
Do not rely on political orders, Taiwan banana sales day to achieve another success! Quality management is better than people, banana farmers in Pingtung won the big order.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Do not rely on political orders, Taiwan banana sales day to achieve another success! Quality management is better than people, banana farmers in Pingtung won the big order.


Taiwan's banana export to Japan broke through the predicament. In addition to the purchase order of 10,000 metric tons for three years at the Tokyo Food Fair in March this year, it was reported today that Japan Arai Commercial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Arai Commercial Co., Ltd.) through the medium of the Agriculture and Food Department, today (10) signed a daily sales contract of 500 metric tons with Yilong Agricultural products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yilong Agricultural products") at a price of 25 yuan per kilogram of bananas (after selection).

Japan believes that Taiwan's bananas have grown greatly in cold chain and cleaning technology after harvest, and their taste and aroma are much better than those of Philippine bananas. Although the price is relatively high, it is still popular in the market. Apart from the initial purchase of 500m tons this year, it hopes that the quantity will steadily double in the year after next. The total amount is expected to reach 5000 metric tons in four years.

According to the statistics of the Agriculture and Food Administration, in 1987, Taiwan's total banana output was 356,590 metric tons, and the export volume was only 1872 metric tons (of which 1766 metric tons were exported to Japan), accounting for only 0.5 percent of the country's total bananas. Yu Zhirong, general manager of Yilong agricultural products and banana farmer, said that the Japanese banana market is in great demand, which is about 1 million metric tons a year, and Taiwan now accounts for less than 0.2%. There is a lot of room for growth in the future, as long as it can win 1% of the Japanese market. It will be of great help to stabilize domestic banana prices.

Press conference on joint cooperation signing ceremony for export bananas (Photo courtesy / Council of Agriculture)

Banana sales Day has opened a red market this year, which has repeatedly achieved good results.

It takes a year for Taiwan bananas to ripen, and the growing period is twice as high as that of Philippine bananas, giving birth to fine flesh, taste, aroma and excellent flavor. However, when the domestic price is good, it is impossible to stabilize the supply and export of goods. Coupled with the imperfect handling of cold chain collection after harvest, Taiwan banana export continues to decline, from 19433 metric tons of bananas in 1997 to only 1872 metric tons in 107, leaving less than 10%. (see the detailed chart at the end of the article)

In March this year, the Council of Agriculture led a team to the Tokyo Food Fair to sign export contracts of 3000 metric tons each for three years and 1000 metric tons a year, respectively. Chen Jizhong, chairman of the Council of Agriculture, assured the Japanese side that a platform for the export of agricultural products would be set up to not only ensure a stable supply, but also assist the producing area in upgrading specifications from collection, cleaning, classification and packaging to cold chain logistics.

According to the statistics of the Agriculture and Food Department, the export volume reached 1360 metric tons as of May 9 this year, an increase of 67 percent over the same period last year (1766 metric tons of bananas were exported to Japan in 107 years). This year, the total amount of bananas sold per day is estimated to be 400m tons. with the addition of Arai's orders, the performance has grown to 900m tons.

Yu Zhirong: the Japanese side is sure to collect goods in the cold chain after harvest, and the order price is good.

Yu Zhirong, who won the Japanese order today, is also a banana farmer, the monitor of the production and marketing class and the general manager of the agricultural company, working in one stop from production to back-end collection. Yu Chih-jung said that in the past, the Japanese side had less confidence in the post-harvest treatment of Taiwan bananas, so in order to avoid the impact of hot weather on quality, the purchase of bananas was mostly completed before July. In recent years, production areas to strengthen cold chain collection and other management measures, even if the supply of bananas after July can still ensure quality, word-of-mouth also gradually opened up the market.

Chen Li-Yi, head of the crop production Section of the Agriculture and Food Department, said that Arai Commercial purchased bananas from Taiwan for the first time, on the one hand, because bananas in the Philippines have been affected by yellow leaf disease in recent years, and because bananas have grown for a long time, the aroma and flavor of bananas in the Philippines is better than that of Philippine bananas. Therefore, through the Japanese Yue Yuan Trading Company (the parent company of Taiwan's Yumao House), it was finally mediated by the Agriculture and Food Department to Yu Chih-jung, a banana farmer in Pingtung who has been engaged in banana transportation and marketing for a long time.

Yu Chih-jung said that after Arai came to Taiwan, he actually went to the orchard and the collection yard to inspect and confirmed that the fullness of bananas, cold chain equipment and space in the collection yard all met the needs, and immediately asked to sign the contract. In the first year, it will supply 500 metric tons, and then it will double year by year. It is estimated that it will be able to supply 5000 metric tons by 111. the price of green plantains will be 25 yuan per kilogram, which is quite good.

How to ensure a stable supply? Yu Zhirong: guided by time

Behind the receipt of the order was years of painstaking effort. Last year, Yu Zhirong discovered that drastic changes in the weather had shortened the ripening time of bananas. He immediately expanded the existing 150 ping refrigerated space to 450 ping, and increased the weekly container capacity of 200 metric tons to 300 metric tons. In order to face the temporary explosion that may be caused by climate change, and avoid affecting the quality of bananas.

Yu Chih-jung says that the export of bananas in Taiwan has been abandoned for many years, and the success it has achieved today is to regain trust through long-term transactions. Apart from strengthening post-harvest processing, whether farmers can stabilize supply is also a big test.

"if the price for domestic sales is good, farmers will not hand it over for export." Yu Zhirong pointed out the difficulties of export sales in the past, but he said optimistically. "I was born as a farmer, and I can forgive him. We have to give him 100% of his original production. 10% and 20% of his original production will be given to me for export. I am a banana farmer, and there is nothing I can do but to guide him with time."

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