
Fertilization techniques of Cherry

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fertilization techniques of Cherry

Cherry is a favorite fruit of many people, and the market benefit is very good. If you want cherries to grow well and grow beautifully, it is very important to control fertilizer and water management. Some inexperienced growers generally do not know how to coordinate the relationship between growth cycle and fertilization. So what is the effect of fertilization at what time and how to apply it?

First, fertilizer requirements

The root system of cherry tree is mainly distributed in the soil layer of 15 to 25 cm, and it is not deep under the main root, so it is not necessary to apply fertilizer too deeply. The root system is mainly distributed within the canopy, so fertilizing along the crown dripping line. Generally, fertilization is applied before sprouting, before sprouting, fruiting period, coloring period and after harvest.

2. Fertilization technology

1. Base fertilizer is applied before sprouting after autumn harvest, and young trees are generally fertilized 50 to 60 centimeters away from the trunk. The big tree fertilizes about 1 meter from the trunk. When fertilizing, do not dig thick roots, damage the root system, the general amount of fertilizer is about 500 jin per mu of mature fully compost farm manure or fallen leaves, mixed soil fertilizer. Generally, ditches are dug and fertilized on both sides of the rows.

two。 When sprouting after sprouting, most of the shoots will be removed to leave healthy and strong shoots, so quick-acting compound fertilizer can be applied to promote sprouting, but the amount of fertilizer can be reduced appropriately after sprouting. At this time, the method of ditching fertilizer directly around the crown is generally adopted, which is convenient for absorption and utilization. About 100 chemical fertilizers are applied per mu.

3. Flowering to fruiting is the key period to determine the yield of cherries. Generally, growth regulators can be sprayed during flowering to protect flowers and fruits. But fertilization must be important, you can dig holes under each tree to apply fertilizer, generally using urea, calcium superphosphate, potassium oxide and other fertilizers. The amount of application per mu is about 100 to 200 jin. Can not be too little, too little is not enough to absorb, use water when applying, so it is easy to absorb and take effect quickly.

4. the fruit after fruit festival needs a lot of nutrients to change color and mature, so we can apply more nitrogen fertilizer at this time, which is beneficial to the growth of leaves, so as to produce certain nutrition of photosynthesis products and supply the fruit. At the same time, it also needs to apply a certain amount of phosphate fertilizer to promote maturity. At this time, the weeds in the garden can be retted and matured into fertilizer and buried in the soil to provide nutrition. Including after harvest, the dead branches and leaves in the garden can be dried and burned into plant ash as fertilizer buried under the tree to protect against cold and strong roots.

When fertilizing cherries, we must pay attention to different application rates and methods in different periods, and even different varieties have different fertilizer requirements, and we must fertilize and top fertilize according to the characteristics of the plant to help the growth and development of cherries.