to trim branches and leaves is also a lot of fun. Especially in the old Dongguan Hui courtyard, gardens will be set up as much as possible. The garden a few meters square was surrounded by a low wall half a foot high, surrounded by tables and covered with old piles of flowerpots. There are pomegranate, Xifu begonia, whiplash, sand willow and wild flower green, as well as relatively rare pine and cypress and other fruit bonsai. Some golden lotus and peach peony will be planted in the middle of the garden. It is a scene full of vitality. Thus it can be seen that Hui families like bonsai and flowers. This also reflects the persistence of the Hui ethnic groups who believe in the religion of Islamic accession to the WTO and adhere to the adherence to Allah's dependence on nature to live a halal life.

I remember that on a sunny day, the older Hui men moved a chair in the courtyard, made bowls (covered with bowls of tea), and carefully examined the basin of crabapple in the west mansion. Pick a dead leaf, remove a stump, and scrape the bowl twice (take two sips of tea). Then get rid of a few grass chaff and enjoy most of the day leisurely.

What's more, there are people who like the mountains and are as hiking as flying. Every mid-spring, all over the landscape search, search posture old, branches strong sand willow, wild flower green, whip. Careful and meticulous excavation back, but not too complicated to implant in the deep tile bowl, home semi-overcast ventilation place. In the meantime, water is sprayed on the branches from time to time to keep the branches and leaves moist. In such meticulous care and ardent expectation, there are gradually buds and leaves blooming, but there are also those who gradually wither and wither into firewood. The taste of others is very difficult to understand and understand!

Later, under the demolition of urban construction and the rapid expansion of real estate, the once friendly bungalow collapsed. No courtyard, no college, no leisure. The preference of bonsai is limited by conditions, so it fades away and is about to disappear from everyone's sight.

However, human nature advocates the rural instinct of nature, the awakening of beautiful things and traditional culture, and bonsai, which can be close to nature, gradually appear in our field of vision. Of course, due to the limitations of environmental space and other conditions, it is impossible to get the original bonsai with a relatively large size. At the beginning of the game, it is easy to manage and move the size, that is, micro-pots and small bonsai. It is no more than a ruler, and a small one can be as small as an inch. In this size basin, you can comfort the mood of nature and alleviate the depression in the urban cement forest. It can be placed in the living room, let Cuibai Jinsong decorate elegantly; let the enthusiasm of pomegranate begonia enter the room; you can also have a basin of June snow to cool the hot summer a little; you can also put a small Bogu shelf on the head of the writing table and put some tiny scenes of bean pots. There is no need to pick chrysanthemum east hedge inch pot natural interest in front of us.

Those who like to do it themselves can find a sand willow seedling in the north and south mountains in early spring, twist it with aluminum wire, sort out the posture of the weeping willow beside the Baqiao Bridge in Weishui, plant it in a shallow basin and put it on the balcony. Hairy branches grow every day, slowly drooping branches and leaves, light green and verdant as smoke, will make you feel like a farewell to Jingtang poetry. Or at the beginning of the year, on the day of the outing, the small and old ruler can be seen on the edge of the gully. Pick it up and plant it in a square purple sand basin. When you slowly catch your breath, the thin leaves are green and the branches are vigorous. Until Xia Sheng, the golden calyx blossoms, placed on the desk, relaxed and happy. What's more, the wild flower green, which has experienced wind and frost and cold baptism, is predestined to be picked and planted in the rock crevices of Hehuang mountains. Ye Bicui wants to drop, the twists and turns of the branches are paved, and the old skin of the rod is wrinkled and wild. When it is thick in autumn, it sets off the green leaves, red fruits and bright smiles, showing the natural scenery and seasonal changes incisively and vividly in the ruler basin.

After the light summer ceremony in early summer, three or five friends gathered and put on the tea sea to bring out a new purple sand ladle pot, accompanied by the real cypress, sand willow and bamboo. Throw some daffodils in the stone ladle, wait for the peony blossoms in the boiling water in the iron pot, Gaochong, and the tea leaves in the purple sand are tumbling. For a moment, the fragrance of tea is filled with the freshness of cypress fragrance, and the elegance of blue and white porcelain is full of amber and platinum rock rhyme. At this time, through the mist of tea, the pot seems to enlarge, becoming a natural mountain field. At this time, the breeze is light, the soil of game is soaking, and time is very slow. It was as if we were in the courtyard in the depths of the old Dongguan alley: outside the deep gate road came the children calling for friends; my grandfather's recliner was shaking gently on the platform of the north room; the pressure well welded by my uncle in the courtyard corner was rattling with fresh water; the yellow flowers in full bloom on the garden wall were trembling and interacting with bees; the mottled leaves and branches were painted on the steps The squatting boy soaked the ground with a soup bottle and focused on building the gully river in his heart. Everything is slow and warm like a dream!

I'm a little dizzy! In the wild nature of bonsai, I was happy and drunk in a relaxed and indifferent state of mind! Let go of being busy and impetuous and go to play with a basin of natural wild fun. Let the day be calm! To get close to nature, conform to nature, and live a light and leisurely life of innocence. (the rooftop farmer is recorded in the empty well of Baiyu Xiang)

Time: 2019-05-23 Click: