
What aspects should be paid attention to in raising sheep?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, What aspects should be paid attention to in raising sheep?

Sheep is a very popular meat product in China, and the breeding area in China is also very large. Now whether it is wool or mutton, its market is very large, so the sheep raising team is also expanding year by year. However, many sheep farmers have many aspects that need our attention when raising sheep. So Xiaobian today brought you some aspects that need to be paid attention to in raising sheep. Let's take a look at them together.

1. Self-propagation

When raising sheep, many sheep farmers will choose to buy breeding sheep outside to raise them when expanding their breeding area. Now the market price of sheep breeding is relatively high, from the outsourcing of breeding will increase the cost of breeding. And also can not guarantee the treatment of breeding sheep, weak growth ability, insufficient breeding benefits and so on are very big problems. So if there are ewes in the flock before, it is best to carry out self-breeding. This not only reduces the cost of breeding, but also improves the overall quality of the flock.

2. Improved hybridization

The quality of breeding sheep is very important when keeping seeds, which determines the overall growth ability of sheep and is closely related to breeding benefits. Usually local sheep breed growth rate is relatively slow, and meat yield is not high, if the breeding of local sheep, then the economic benefits will be very low. And if local ewes are crossed with superior sheep breeds such as Dubo sheep and Boer goats. can obviously enhance the growth ability and expand the breeding benefit.

3. Epidemic prevention and pest control

epidemic prevention and pest control in sheep raising requires us to pay attention to doing a good job. If you do not vaccinate and deworming after purchasing seeds, you will reduce the disease resistance of sheep and increase the incidence of diseases. It causes sheep to gain weight, lose weight and, in severe cases, die. Therefore, when we raise sheep, we must do epidemic prevention work according to the process of epidemic prevention for sheep, at least twice a year, and then do a good job of anthelmintic work in spring and autumn and other seasons with high parasite incidence.

4. Sheep house disinfection

Sheep house disinfection is also an indispensable management work when we raise sheep. When disinfecting sheep houses, we must ensure comprehensive and thorough disinfection. And also to sink, trough and other sheep can be directly in contact with the items for disinfection. Regularly clean up the excrement in the sheep house and control the entry and exit of personnel and vehicles in the sheep house. When entering the sheep house, people and vehicles should also be disinfected to reduce germs and reduce the incidence of sheep.

5. Other aspects

When feeding sheep, attention should be paid to adding additives and other drugs to sheep feed appropriately. If only forage is fed, it will seriously hinder the growth of sheep, and its fat-increasing speed will also decrease significantly. Finally, when the sheep grow to about 20kg, we should pay attention to timely slaughter. Because after reaching this specification, the fat gain and growth rate of sheep will obviously decrease. Continue to feed, then only consume too much feed, increase the cost of breeding.

The above is a brief introduction to what aspects of raising sheep should pay attention to. Sheep need to pay attention to a lot of places, such as breeding sheep selection, feed mix and so on. These are also the management work we need to do well in farming. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to be able to help everyone!