
Flowering time and maintenance methods of Celosia cristata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The colors of cockscomb are bright red, orange, crimson, purple, white, red and yellow, and the leaves are dark red, emerald green, yellowish green, red green and so on. It is very popular in summer and autumn. When will it blossom? Let's take a look at the flowering time and curing method of cockscomb.

The colors of cockscomb are bright red, orange, crimson, purple, white, red and yellow, and the leaves are dark red, emerald green, yellowish green, red green and so on. It is very popular in summer and autumn. When will it blossom? Let's take a look at the flowering time and curing method of cockscomb, and have a good understanding of it.

Cockscomb blossom time

This is an annual plant. Therefore, its growth rate is relatively fast. Sometimes it blossoms two or three months after sowing. Usually, it blossoms in summer and autumn, depending on the months from July to October. However, its flowering period is also related to the region.

The main effect is temperature. Due to the great difference in climate between the south and the north, the flowering period will not be different. In addition, the flowering period is also related to planting sooner or later. Therefore, autumn is just a difficult stage. There will be differences under different conditions.

Cultivation methods of Celosia cristata

(1) Lighting: adequate light must be ensured during flowering. Otherwise, its inflorescence is very small and the quality of its flowering will not be very good.

(2) temperature: the suitable temperature also has a great influence on its flowering. The specific range is 18 to 28 degrees. If the summer temperature is too high, or the cooling is too low, it must be adjusted.

(3) Fertilizer: under normal circumstances, this plant requires fertilizer, let alone blossom. One or two compound fertilizers need to be applied before and during flowering. In addition, attention must be paid to the application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers as little as possible. Otherwise, it may be very long, with only very long stems and leaves. Lightness hinders flowering, while heaviness may lead to lodging.

(4) moisture: watering should not be too much. Especially after flowering, you need to control the water. But if the weather is dry, you can pour more. It needs to be drained on rainy days.

The role of cockscombs

Ornamental effect

The cockscomb is named for its flower-shaped shape similar to that of cockscomb. It enjoys the reputation of "flowers and birds" and is one of the famous open herbal flowers in the garden.

There are many kinds of cockscombs. Tall, medium and short three types, there are cockscomb, torch, feather ball, feather and fan and other shapes.

In terms of color, cockscomb is very rich in color, such as bright red, orange, crimson, purple, white, red and yellow; leaves are crimson, emerald green, yellowish green, red green and so on. It has become a common flower bed flower in summer and autumn.

Decorative effect

Cockscomb can also be used as a cut flower material, and the cut vase can be preserved for more than 10 days. It can also make dried flowers and won't die for a long time.

Purification effect

Celosia cristata can also purify the air, has good resistance to sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride, and can play multiple roles in greening, beautifying and purifying the environment.

Celosia cristata is suitable to be used as a green plant in a factory, and it can be called a popular ornamental flower resistant to pollution.

Drug action

The cockscomb is sweet and cool.

Flowers contain a variety of vitamins, such as protein, fat, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B1, B2, B4, B12, C, D, and Hawthorn, amaranth, alcohol, terpineol, potassium nitrate. 21 kinds of amino acids, 13 kinds of trace elements and 51 kinds of natural enzymes and coenzymes have high medicinal value.

The protein content of cockscomb seeds is as high as 73%, which can make up for the lack of food content. Celosia cristata seed has the function of cooling blood and hemostasis. it is mainly used to treat intestinal wind, hematochezia, red blood, dysentery, uterine bleeding, vaginal secretions and turbidity.

Celosia cristata seedlings can also be used to treat hemorrhoids, dysentery, hematemesis, blood stasis, blood collapse, urticaria and other diseases.

Cockscomb language

The cockscomb is red, flat and named after the cockscomb. It enjoys the reputation of "flowers and birds".

Chicken crown peanut has been in autumn for a long time, a desolate season, as the saying goes: "since ancient times has been lonely and lonely." The hot summer has just passed, cool all over the world, people's mood is also depressed.

But the cockscomb, this magical creature, blooms like fire, with fiery red colors and flowers, and people give it the flower words of "true love is eternal".

The Legend of cockscomb

According to legend, there was a scorpion on the mountain near a village in ancient times. It often turns into a beautiful woman, confusing young people, and then they are fooled into mountain caves to smoke and strangle their brains.

One day, a young man named Shuangxi in the village was so fascinated by her that he took her home. Shuangxi raised a big rooster and saw the original appearance of the cockroach, so it rushed to the cockroach. However, Double Happiness does not know why. Under the provocation of the cockroach, he also drove the rooster out of the house. The rooster ran to the mountain and never came back.

On this day, Yan Jing deceived Shuangxi into the cave in the mountains. Just as she was ready to accept the brain of double happiness, a big rooster suddenly rushed up and slammed into the scorpion's head. He was forced to show his original state and fight the rooster. Later, the rooster smashed it, but after the poisoning was too deep, it was scarred and died.

After double happiness woke up, I saw the body of the big cockroach and the body of the rooster, and then suddenly realized. He felt very sad and held the rooster in his arms and tears fell on it.

Shuangxi later buried the rooster on the hillside. After a while, a small grass grew out in the place where the rooster was buried. Later, there was a flower similar to the crest of the rooster. The whole plant is like a big rooster. People think it is a double happiness rooster, it is called "alpaca". Therefore, this flower symbolizes eternal life and will not die.

Time: 2019-05-08 Click: