
Master I am thirsty, master I am dying of watering, how to water the happiness tree, did you do it right?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to water your flowers and plants is a clich é. Today, the editor talked to you about how to water your love tree. The scientific name of Happiness Tree is Bean Tree. Later, when people planted more, they took the name Happiness Tree. It likes the hot, humid and sunny environment. Afraid of the cold, should be moist

How to water your flowers and plants is a clich é. Today, the editor talked to you about how to water your love tree. The scientific name of Happiness Tree is Bean Tree. Later, when people planted more, they took the name Happiness Tree. It likes the hot, humid and sunny environment. Afraid of cold, should be moist, its cultivation can not be too dry, so watering has become a knowledge, and then we will talk about, how to water the happiness tree? How often should it be watered?

Master I am thirsty, master I am dying of watering, how to water the happiness tree, did you do it right?

How to water the happiness tree:

Happiness tree is a kind of tree that likes wet environment, and it needs enough water to grow, so watering is a very important thing. Happiness tree needs different amount of water in different seasons.

First of all, when it is hot in summer, it is necessary to pour heavy water to ensure that the soil is not dry and must be moist, and in hot weather, we should often spray water on the tree, at least three times a day, to ensure the moisture requirements of the happiness tree and promote the growth of the happiness tree. but don't accumulate water in the soil.

The happiness tree is watered and maintained in winter, and the happiness tree is also maintained indoors because of the low temperature in winter, and the happiness tree is dormant because of low temperature in winter, so don't water too much during the dormancy period, you can water it once after noon, and spray the plant with a spray can to avoid dehydration and dryness of the plant and hinder its growth.

Points for attention in watering Happiness Tree

Pay attention to the watering times. Although it is dry and hot in summer, happiness trees should be watered frequently, but they should also be watered twice a day in summer, the first time after noon, and once again in the evening. But during this period, spray pot should be used three times to keep the plant moist. Therefore, the number of times a day should not be too much, and watering should not be too frequent, otherwise it will cause rotten roots and cause plant death.

In winter watering time is 2 to 3 days can, pay attention to each watering, only half a pot of water on it, in short to ensure a humid growth environment, do not water too much attention to waterlogging.

Time: 2019-04-29 Click: