
Tomato Seedling raising technique

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tomato Seedling raising technique

Mature tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked, but do not eat unripe tomatoes. Because immature tomatoes contain carcinogens, they can affect health. Although tomato planting can be carried out hole planting, but we generally adopt the method of seedling transplanting. Do you know how tomatoes grow? Let's read the following introduction to tomato seedling technology along with Xiaobian.

1. Seedling substrate

Seedling matrix is actually refers to the nutrient soil, then we need to prepare a good nutrient soil before sowing seedlings. Under normal circumstances, the pH of the nutrient soil should be moderate, or slightly acidic, and then add appropriate amount of quick-acting phosphorus fertilizer, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer and quick-acting potassium fertilizer to the soil, and then add sufficient soil miscellaneous fertilizer, mix and stir evenly. The substrate used for breeding is basically complete.

2, seedbed finishing

Tomato seedling generally Yang Hui choose flat terrain, simple terrain, excellent water conditions, deep soil, loose soil, fertilizer sufficient plots. Of course, there is also a good drainage, otherwise it is easy to infect diseases. Then prepare the good nutrient soil evenly spread on the seedling ground, do a good seedbed, from a good ditch, bed seedlings leveling, and finally you can wait for sowing.

3. Germination management

Tomato seeds also need to undergo a treatment process before sowing. First of all, we have to rub the seeds, then soak the seeds in clear water for about ten minutes, and clean out the seeds that are not full, have pests or are inferior. Then put the seeds into water with a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius and soak them, stirring them constantly until the water temperature drops. Then, the soaked water was soaked in warm water with a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius. After half an hour, it was taken out. soak that seeds in potassium permanganate solution for 15 minute, washing with clean water and drying. Finally, the seeds are placed in a well-ventilated environment to dry the moisture, and then placed in an environment with a temperature of about 25 degrees for germination. During germination period, we should mainly keep it moist, spray a little water properly every day, otherwise the seeds will sprout untidily.

4. Sowing method

Tomato seed seedlings are generally around March of each year, of course, some areas are carried out in July and August of each year. When sowing, we can use sowing, drilling and sowing three ways, but in any case to ensure that the sowing evenly. After the seeds are sown, a thin layer of soil about one centimeter thick is needed to cover the seeds, and the thickness of the cover should be consistent, otherwise it will affect the emergence of tomato seedlings. There is still one thing to do after covering the seeds. Don't forget, that is, pouring water again, but the water should not be too much to avoid rotten seeds.

5. Seedbed management

After sowing, we should keep the temperature of the seedbed at about 25 to 28 degrees, and the humidity in the air should be kept at about 65 percent, which can promote the emergence speed of seedlings. Secondly, if there is a film cover, then reasonable ventilation should be carried out. If the ventilation is poor, it will also affect the emergence of tomatoes. In general, in the absence of rainfall, watering is required every two days or so. After the tomato seedlings emerge, they need to be kept unwatered for about a week, watered again after a week, and properly applied fertilizer to promote seedling growth so as to transplant as soon as possible.

Tomato seedlings generally do not take more than 25 days, usually half a month after the emergence of tomatoes, we can transplant seedlings planted. The tomato seedling technology that Xiaobian wants to introduce to you today is here. If you are interested, you can pay attention to us.