
How to raise a gentleman orchid

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Gentleman orchids should learn to keep it this way in summer. For many flower lovers, the summer heat is a terrible existence, and many flowers will be killed unknowingly. For gentleman orchid, do you know how to maintain it in summer? Maintain the environment in summer, the weather is very hot

Clivia should learn to keep it that way in summer.

For many flower lovers, summer heat is a terrible presence, and many flowers will be killed without knowing it. For clivia, do you know how to maintain it in summer?

maintain environmental

In summer, the weather is very hot, so Clivia will enter a semi-dormant state. At this time, measures must be taken to prevent heat stroke. Place it in a semi-shady, semi-ventilated place. Usually, you can leave room for it. Water sprays cool and moisturize.


In summer, the temperature is particularly high, so the corresponding evaporation is particularly large. Under normal circumstances, watering is required once a day, but the specific conditions are still determined according to the dry and wet conditions of the soil. It shall be carried out in accordance with the principle of drying and thorough pouring. If watered, rain is better.


In summer, the weather is very hot and the rain is very special, so at this time, fertilization should be stopped, otherwise it may lead to rotten roots.


For Clivia, its normal flowering period is from New Year's Day to Spring Festival, but in summer, its flower arrow will grow, the flower will not be very good, and the flowering period is also very short, so remove its arrow, or it will affect its subsequent flowering.

prevent pests

In summer, if the ventilation is poor, Clivia during dormancy will be attacked by scale insects, and prevention and treatment should be timely.

The maintenance of clivia in summer is also a big problem, so in the process of protection, maintenance should be carried out according to its growth, rather than blindly improving.

How can clivia grow so fast? The old gardener said: you can master watering!

Mr. Zhang is a flower friend and has been cultivating a gentleman for nearly a year. Though he loved the gentleman, he had never seen long leaves. Flower friends are particularly depressed. They have learned a lot about Clivia, and they have tried it one by one. Then one day I met an old gardener. He told his flower friends that as long as they mastered watering! Because I want to plant flowers, the most important thing is to master fertilizer. Watering is especially important. Mr. Zhang returned home and began watering the old gardener. I didn't expect his clivia to grow new leaves soon. Below is the clivia. A watering can.

Clivia watering times and amounts must vary with the seasons. Summer, heat and heat. When the temperature exceeds 30°C, Clivia goes dormant and leaves grow very slowly. At this time, as long as the roots are not dry, it is necessary to control the amount of watering and extend the watering time. You can often pour some floating water on the foliage. In summer, water evaporates a lot in the soil, so don't just look at the surface of the potting soil, but the dry and moist lower part of the potting soil will not be watered. Don't always pour water and water in summer. The timing of watering is highly correlated with the season.

In spring and winter, indoor mornings are the lower temperatures of the day. When watering in the morning, the temperature of the water is close to the temperature of the potting soil, which is conducive to plant growth. Summer and autumn, the temperature is high, the temperature is high, the water evaporation is large, the potted soil is dry quickly, so it is better to water at night, because the temperature drops at night, after watering, slowly moisten the basin. In the soil, it does not evaporate quickly; if watered in the morning, the temperature rises immediately after watering, cannot penetrate and soak into the potting soil, and then begins to evaporate in large quantities, increasing the water content of the basin soil. Maintenance is rapidly reduced, which is not conducive to the normal growth of plants.

In the hot summer, flowers can be sprinkled every morning and evening. Seedlings and seedlings can be dipped directly into the leaves. Large flowers are better immersed in pots. The water requirement of clivia plants during growth, i.e. the humidity in the potting soil, is usually maintained at 40%. Control is flexible according to seasonal and climatic changes. Spring should be large and transparent, summer should be industrious small, autumn should not be dry or wet, winter should look dry and wet.

Time: 2019-05-08 Click: