
What conditions are needed for rapid fattening of pigs

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What conditions are needed for rapid fattening of pigs

For pig farmers, it is the wish of every farmer to let the fattening pigs of their own pig farm grow rapidly, and in addition to the digestion and absorption of feed, environmental factors are also more important. So what environmental conditions are needed for pig fattening? Let's take a look.

1. Temperature

The pig is a constant temperature animal, under normal circumstances, if the temperature is uncomfortable, the pig itself can maintain a lot of basic by regulating its body temperature, but it needs to consume its own nutrition and physical energy, which will lead to its slow growth rate and reduce the utilization rate of feed. Therefore, temperature pays great attention to pig fattening. The suitable temperature for fattening pigs is 16-22 degrees before body weight 60 kg, 14-20 degrees when body weight is 60-90 kg, and 12-116 degrees when weight is 100 kg.

2. Humidity

Too high and low humidity will also affect the growth and development of fattening pigs, when the pig house is in the condition of high temperature and high humidity, the heat dissipation of pig feet is more difficult, which will produce a sense of muggy; while in the condition of low temperature and high humidity, the heat dissipation effect of pigs increases, pigs will feel cold, and the high humidity environment is conducive to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which will lead to skin diseases in pigs. On the contrary, the humidity is too low and the air is dry, which can easily induce pigs to suffer from respiratory diseases, and the suitable humidity is about 60% and 70%.

3. Ventilation

The fecal feed and cushion of pigs are not cleaned in time, their fermentation spoilage will produce harmful gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, pigs will produce a lot of carbon dioxide when breathing, if the ventilation condition of the enclosure is poor, the concentration of carbon dioxide is too high, it will lead to loss of appetite, slow growth, poisoning, conjunctivitis and other symptoms, and in serious cases lead to death.

4. Density

If the feeding density of pigs is too large, the growth environment of pigs will become worse. In addition, pigs are also prone to fight, resulting in a reduction of their food intake, affecting their growth and development, resulting in irregular development of pigs. In general, it is appropriate to feed one fattening pig per square meter and 8-10 pigs in each house.

The above is the introduction of what conditions are needed for rapid pig fattening. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.