
How to raise rose flowers in order to make potted roses safe in summer?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Whenever the height of summer comes, the rose, regardless of flower color, flower shape, petal number, flower size and growth potential, is inferior to that of spring and autumn. The main factor affecting the flowering of rose is temperature. In spring and autumn, due to the suitable temperature difference between day and night and suitable light intensity, the branches are fully developed and the flower heads are well developed.

Whenever the height of summer comes, the rose, regardless of flower color, flower shape, petal number, flower size and growth potential, is inferior to that of spring and autumn. The main factor affecting the flowering of rose is temperature. In spring and autumn, due to the appropriate temperature difference and light intensity between day and night, the branches are fully developed, the flower heads are well developed, and can blossom normally. Although rose likes warm sunshine, high temperature and strong light are very disadvantageous to flower bud differentiation. Plants and potted flowers on the surface are not only fumigated by radiation heat, but also exposed to strong light in hot summer. when the temperature reaches 30 ℃℃ ~ 35 ℃, there will be a phenomenon of "small flower diameter, less petal number", color type fading, shorter florescence, withered leaves and a large number of male strips. Especially in the hot and humid weather (above 35 ℃), a large number of lower leaves yellowed and fell off, showing half-body sleep, so it could not blossom well in midsummer. How to raise rose in order to spend the summer safely? Below, Hua Cao Le shares with you the ways to make potted rose safe to spend the summer. The summer is hot and the air is dry. Therefore, taking cooling measures has become the key and key point to understand the problem.

How to raise rose flowers in order to make potted roses safe in summer?

1. From mid-June to mid-August, 40% and 50% of the sunlight should be covered, and the suona water around the whole plant and potted flowers should be cooled at hot and dry noon. The rose placed on the balcony can be moved in the shade to maintain good ventilation, clean environment and prevent strong light.

2. Remove the buds growing in about 40-50 days during this period, peel off the new buds one by one, promote the sprouting of strong branches at the base, concentrate nutrients on the developing branches, prolong the vegetative growth time and increase the number of strong branches.

3. Scientific pruning. The pruning of rose is an indispensable meticulous and regular work, which should be cut off in time, such as aborted flowers, injured branches, overlapping branches, withered branches, old branches, and short long branches.

4. Topdressing at the right time. It can blossom repeatedly in about 40 days in the summer growth period, so base fertilizer alone can not meet the needs of flowering, so it is necessary to replenish the fertilizer in time when the leaves are flattened and the buds expand before the new buds sprout, and the quick-acting liquid fertilizer is preferable. Do not apply unmature high concentration organic liquid fertilizer.

5. Pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. In order to reduce the sources of diseases and insect pests, weeds and fallen leaves should be removed in time. If possible, spicy plants such as onions, garlic or leeks can be planted on the edge of the basin, which can play a role in expelling and controlling red spiders, aphids, pollinosis and black spot. This method is both labor-saving and economical, and is very suitable for family flower cultivation.

Take the above measures, you can make the potted rose safe to spend the summer, Ye Maohua numerous, golden autumn flowers more bright. There are many varieties of rose, there are nearly ten thousand in the world, and there are more than a thousand in China. What are the matters needing attention such as the cutting of Chinese rose, the culture method of Chinese rose and the prevention and control of rose diseases and insect pests. [view details]

Time: 2019-04-29 Click: