
What is the reason why figs don't bear fruit?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is the reason why figs don't bear fruit?

Fig plant type is shorter, the appearance is more good-looking, or evergreen tree species, all the year round is green, and its fruit taste is very good, can be planted at home, both as a bonsai, but also as a fruit tree. But it doesn't bear fruit when planting, so what's going on? Let's get to know it.

1. Lack of light

Fig is a kind of fruit tree that likes sunshine. If it is only used as a bonsai and placed in a dark environment when raised at home, it will not bear fruit because of lack of light. Therefore, when piglets are planted in a sunny and breathable environment, they should not be shielded from the sun. Potted figs at home should also be placed in a place where they can be exposed to the sun, so that they can grow large and good-looking fruit. in addition, the light will also affect the quality of the fig fruit, if the sun is insufficient, the fruit is astringent and small.

2. Improper pruning

Although the fig plant type is not high, but it grows fast, if not pruned in time, its branches will grow vigorously, thus consuming a lot of nutrients, which can not meet the nutrition needed for the fruit, so it can not bear fruit. Therefore, it is necessary to build it regularly, control the plant growth, pay attention to the methods when pruning, thinning the branches with dense growth, ensure the good shear permeability, increase the light area, improve photosynthesis and synthesize more nutrients. Operations such as sprouting and coring can also be carried out to inhibit its new shoot growth, save nutrients and promote plant fruit.

3. Improper fertilizer and water

Figs like to grow in a moist soil, and there are certain requirements for fertilizers, so supplying them with adequate fertilizer and water is the basic requirement for their normal growth and fruit. If the fig is short of water and fertilizer, and its nutrition can not keep up with the needs of growth, not only can it not bear fruit, but its growth will also be inhibited, the tree will be weak, the resistance is weak, the resistance to the external environment is poor, and it is very easy to be infected with diseases. In addition, in the newborn period and late fruiting stage of figs, there is a great demand for fertilizer and water, accounting for more than half of the total fertilizer and water in the whole growing period, so the supply of fertilizer and water for figs must be adequate. no, no, no. Generally, in the branch and leaf growth period, it is necessary to apply more available nitrogen fertilizer, when entering the fruiting period, it is necessary to reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizer or not to apply nitrogen fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer will lead to the growth of branches and leaves, can not be normal results. At this time, it is necessary to properly increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote fruit expansion, and apply base fertilizer early after fruit harvest, mainly mature organic fertilizer or nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, so as to promote fruit recovery as soon as possible and accumulate fattening, so as to lay a solid foundation for flower bud differentiation in the coming year.

The above is the introduction of the reason why figs do not bear fruit. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.