
Fragrant wood leaves how to do and solutions, fragrant wood leaves drooping how to do?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The fragrant wood grows under the lime mountain forest or in the shrub at an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level. Because of its special function and ornamental value, it has become a popular potted plant in the flower and plant market. Friends who have cultivated fragrant wood all know that it is a positive tree and likes warmth and plenty of light.

Fragrant wood grows under the lime mountain forest or shrub at an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level. Because of its special role and ornamental value, it has become a popular potted plant in the flower and plant market. Friends who have raised fragrant wood all know that it is a positive tree. Like warmth and sufficient light, there are often people who lose leaves and droop leaves because of improper maintenance, so how can we remedy it? Let's take a look at how the leaves of fragrant wood fall off and how to solve them, and what about the drooping leaves of fragrant wood?

The reasons and solutions for the loss of leaves of fragrant wood 1. Improper watering. Watering should adhere to the principle of no dry, no watering, no long-term waterlogging or long-term stagnant water in the tray! What's more, you can't water only the skin, it must be thoroughly watered! Generally speaking, watering for more than 10 seconds to a few minutes (due to differences in basin size and soil type) water can be discharged from the bottom. 2. The light is not comfortable. It is easy to occur when there is a lack of light for a long time. Poor ventilation can also cause fragrant wood to lose its leaves. Good ventilation should be maintained. It is very important to keep the fragrant wood well and to ensure adequate light and ventilation. if the leaves are yellowing or falling off, move the fragrant wood to a sunny place for the plants to photosynthesis, and it will recover soon. 3. The environment changes. Fragrant wood is more sensitive, and it takes about two weeks to change the environment to adapt to the surrounding environment. If you change the basin or the growing period, when a large number of new buds sprout and grow, there will also be the phenomenon of old leaves falling and new leaves sprouting, which is a normal phenomenon. There is no need to worry. Fragrant wood leaves drooping how to do (1) watering too much waterlogging damage the root system, resulting in insufficient water supply, so the leaves droop. (2) the water is not watered in time and is suddenly short of water. Because its root system is small and shallow, for a moment lack of water, the leaves are pulled down, a little longer, have yellow leaves, and even die. (3) lack of fertilizer and light. To see if there is not enough nourishment, if there is not much fertilizer, add a small amount of flower fertilizer; in addition, the fragrant wood is a positive tree, lack of sunlight will also cause the leaves to droop, remember to let it bask in the sun every day. (4) the influence of diseases and insect pests. At this time, check if there are mosquito bites, and if so, spray mosquito repellent. Solution: fragrant wood has more branches and leaves, so the evaporation of water is also quite fast, especially in summer, the amount of water needs to be increased, but it should be carried out after the soil is dry. Fragrant wood watering times do not need too much, generally every three days watering is more appropriate, if found that its growth is more depressed, then you can immediately replenish water to ensure plant growth needs. Common problems and solutions of fragrant wood culture (1) symptoms: new leaf margin blackens, and then blackens and part of it collapses. In severe cases, the leaves of the whole plant blackened and the plant died. Cause: fertilizer damage caused by excessive fertilization. Solution: if the fertilizer damage is not too serious, it is recommended to pull up the plant immediately, wash the root system in clean water, cut off the rotten root, and then put the root system in a cool place for about half a day, change the soil and replant; if the fertilizer damage is serious, rinse it repeatedly with water that is 5 times more than the normal amount of water. (2) symptoms: the color of plant leaves gradually dimmed, at the same time, accompanied by the long branches of the plant, the growth potential was weak and not strong enough. Reason: plants have been placed in dark places for long-term maintenance, do not get the necessary light, can not effectively carry out the necessary photosynthesis. Solution: move the plant to a place with plenty of light for maintenance, and there will soon be a significant change. (3) symptoms: the growth of the plant stops, at the initial stage, the leaves droop, and then gradually fall, and when the leaves begin to fall, the root system has rotted seriously, resulting in the death of the plant. Reason: it is important to keep in mind that fragrant wood is afraid of waterlogging and dryness, and the above symptoms are precisely due to the fact that the maintainer did not grasp this key point of maintenance, and the root system of the plant rotted and the plant died caused by excessive watering. Solution: at the initial stage, when the leaves begin to droop, take off the basin and check the roots. If the degree of decay is not serious, immediately trim the rotten roots and place the plant in a ventilated place, but the wind should not keep blowing. After drying slightly, put the plant into the basin, it is best to drill holes in the original basin to achieve the effect of ventilation, unless the matrix is very dry, otherwise do not water. Waiting for the plant to recover and start to grow new roots, indicating that the plant was successfully saved. To maintain fragrant wood, as long as you master three main points: fear of waterlogging and dryness, fear of heavy fertilizer, and fear of darkness, maintenance will become a very simple thing. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in fragrant wood culture: if there are shell insects on branches and leaves or red spiders on leaves, special insecticides can be sprayed, such as chlorpyrifos, triclofenac, Nisolan, etc., to control red spiders, etc., as long as fragrant wood is properly maintained, there are few diseases and insect pests. General attention should be paid to the occurrence of root rot, which can be prevented as long as caregivers become "very lazy" and water less (less watering means less watering, but must be watered thoroughly when watering is needed).

Time: 2019-05-05 Click: