
How to raise green radish and green plant

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Teach you to grow green pineapple and waterfall green radish in a few minutes must be the most famous variety of many green plants. It has fresh leaf color and clear posture. It belongs to a kind of vines with ornamental value, and its style is very wild. It can be given anywhere in the home.

Teach you to plant green apples and waterfalls in a few minutes

Green radish must be the best-known variety of many green plants. It has fresh leaf color and clear posture. It belongs to a kind of vines with ornamental value, and its style is very wild. It can be given anywhere in the home. The home environment brings a touch of bright color.

When it comes to raising green turnips at home, many flower friends must see pictures of green radish waterfalls exposed in forums or bars. It not only looks spectacular, but also adds freshness and green to the home environment.

(the picture is from green radish.)

However, the development of green radish waterfall is not so easy. Many flower friends complain that their green pineapple grows too slowly, or that it has only leaves and no ivy. Next, the editor will give you a detailed introduction to the correct waterfall for planting green pineapple, so that the development of green pineapple is no longer a problem.

(the picture is from green radish.)

Basic maintenance

1, first of all, we should pay attention to the basic maintenance of green radish, and master these basic points, which is the starting point and key to the development of green radish waterfall.

Because the green radish is sensitive to light and cannot accept too much direct sunlight, a better way is to keep the green turnip at home where it can illuminate astigmatism, which will help accelerate its growth.

2. The cultivated soil can choose a kind of relatively loose and fertile slightly acidic soil, which can be properly mixed in the soil before solidification, and some completely decomposed organic fertilizer will be added to the soil, the effect will be better.

3, the second is the problem of watering, watering is undoubtedly an important part of maintaining green radish, but it does not need to be too vigilant, watering once a week, the frequency can be maintained at about two days.

Cultivate skills

Proper pruning can promote the growth of green radish, stimulate the green radish to sprout new vines and leaves, and accelerate its growth. If you want to develop a green radish waterfall, proper timing pruning is necessary.

Pay attention to the technique during pruning, carefully observe the phenotypic color and growth posture of green pineapple, cut off the color of old leaves and branches as far as possible, and promote the germination of young leaves.

2. Changing basins regularly every two years is also a great skill in developing waterfalls, because green pineapple grows faster than other plants, and its roots grow faster, so regular basin changes help to promote the respiration of its roots. Speed up the healthy growth of green pineapple.

It is better to change the basin in the early spring season or in June and July. When changing the pot, some bad roots can be cut off to promote the emergence of new roots.

3. Another point is that in the processing of green radish, in addition to the above maintenance methods and techniques, some substances can be added to the watering to increase the effect of nutrition and external fertilization. .

As for the specific substances to be added, there are actually many alternatives. Fermented rice, fish culture water, aspirin solution and vitamin B12 solution are all good choices for green root fertilization. However, please remember to use a certain proportion of water before use.

Raise green radish: use it to make the leaves green, big, and hot within 1 month!

Green radish is a common green plant, which appears in almost every family. It can not only beautify the environment, but also purify the air, reproduction is also very simple, the leaves are green, greasy, with great ornamental value!

Green turnips can survive by cutting. It likes hot and humid environments. It can be put in a bright place. If the light is too dark, the leaves of the green radish will become smaller and the color will become lighter. In warm places, green apples will grow very vigorously as long as they are properly maintained and at the right temperature.

If you are growing a big green radish, it usually gets wrapped around a brown post. It usually needs to be trimmed during management. As long as water and fertilizer are suitable, the leaves will grow longer and the cut branches can be re-used as cuttings. Growth.

When you often water the green radish, you can pour the green radish with diluted beer, or you can wipe the leaves with beer water, and the leaves will remain green and shiny. Carefully pour the big-leaf green radish along the brown column so that the air root connected to the brown column can also absorb water. However, it is necessary to avoid water accumulation in the basin and lead to rotting roots.

But you know what: throw these two pills into beer, which is used to pour green radishes, which is 10 times better than beer alone.

aspirin. Aspirin is a common antipyretic analgesic. Salicylic acid, the main active component, enables plants to synthesize new proteins, improve plant drought resistance and enhance immune function. It has an effect on plant rooting, wound inhibition and growth promotion!

Using 2 aspirin solution in 500ml beer, watering green radish in summer, once every 7-15 days, can remove the pores of green radish, reduce water evaporation and improve the drought resistance of green radish. In addition, spraying 1: 1000 aspirin beer solution can effectively promote green leaves and long leaves and prevent yellow leaves in the vigorous growing season of green pineapple.

Vitamin B12. Mash vitamin B12 and mix it with beer. Usually, mix 1 tablet of vitamin B12 into a can of beer and let it ferment for 5-7 days. Then you can use it to water the green radish. The ratio of water to water is 1: 10. It is recommended that once a week, the green radish grows vigorously and the leaves are green.

Raise the green pineapple, hope that the leaves are green and the blasting basin is fast. Just add these two drugs to the beer to make sure the green meat in the house is crushed and tracked, and the leaves burst within a month!

The green turnip can get stronger and stronger, it will burst in a week!

As the most common green planting basin, green pineapple can be used to describe the blasting basin that everyone can use, but there are still many people who can't raise it. They always find themselves dead when they raise them. In fact, they want their radish to grow luxuriantly, and there is no special way. As long as you master its habits and manage it a little bit, it will explode one day.

I read a similar article before that the green shoots were cut off from the ground, and then a pot would be blown up soon, and then I would really do it. Later, because there is no photosynthesis of the leaves, the root absorbs no place to consume nutrients, and later it is dead.

In fact, green radish is very good, do not deliberately pursue any fast methods, usually as long as properly managed, will soon become very luxuriant, then look at it, what I usually do.

Green radish is more like fertile soil, so when we plant it, we can choose to add a small amount of perlite and peat, or use flower-like horticultural soil; after planting, we should choose a suitable location, because green radish likes to scatter light, so it should not be placed on the south side of the sheep's hoof or window, preferably in the living room or east window. Green turnips don't like water and usually keep the potted soil dry, or find some water after the branches are not alive, but if you want to grow green, fertilization is usually essential. You can use slow release fertilizers or compound fertilizers that contain a lot of nitrogen every month. Green radish likes a warm growing environment, and the temperature can be controlled at 18 times. Between-30 degrees and above 10 degrees in winter. If the summer temperature is too high, please be sure to ventilate in time, otherwise it is prone to root rot.

Time: 2019-05-11 Click: