
Culture methods and maintenance points of torch flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When the torch blossoms, it is like a burning torch, but its plants are very beautiful, beautiful mosaics are the reason why people like it, but it is a good way to keep beautiful flowers. The following editor introduces the breeding methods and maintenance points of torch flower. I hope you all like it.

When the torch blossoms, it is like a burning torch, but its plants are very beautiful, beautiful mosaics are the reason why people like it, but it is a good way to keep beautiful flowers. The following editor introduces the breeding methods and maintenance points of torch flower. I hope you all like it.

Cultivation methods of torch flowers


Torch flowers are mainly cultivated in open fields or potted plants. When planting potted plants, you should choose the leeward sun. Before planting, the soil should be ploughed deeply and organic fertilizer should be applied. Potted plants need deep sandy soil, rich sandy loam with good drainage.


The torch is warm and warm, and the environment is full of light. Potted torch flowers will be kept in the shade for a long time, and lack of light will cause the leaves to yellowing or even wither.


The growth of torch flower needs long-term watering and fertilization, otherwise it will grow slowly. In autumn, the plant should apply more base fertilizer before ramet, and pay attention to the nutrition of the plant to ensure its normal overwintering. In dry areas in winter and spring, water should be watered before freezing to cover plants to prevent frostbite and death.


When the torch flower grows the flower stem, the root of 2-3 potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be trimmed at a concentration of 0.1%, once every 1-2 weeks, or 2% calcium superphosphate should be used as topdressing soil. Increase the stiffness of the stem to prevent it from bending.


Torch flowers are more hardy and can be placed in winter when the temperature is higher than 5 °C.


After flowering, the dead branches should not be cut off as soon as possible, so as not to lose nutrition gradually.


Rust is the main disease of torch flower, and the mixture of lime and sulfur can be sprayed in the early stage of rust.

Key points of Autumn Nursing of Torch Flower

Torch flowers can reproduce in autumn. The ramet is usually from the end of September to the beginning of October. When using ramets, base fertilizer must first be used to supplement plant nutrition.

Please note that after torch culture for a period of time, the roots of the plant reduce their ability to absorb nutrients, so it is necessary to split, usually 2 minutes-& mdash

Winter maintenance skills of Torch Flower

In winter, the accumulation of nutrients should be considered first. Generally speaking, more nutrients accumulate and it is easier to get through the winter. Therefore, after the torch flower blossoms, the residual flowers must be cut off in time, so that the plant will not be strong and reduce the consumption of nutrition.

It's good to pour water. Watering at this time can meet the needs of the torch for overwintering.

Better cover cold weather to make it safe in winter, usually hay or fallen leaves. Be careful to remove cold protection materials in early spring, but not too early, so as not to encounter cold springs and freeze plants.

Maintenance and management of torch blossom

The flowering of torch flower is actually related to its overall growth. First of all, when planting torch flowers, we must meet the needs of water and fertilizer, fertilize, and fertilize in time during the growth period, and watering to keep the basin soil moist. Meet the needs of nutrients in torch flower, make it grow well and blossom normally.

When the buds of torch flowers begin to appear, one or two kinds of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used for root trimming. Generally speaking, the interval is 7 MDASH;; & mdash 10 days. Or use calcium superphosphate for topdressing. The use of these phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can make torch flowers more beautiful and have more flowers.

Before the torch blossoms, it is necessary to increase the amount of water to meet the needs of flowering. Stop watering the flowers after they have withered.

Note that during the flowering of the torch flower, it may suffer from some pests and diseases, such as the bite of insects such as beetles, and must be sprayed in time to prevent it.

Time: 2019-05-07 Click: