
When do primroses bloom? introduction to the maintenance of primrose bonsai

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Primrose and plum blossoms, daffodils and camellias are collectively known as the four friends in the snow, which is one of the common flowers in China. Primrose is not only dignified and beautiful, extraordinary temperament, with no fear of cold, no choice of style, strong adaptability, has always been loved by people. The following flowers and grass music will share with you when the spring primrose will bloom.

Primrose and plum blossoms, daffodils and camellias are collectively referred to as "four friends in the snow", which is one of the common flowers in China. Primrose is not only dignified and beautiful, extraordinary temperament, with no fear of cold, no choice of style, strong adaptability, has always been loved by people. The following flowers and plants share with you the knowledge of when primroses bloom, what color primroses are and the maintenance of primrose bonsai.

When do primroses bloom? introduction to the maintenance of primrose bonsai

When will the primroses bloom?

Primroses like light, slightly resistant to shade, slightly resistant to cold, afraid of waterlogging, in North China and Qianling can survive the winter in the open field, requiring a warm and humid climate. The root germinates strongly. The landing part of the branch is easy to take root. The plant height of primrose is 30-100 cm. Branchlets slender erect or arched drooping, lanceolate. (3) the compound leaves of leaflets are alternately opposite, and the leaves are ovate to rectangular. Flowers are solitary on last year's branches and bloom before the leaves. The flowering period of primrose is from February to April. It got its name because it blossomed earliest among the flowers, and then ushered in the spring of a hundred flowers.

What color is the primrose?

Primrose blossoms the earliest among a hundred flowers, and gets its name after the spring when a hundred flowers blossom. The color of primrose blooming is golden yellow, dyed red and fragrant. A touch of yellow in early spring brings us a strong sense of spring, and friends who have not planted can only search for pictures of primroses to appreciate. You can also experience the beauty of primroses from the pictures. When planting primroses, it is appropriate to choose light blue, purple and black flowerpots, so that the colors of flowerpots and flowers can be more coordinated and highlight his beauty.

Introduction to the conservation of primrose bonsai 1. Soil

Yingchun has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil, and grows best in loose and fertile sandy soil. Loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil that grows vigorously in acidic soil and poor in alkaline soil

2. Watering

Spring peanuts long-term watering do not dry do not water, watering is thoroughly, to avoid pot soil stagnant water, otherwise it will cause rotten roots. Potted primrose should be watered less after September in order to control the growth of branches and make them survive the winter safely.

3. Fertilization

After blooming in spring, rotten organic liquid fertilizer should be applied once or twice to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowering and restore plant growth as soon as possible. The period from June to August is the period of flower bud differentiation, which can increase the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and pay attention to water deduction, which is beneficial to the formation of flower buds. Fertilization in autumn can increase the cold resistance of plants and promote the development of flower buds. Applying some fertilizer before flowering can not only make the flowers fat, but also prolong the flowering period.

4. Temperature

Primroses like a warm and humid climate. After flowering, the room temperature should be controlled below 15 ℃ to maintain a long flowering period.

5. Lighting

Primroses like light, slightly resistant to shade. More light should be seen before flowering, which is beneficial to bud pregnancy and flowering. But when blooming, it does not need direct sunlight and should be placed in the semi-shade of the room.

6. Methods of reproduction

Mainly to cuttage, can also be used to strip, split propagation. Cutting: spring, summer and autumn can be carried out, cut semi-lignified branches 12-15 cm long, inserted into the sand, keep moist, about 15 days to take root. Striping: the longer branches are shallowly buried in the sandy soil without scratching, take root after 40-50 days, and separate and transplant from the mother plant in the following spring. Ramet: it can be carried out when the buds sprout in spring. When transplanting in spring, part of the aboveground branches should be amputated, and the lodging soil should be brought. It can also be dried, that is, after cutting in the whole seedbed, it can be filled with water. Cutting can be carried out from mid-October to mid-November or in spring. After rooting, it can be planted separately, and it can also be propagated by ramets or strips.

Fourth, bonsai modeling of primrose

The branches of primrose droop naturally, and the roots are very distinctive, which are suitable for processing into weeping branch type and root type bonsai, which are usually combined. The root is covered with dew, the trunk becomes a recumbent stem or curved trunk, the branches and leaves are fluttering, and the wind and clouds are unique. Cultivated well, it will be full of yellow flowers in spring, green leaves in summer and autumn, green vines whirling in winter, and the four seasons are full of spring.

Time: 2019-04-29 Click: