
What about piglet diarrhea?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What about piglet diarrhea?

The resistance of the piglet itself is weak, so it is often encountered that the piglet has diarrhea, which will affect the growth and development of the piglet and, in serious cases, lead to the death of the piglet. So what are the causes of piglet diarrhea? How to prevent and treat it? Let's take a look.

1. Causes of diarrhea

Generally, there are three major causes of diarrhea in piglets. One is pathological diarrhea, which is generally caused by epidemic diarrhea virus, transmissible gastroenteritis and rotavirus alone or mixed. The mortality rate is very high during the onset period of this kind of diarrhea. The second is physiological diarrhea, which is different from pathological diarrhea. It is caused by imperfect development of digestive system of piglets, imperfect temperature regulation of digestive system and itself, poor resistance to the outside world, decreased immunity, and microbial reproduction in the intestines and stomach. The third is stress diarrhea, which is generally caused by weaning, changes in feeding environment and feed changes, especially after weaning piglets are prone to stress diarrhea.

2. Preventive measures

Prevention and treatment of piglet diarrhea is more important than treatment, it is necessary to prevent sows and piglets early, reduce stress reaction as far as possible, increase the content of vitamins in feed and ensure the palatability of feed. During the pig breeding period, the breeding site should be thoroughly disinfected and sterilized so as to reduce the pathogenic microorganisms in the pig house as much as possible. Iron should be supplemented after piglets are born, and adding appropriate amount of salt to drinking water can promote the development of digestive system and avoid physiological diarrhea in piglets.

3. Treatment methods

The method to treat piglet diarrhea is rehydration, and the most rapid effect of common rehydration method is intravenous injection, but the vein of piglet is less and the operation is more difficult, so it is difficult to popularize. Commonly used is drinking water rehydration, which is suitable for group treatment. Add 30 rehydration salts per kilogram of drinking water to allow diarrhea piglets to drink freely until the diarrhea symptoms disappear. There is also an intraperitoneal fluid replacement, which uses inverted Baoding to lift the piglet upside down and inject it ventrally. Between the nipples of the penultimate row and 2-3 cm away from the midline of the abdomen, the needle is inserted into 3 cm at 90 degrees with the abdominal wall. When there is no resistance after piercing the abdominal wall, the medicine can be injected without blood and abdominal contents. The potion is generally saline, glucose, penicillin, etc., adding agents to the actual situation, the dosage of the method depends on the size of the pig, it is recommended to ask the veterinarian to operate.

The above is the introduction of how to do piglet diarrhea, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.