
How to maintain Orchid Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise orchid bonsai, what are the benefits? Lan is one of the four gentlemen, so he has the name of Gentleman's Flower. It can be seen that gentlemen are all Alan, Lan's character is very high, Lan is also known as the flower of personality. Since ancient times, both literati and literati like to compare orchid with gentleman. Orchids are almost everywhere in China.

How to raise orchid bonsai, what are the benefits?

Lan is one of the four gentlemen, so he has the name of Gentleman's Flower. It can be seen that gentlemen are all Alan, Lan's character is very high, Lan is also known as the flower of personality.

Since ancient times, both literati and literati like to compare orchid with gentleman. Orchids are almost everywhere in China. It is also known as Chinese orchid. It is the epitome of the noble character of the Chinese nation. It is proud of nature, elegant and pure, not modest, and has won people's admiration for its more elegant posture. With the development of society, people's pursuit of orchid has changed from beauty to orchid quality. Orchids can bring you visual enjoyment, spiritual happiness and moral restraint. These orchids have infiltrated from people's material world to the spiritual realm, it is a jewel of our Chinese culture.

We understand the culture of orchids, we should start from life, understand its maintenance skills. No matter what the bonsai is, careful maintenance is a good thing you need. So what do we need to know about orchids? Orchids need sunlight, but they are not suitable for glare, so in summer, especially at noon, we will try to move it to a cool place. In spring and autumn, it is better to put it in the sun. In winter, because it is too cold outside, so try to put it indoors. Of course, if the winter sun is still warm, you can also leave it outside and dry properly. The sun.

As we all know, bonsai doesn't like rain, so orchids are no exception. Especially in the recent rainy season, people will feel bored, bonsai is the same, long-term rain and humidity, which is not conducive to its growth, which requires us to do a good job of rain and moisture prevention.

The most intuitive purpose of orchid bonsai is to give people a point of view. If you look at it often, you need to deal with it and trim it. The natural length may not be as good as people had hoped. Pruning here, even if it involves repair, including cutting, repair contains the fact that we can get rid of some dead branches and leaves in time, orchid cutting requires timely removal of long bad buds. A few days after flowering, it needs to be cut off in time for better growth in the future.

Orchids have many values. As the most basic ornamental value of bonsai, I don't think I can say more. For example, it can also be used to make scented tea and make some dishes. At the same time, it has certain medicinal value. It can be used as a Chinese herbal medicine to clear away heat and detoxify the lungs.

After reading this article, do you know anything about aristocrats and aristocratic orchids?

Potted orchids teach you five maintenance techniques

Orchids enjoy a high reputation in China. It has a reputation as a gentleman of flowers. It is characterized by fragrance, pleasant color, blooming, elegant and good quality. It has been loved by people since ancient times and has become the object of ancient and modern literati. It is also one of the species often planted by flower lovers. Let us share potted orchids with you and teach you 5 maintenance techniques!

First of all, you must master the growth habits of orchids like Yin, afraid of direct sunlight, like damp, avoid drying, fertile, rich in humus, air circulation environment, taboo eating ordinary soil, soil, flamestone to grow orchids.

Good, pot technology, first put some tiles, broken tiles or small stones at the bottom of the basin to plug the drain hole, and then put the orchid in the middle of the basin according to the length of the orchid. When planting, hold the orchid with your left hand and your right hand. Add soil, shake the soil several times, water the orchids after planting, pour water into the bottom of the basin for a good time, put it in a cool and ventilated place to rest, the sun can be seen for about a week.

Third, fertilization technology, orchid fertilization should pay attention to slow release light fertilizer, general orchid service for two weeks, appropriate fertilization after pot planting.

Fourth, watering technology, after planting orchids, need to be watered. After each watering, it needs to be dried into water. It is called dry and wet, and the control performance of water varies greatly from plant to plant. In hot summer, water is watered every 3 to 5 days. In winter, it can be poured every 7 days or every two weeks.

Fifth, light technology, light is an important factor in the formation of buds. Although the orchid is cool, it rarely blossoms if it is placed in a secluded place all the year round. People in Ilan have long discovered that the orchids on the mountain are long and thin, and the leaves on the mountain are short and gorgeous. Therefore, orchids must pay attention to lighting problems. In spring and summer, it is recommended to put orchids in indoor ventilation windows facing east, taboo orchids are exposed.

Potted orchids, make them solidified, non-rotting roots and no yellow leaves, green all the year round!

I have known for a long time that orchids are the four gentlemen in flowers, but I don't know why orchids win this honor. Before the potted orchids in the house bloom, the red, yellow and light green flowers are silhouetted against the lush blue leaves. It is shy and beautiful, the fresh air is full of fragrance, faint, charming.

Potted orchid, a perennial herb, is also a very valuable flower. It is expensive, not only because of its fragrance, but also because it is different from lotus, "sludge is not stained", chrysanthemum is "not afraid of smoke", it needs a very clean living environment. Tall.

I like orchids because they have a long flowering cycle and sometimes they can open for three months without failure. Spring, summer, autumn and winter will be in full bloom, especially in the long and cold winter. When I get home and see the flowers in full bloom, my happy mood will be greasy. Healthy. The colors of orchids are rich and unusual. It is very elegant and very durable.

A potted orchid is not a good flower. Many flower lovers have the experience of failure and do not begin to grow until the flowering season. Raising orchids is hard work. First of all, you need to understand the habits of orchids. What kind of soil suits it? What kind of environment is suitable for its development? It takes time and energy to understand it and observe it.

The selection of good plant materials is not only the key to raising orchids, but also an important factor to ensure the normal growth of potted orchids. When I planted orchids for a good time, I turned all the flowers and soil into particles because of the rotten roots, but found it difficult to improve and improve bluegrass. Some flowers are in full bloom, but they are weak. It doesn't smell good. Later, I changed the plant material again, using soil, fine sand, mixing some rotten leaves (using fine leaves of coniferous pine and wide leaves of magnolia), particles under the sieve, charred grass ash, and added some corncob crumbs.

Here, we focus on ashes, which is considered a good thing. It is a fertilizer containing trace elements and bacteriostatic agents. However, it has the disadvantage of alkalinity. To adjust, it adds a rotten corncob. Later, interested florists can have a try.

Potted orchids are shady plants. The native trees of orchids are dense forests, and tall trees cover the sun. Therefore, orchids planted in the house must artificially create suitable lighting conditions for them. Daylight should be avoided in daily maintenance. direct. Especially in summer, it is better to put it indoors from 9am to afternoon. However, excessive shading can affect its poor growth and do not blossom easily. Therefore, keep good in astigmatism.

Potted orchids to control the amount of water. Orchids are fleshy roots, watering more and more, watering is not so empty, watering knowledge is to know how to "dry and dry", usually on a slightly dry basis. The resulting roots rarely show rotting roots and premature aging, and the roots become stronger.

Time: 2019-05-18 Click: