
How to sow green peach

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peach blossom and dew seeds, photographed by SunberryApric in Tsinghua University, Lianhuachi Peach is a variety of peach and a genus of Rosaceae. It is customary to refer to the semi-double and double-petal species that belong to ornamental peach blossoms. The peach blossom period is from March to April, which is longer than that of plum, and the flower color is rich.

Peach blossom and dew seeds depend on the Sunberry Apric of the cloud

Taken in Lotus Pond of Tsinghua University

Peach is a variety of peach and a genus of Rosaceae. It is customary to refer to the semi-double and double-petal species that belong to ornamental peach blossoms. The peach blossom period is from March to April, which is longer than the plum blossom period, with rich colors, rich colors and more patterns. Common varieties are white peach, peach, red peach, the same plant sprinkled with the same peach, the same flower or even the same petal, as well as chrysanthemum, peach, colorful peach, crying peach, red leaves, peach and other varieties

Medicinal value

The glue secreted on the peach skin, commonly known as peach gum, can be used as an adhesive. It is a polysaccharide that can form arabinose, galactose, xylose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid and so on. Edible, but also used in medicine, it has the effect of breaking blood and tonifying qi.

Taken by Old Summer Palace

The prince boasted that the moon was full and the jade smashed the crane.

The song flew later, and I don't know where it is.

Lushan Temple (Tang Xuwei)

Taken by Old Summer Palace

Feng Biao sounds like Z Xia. I don't know who is outside the wall.

There is no deep search for heavy doors, and there are suspicious peach trees.

Listen to the neighbors brag (Tang Lang Shiyuan)

Photographed by Old Summer Palace, Bai Bitao

In the sky, peaches and exposed species, red apricots on the sun are planted by clouds.

Furong was born in Qiujiang and did not complain to Dongfeng.

After a good article, Shang Yongchong Gao Shilang (Tang Gao Gao)

Photographed by Old Summer Palace, Bai Bitao

The Phoenix blew the sound of the hospital and the peach blossoms fell.

Bathing in the dragon pond, a wave of golden light.

The good words and grievances of the court (1, Ming and Huang Zhong)

Taken by Old Summer Palace, hearts

Before Xuan tree, there is a peach blossom.

Several degrees of self-openness still decline, rather than red and purple.

Bi Tao Wazir (Ming Xie Jin)

Taken by Old Summer Palace, hearts

The high and low vanilla is sleepy green, the stream is not clear.

The shore of the peach is rich in water and has a very spring sky.

Xihu quatrains in Concord Palace (Qing, Zhang Ruocheng)

Taken by Old Summer Palace

The wind blew through the peaches and the open mountains smelled the birds.

Even if there is tap water, it has already crossed the west of Shiqiao.

The hut is in the bamboo and the firewood is separated by the stream.

Look back at the clouds, look back at Baiyun fans.

An interview with Yu Xiangfan (Wang Shusheng in Qing Dynasty)

The following peach blossom photos were taken at Tsinghua campus.

Filmed at Tsinghua University

A spring in the south of the Yangtze River wrote that lakes and mountains are distinct.

It's sunny by the Little Red Bridge.

Xiaofeng willow shore, so let the boat go.

The sea otter had just left the foot of the bank, and there was a scarred green pavilion.

Pretty makeup is the first to give up the cold life.

The peach blossom is far away, only the mountain peak is calculated.

The former title of Linjiang County. Compassionate (Deng Yu of Qing Dynasty)

Filmed at Tsinghua University

The building is slippery and rainy, and the yellow one is wicker style.

Pick up half of the spring

Born a little habit, a screen window.

Shame and green, lazy, white

Helplessness is embarrassing.

If you don't wear eyebrows, you will have hatred, and you can hide some.

Often lead to a half-spring (martial arts of the Qing Dynasty)

Filmed at Tsinghua University

Green hills, red dragonflies

A good spring cut off the ramp.

The sky is leaving the peach blossoms and the world is competing for coral trees.

Peony remedial, green plum acid broken

It's hard to write a romantic sentence this time.

In front of the lamp, I still like ink floating, knowing that the entertainment industry is entangled.

Tatsusha Line Spring Night Writing (Qingliwen)

Filmed at Tsinghua University

Selected in this issue: Zhang Xuefang

How to plant sweet-scented osmanthus seeds?

Osmanthus fragrans is a kind of flower that everyone likes very much. This is a common green tree. The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus can be used not only as tea, but also as medicine. The economic value is very high. So, how do sweet-scented osmanthus seeds grow?

The sowing of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds in ● is generally carried out by banding method. The specific style is:

One. First of all, there are horizontal or vertical grooves on the seedbed. The width of the grooves is 12cm and the depth of the grooves is

Bay germinates one seed per 6~8cm in the ditch and generally can plant 30000 beads in an acre of land.

C . Put the umbilical side on the side of the seedling so as not to bend the radicle and young stem and affect the growth of the seedling.

D . Cover fine soil after sowing, and the thickness of the covered soil should not exceed 2 to 3 times the transverse diameter of the seed.

That is, after covering the soil, flatten the surface to avoid stagnant water, and then cover it with a thin layer of straw so that the soil is not visible, and the rope is tightly pressed to prevent the grass from being blown away by the wind.

F . Then spray water thoroughly with a delicate spray can until the soil is soaked. Grass mulching and water spraying can keep the soil moist, avoid soil compaction, and promote seed germination and early emergence.

● seed germination time and details, we should pay special attention to the following points:

First of all, uncover the grassland. when the seeds sprout from the soil, the grasslands should be opened correctly on cloudy days or in the evening. The grasslands should be divided, and part of the covered grass can be left between the seedlings to keep the seedbed moist, reduce water evaporation and prevent the growth of weeds.

Good, sunshade, after covering the grass, shading should be shaded in time to keep the light transmittance of the awning at 40%, and ensure that the shade is covered in the morning and exposed at night; in sunny places, rainy weather and mid-September, Reed curtains can be used for storage and storage.

Third, loose soil, loose soil must be paid attention to, timely, deep 2~3cm, should be shallow rather than deep, to prevent root damage.

Fourth, weeding, weeding can be combined with loose soil, and strive to achieve early, except small, in addition. In addition, weeds should be removed from ditches, trails and ridge edges to clear the ground, eliminate pests and breeding sites.

Fifth, between seedlings and sweet-scented osmanthus, there are fewer seedlings, because sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings have strong resistance to shade and grow slowly.

Sixth, when transplanting seedlings, be careful not to destroy the root system of preserved seedlings. After transplanting, the seedlings should be irrigated once to make the roots of the seedlings closely combine with the soil.

Seventh, irrigation and drainage, sweet-scented osmanthus trees have high requirements for water, summer and autumn dry season must pay attention to drought-resistant seedlings, irrigation time is sooner or later. Adopt the method of rapid irrigation and rapid discharge, watering evenly, drainage should be strengthened in rainy season to avoid seedlings.

Eighth, fertilization, seedlings unearthed a month later, enter the vigorous growth period of seedlings. At this time, make sure to irrigate the decomposed dilute fertilizer or nitrogen fertilizer once a month. The concentration is 10kg mash fertilizer or 150g-200g urea or 300g-400g thiamine per 100kg water. With the growth of seedlings, the concentration of fertilization can be increased appropriately. After falling, stop applying to prevent the seedlings from growing and suffering frost injury. When topdressing, do not let the fertilizer adhere to the seedlings, so as not to cause damage.

Ninth, pest control, the most common diseases of sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings are brown spot and Fusarium wilt, resulting in leaf yellowing, seedling root and root skin rot, resulting in the death of the whole plant; and it is also easy to produce aphids, so special attention should be paid to it.

Tenth, transplant, sweet-scented osmanthus is generally 1 year old, seedling height can reach 20~30cm, the next spring can transplant. The height of 2-year-old seedlings is about 60 cm. When the height of 3-year-old seedlings is about 1 m, they need to be retransplanted. There are many sweet-scented osmanthus trees for shade or trunk trees. This requirement is relatively high. It usually needs to be cultured for 8 to 10 years, with a height of 2 to 3 meters and a base diameter of 8 to 1.

How to plant carnation flower seeds

Carnation flowers are various and colorful, and they are often used as special flowers on Mother's Day, symbolizing pure maternal love. In addition to its rich and colorful colors, carnation flowers bloom for a long time, usually from spring to autumn. If you use it as a potted plant and keep it well managed, you can make it blossom in all seasons. It is a good product for greenhouse potted plants.

Carnation is usually used to sow seedlings, but sowing is appropriate, especially in a temperature environment. The better temperature for seed germination is usually between 21 °C and 22 °C. The sowing time should be in September after the beginning of autumn each year. So, how do you plant the seeds of carnation?

First of all, we need to prepare the nutrient soil in advance as a nursery bed, and then sow the seeds in the nutrient soil. However, moisturizing should be done well after sowing. The pot soil must be kept suitable for the germination of carnation flower seeds. Usually about 5 days after sowing, we can see the seeds that appear in the image, and 10 days later, they often appear.

Temperature management at the seedling stage is also important and usually needs to be kept at about 10-20 °C; when the seedlings take out 4-5 leaves, we need to transplant them in time. If the management measures are in place after maintenance, they will usually blossom next spring. At that time, we will be able to see the style of potted carnations.

Carnation is not a perennial plant, it is a perennial herbaceous flower plant. As potted plants, we need to apply enough base fertilizer in the pot, and 2-3 seedlings can be planted in each pot. When the seedlings grow to the height of about 15cm, the germination process is carried out in time to promote the germination of more lateral branches, and the plant is more fully shaped.

In the later stage, we also need to properly remove some axillary buds, otherwise plants are easy to sprout too many branches, resulting in fierce nutrient competition between branches, thus changing plant types. As a result, too many flowers bloom and the nutrients are too dispersed, making the flowers too small to affect ornamental value. By properly removing some axillary buds, nutrients will be concentrated on the remaining flowering branches, ensuring that plants are more beautiful, flowers are larger, and potted plants are more ornamental.

However, the management of potted carnations in light, temperature, water and fertilizer is also very important, especially in the growing period. The growing period usually needs to be placed in a well-lit and well-ventilated environment. In the meantime, the basin soil must be maintained with proper humidity. You can keep thin liquid fertilizer once a week, but you need to control the concentration of liquid fertilizer. Low concentration, thin fat and diligent application.

After entering the summer, due to the high temperature, in addition to watering work, but also need to often spray water for cooling and moisturizing. At the same time, as there is more rainfall in summer, it is necessary to do a good job of drainage and flood control in time. If the basin soil is difficult to soak in water, the soil must be loosened in time to improve the looseness and permeability of the soil, at the same time improve the permeability of the soil, and ensure the smooth infiltration of water. Soil that discharges excess water.

When the temperature drops in autumn and winter, watering must be properly controlled, especially in the cold winter, and the soil must be watered as little as possible to keep the soil slightly dry. In addition, the temperature should be kept between 5-8 ℃, which can not only ensure a smooth winter, but also promote the flowering of potted carnations in winter and next spring, and prolong the ornamental value.

Time: 2019-05-08 Click: