
Disease symptoms of brocade carp, etiology and prevention of white head and mouth of brocade carp

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The cause of white head and white mouth disease of koi can also be caused by a large number of rotifers. The symptoms of the diseased fish are slow movement, slightly dark body color and whiteness on the top of the head and around the mouth. Taking tissue from the focus and examining it under microscope, we can see parasitism in clusters.

White head and white mouth disease can also be caused by a large number of rotifers.

The diseased fish move slowly, have a slightly dark body, and turn white on the top of the head and around the mouth. Take tissue from the focus and examine it under a microscope, you can see clusters of parasitic floral bacteria constantly swinging, or groups of rotifers can be seen. The pigment of the skin around the forehead and mouth of the diseased fish disappears and appears white.

When the disease is serious, festering occurs around the head and mouth, and some fish have congestion in the head. The diseased fish, thin and black, floated along the shore in groups, and soon a large number of deaths occurred.

Usually, the epidemic period of the disease is in April and July of each year. Fish fry under the pond about a week or so prone to this disease. Fish fry are raised in the pond for a period of time (15 ~ 20 days). If the fish fry are not divided into ponds in time, the disease is easy to occur.

(1) thoroughly clean and disinfect the pond and do not put in unfermented fertilizer.

(2) the density of fish fry should be moderate, and the fish fry should be raised in different ponds in time to ensure that the fish fry have sufficient palatable bait.

(3) the treatment was sprinkled with chlorine dioxide in the whole pool for 2 days.

(4) the treatment was sprinkled with bleach in the whole pool.

(5) the gallnut used is mashed, soaked in hot water and sprinkled in the whole pool with dregs and juice.

(6) mix well with 1520 dry grams of quicklime and water per mu and sprinkle it in the whole pool.

(7) the diseased fish pond was sprinkled with furazolidone.

(8) the sick fish pond, sprinkle "strong chlorine essence", once a day, for two days.