
Is it easy to raise sika deer? How is the sika deer introduced? what are the specific conditions for breeding?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sika deer farming has now become a new industry, but many people still dare not try, for fear that sika deer is not easy to raise. Do not know how to introduce sika deer? Let alone what conditions do you need to raise sika deer? For this reason, the editor will sort out these related questions for you. Is it easy to raise sika deer?

Sika deer farming has now become a new industry, but many people still dare not try, for fear that sika deer is not easy to raise. Do not know how to introduce sika deer? Let alone what conditions do you need to raise sika deer? For this reason, the editor will sort out these related questions for you.

Is it easy to raise sika deer? Sika deer have been domesticated artificially for more than 300 years. The key is that sika deer are easy to raise, just give enough forage, and it doesn't need much manual management.

How to introduce sika deer? The introduction of sika deer is the key, which determines the success or failure of the whole breeding cause, so the introduction must go to the formal deer farm: look at the scale, service and reputation. Deer are generally introduced from deer farms. Breeding deer should have bright coat color, compact and symmetrical posture, plump muscles, large eyes, clear topline, deep corners of mouth, wide and deep chest, large abdominal circumference without sagging, good antler performance and hereditary stability. The stag requires large antler, fast growth, good quality, high yield, the base of the horn and the antler type are straight, the base of the horn is thick, the distance between the angles is wide, the waist is long, the limbs are straight, the forebody is wide, and the scrotum and testicles are well developed. The breast and vulva of female deer developed normally. It is better to breed deer within the age of 3 to 8 years. What are the conditions for sika deer breeding? 1. Site: places with dry terrain, sufficient water and convenient transportation should be selected. At the same time, the power should be sufficient and close to the power supply. 2. Feed: this is the main condition for selecting the field. It is best to choose places with lush grass, good environmental protection, less pollution and low noise all the year round. 3. Social conditions: sika deer farms should not be built near industrial and mining areas and public facilities, and should not be built in places contaminated by infectious diseases of cattle and sheep or on livestock farms, but also pay attention to the resource conditions near the site, such as whether the building materials are convenient, whether the labor is sufficient, and so on.

Preliminary preparations for investment in sika deer project A, site preparation:

The deer farm is built in a place with high dry terrain, leeward to the sun, good drainage and convenient water source. The deer activity is relatively large, the deer house covers an area of 2 square meters per head, and the sports ground is 8 square meters. Lay the floor with slate or smooth wood or cement board to make feces easy to clean. Railings are set around the deer farm, which are 2.5 meters high and 3 meters high to prevent the deer from jumping and escaping. Should not choose to be in the vicinity of industrial and mining areas and public facilities, do not build farms in places contaminated by infectious diseases of cattle and sheep or on the site of former livestock farms.

B. Preparation of facilities:

Deer house, coarse fodder warehouse, feed processing room, silage kiln (trench), pilose antler and other deer products processing room, veterinary room, other sideline production buildings.

C. Technical preparation:

The technology of raising deer mainly depends on learning from books, newspapers and magazines, and you can also learn from the columns of the electronic publication of this network, such as "Technical Culture of raising Deer", so as to constantly improve and enrich the technology of raising deer.

D, feed preparation:

The deer farm should have sufficient feed land or a reliable base to supply all kinds of feed. Each sika deer in complete captivity needs an average of 350-400 kg of concentrate and 1200-1500 kg of roughage per year.

E. Preparation for epidemic prevention:

F, sika deer have strong resistance and low morbidity, but sometimes there are infectious diseases such as Japanese encephalitis, rabies, anthrax and colibacillosis, which should be prevented and treated in artificial breeding.

Time: 2019-05-05 Click: