
Cultivation techniques of black raspberry

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cultivation techniques of black raspberry

Black raspberry is a kind of vine of grape family, which is widely distributed in China and can be seen in almost every province. Black raspberry is mainly a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, the whole grass can be used in medicine, with cool blood detoxification, diuresis and detumescence and other effects. Now black raspberry also gradually has a certain planting area in our country. So how to grow raspberries? The following editor brings you the planting technology of black raspberries, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

The growth ability of black raspberry is relatively strong, so there are no very strict requirements for soil. In most of the soil can adapt as soon as possible and normal growth, but artificial planting, generally have certain requirements for its yield and quality. Therefore, we should try to choose deep, fertile, soft and transparent soil, which is more beneficial to the growth of black raspberries. After selecting the site, turn the soil about 20 cm deep, carry on the soil preparation work, and then spread the cinder soil and apply sufficient base fertilizer to improve the soil fertility. If it is potted planting, then you also need to prepare flowerpots, flowerpots to ensure adequate permeability and water permeability.

2. Methods of reproduction

There are two propagation methods of black raspberry: cutting and sowing. If you use cutting propagation, you should first select a mature branch and cut it off at a position of about 15 centimeters. Then soak the cuttage mouth in the rooting agent for about 15 minutes to improve the rooting rate of cuttings, and then cuttings can be cut. Seed reproduction first needs to collect seeds, after the black raspberry flowers withered for a week or so, the seeds have matured. The color of the seed is relatively dark, so it should be exposed to the sun after harvest, and then it can be properly disinfected and sown in time according to the weather and soil conditions.

3. Seedling stage management

Black raspberry seeds will begin to germinate about 5 days after sowing, and be careful not to remove the mulch after the seeds are found to have broken the soil. When the seedlings grow 2-3 young leaves, uncover the plastic film to expose them to light, and water them properly. Then do a good job of management, when the seedlings grow to about 10cm, the seedlings are gradually mature and can be transplanted. When transplanting, it is appropriate to transplant with soil, and transplant the seedlings to the prepared plots. Then cover the soil and water to maintain a certain degree of shade, and the light can be seen when the roots of the seedlings are firmly rooted.

4. Daily management

After the black raspberry plant is gradually ripe, it is necessary to provide it with some light and do a good job of watering it. Attention should be paid to watering according to the soil conditions, generally watering when the soil is dry, not too much, otherwise stagnant water can easily lead to black raspberry rotting roots. Then it is necessary to do a good job of loosening the soil to prevent soil consolidation and affect the growth of black raspberries. If there are weeds, then we should also do a good job of weeding to prevent diseases and insect pests. Finally, when it is found that the black raspberry is abnormal, the corresponding measures should be taken in time.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting technology of black raspberry. The cultivation of black raspberry is actually very simple, but the main thing is to pay attention to good management in order to ensure the normal growth of black raspberry. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.