
How to control spinach aphids

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to control spinach aphids

Spinach is a common vegetable in daily life, which is favored by consumers and has a wide planting area because of its good taste and high nutritional value. in the process of planting, aphids are the pest with the highest incidence and the longest harmful time of spinach, which seriously affects the income of farmers. The following editor summarizes the symptoms, rules and control methods of spinach aphids for your reference.

1. Harmful symptoms

Aphids, also known as honey insects, are mainly parasitic on the leaves of spinach, using its thorns to constantly suck the juice of the leaves, which will lose water and wither after sucking, resulting in leaf curling, slow growth or stagnation, and poor growth of spinach. In its outbreak period, a large number of aphids gather on the leaves, which will suck up the whole leaf in a short time, causing the whole plant to wither and die. at the same time, it is also the disseminator of a variety of diseases, such as virus disease, seriously affecting plant growth, affecting late yield, and may even lead to no harvest.

2. Occurrence regularity

The breeding rate of aphids is very fast. Generally, more than ten or twenty generations can occur in a year, and its reproduction rate varies according to temperature conditions. It can occur throughout the year in both the south and the north. Generally, more than 10 generations occur in North China and 20-30 generations in the Yangtze River basin. It has a strong tendency to yellow, while silver gray is avoidant, mainly adults and nymphs gather on leaves and tender stems to absorb juice, the secretion of honeydew will also lead to leaf curling, growth stagnation, but also can spread disease.

3. Prevention and control methods

The prevention and control of aphids should be done in many ways. First of all, biological control methods can be adopted to maintain ecological balance and make full use of the natural enemies of aphids for biological control. Then carry out physical control, aphids are more sensitive to yellow, which can be fully utilized when planting. Yellow cardboard is smeared and hung between vegetable rows, and the cardboard should be replaced regularly, which can reduce the use of medicament, reduce drug residue, improve quality and realize green pollution-free food. Finally, drug control can be taken, such as aldicarb, dimethoate, fenvalerate and other agents, but pay attention to the concentration, at the same time, agents should be used alternately to avoid drug resistance.

The above is the introduction of how to control spinach aphids. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.