
Matters needing attention in the construction of laying hens

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Matters needing attention in the construction of laying hens

Laying hens are the main direction of raising hens in our country, and they have a very broad breeding area in our country. Raising laying hens can not only obtain the benefits of eggs. Knockout chickens can also sell chicken, and its prospects are very good. When raising laying hens, the construction of henhouses is very important, there are many places we need to pay attention to. So the editor today brings you some points for attention in the construction of laying hens. Let's take a look at them.

1. Pay attention to ventilation

In the construction of laying hens, the first thing to pay attention to is to consider its ventilation capacity, because the metabolism of laying hens is relatively strong. There are certain requirements for the quality of the air, and there are more harmful air. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the permeability of the henhouse and make sure that the henhouse has enough vents. If it is a window, then we also need to do a good job of protection to prevent other creatures from entering the chicken coop and to avoid spreading disease. If there are no windows, then it is necessary to install the ventilator reasonably, improve the quality of control and reasonable ventilation.

2. Disinfection pool

The disinfection pool is also a work that we should pay attention to when building a chicken coop. It is because when we raise chickens, we have to disinfect chicken sheds and flocks regularly to prevent the breeding of germs, spread diseases and affect the growth of chickens. When we disinfect laying hens, we usually need water. Therefore, the drainage work after disinfection is also very important, so the floor inside the chicken house should be higher than that outside the chicken house to facilitate the discharge of sewage. Then dig a ditch around, and then set up a disinfection pool at the door to disinfect it regularly.

3. Pay attention to temperature control

In the construction of the chicken house, the temperature control is also very important, we should focus on the temperature control ability of the chicken house. It is necessary to ensure that it has a good cooling function in summer and normal heat preservation in winter. The suitable temperature for laying hens in the growth process is about 15-20 degrees. If the temperature is below 5 degrees, the chicken's food intake will increase, but the feed conversion rate will be affected and decreased. If the temperature is too high, it can easily lead to heat stress reaction in laying hens, which is very harmful to the growth of hens, so the roof and walls of the henhouse are very important.

4. Other points for attention

The demand for light for chicken growth is also relatively large, so when building a chicken coop, we should pay attention to keep the chicken coop with good light transmission ability. Reasonable light can improve the heat preservation ability of the chicken house, and play the effect of disinfection and sterilization, which is very helpful to the growth of chickens. Natural light and artificial light can be used to provide suitable light time and intensity for chickens. Then to design the roof of the chicken house, you can put a layer of straw on the roof, which can effectively insulate the heat, mainly single slope, and improve the drainage performance.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in the construction of laying hens. The construction of the henhouse is very important, and we must make a comprehensive consideration to create a good growth environment for laying hens. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.