
How to grow pomegranate bonsai maintenance and management of pomegranate bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The Chinese regard pomegranate as a mascot and regard it as a symbol of many children and blessings. Many families will have one, hoping for a good sign. Pomegranate trees like light, drought and cold, and do not choose soil, so they are very suitable for potted plants.

The Chinese regard pomegranate as a mascot and regard it as a symbol of many children and blessings. Many families will have one, hoping for a good sign. Pomegranate trees are light-loving, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant and do not choose soil, so they are very suitable for potted plants. How to raise pomegranate bonsai? Below, Hua Cao Le shares with you the knowledge of maintenance and management of pomegranate bonsai.

How to grow pomegranate bonsai maintenance and management of pomegranate bonsai

First, pomegranate bonsai lighting

The growing period of pomegranate bonsai requires all-day sunshine, and the more sunlight, the more flowers, the brighter. The leeward, sunny and dry environment is conducive to flower bud formation and flowering. When the light is insufficient, it will only grow leaves but not blossom, affecting the ornamental effect. The suitable growth temperature is 15-20 ℃, and the winter temperature should be lower than-18 ℃, otherwise it will suffer frost injury.

2. Fertilization of pomegranate bonsai

Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied every 10 days during bonsai growing period, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied frequently during fruit ripening period, and the proportion of phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer should be increased to facilitate the formation of flowers and fruits. The basin should be changed every 2 ~ 3 years in spring. Loose and fertile soil should be used in the basin soil, and some medium-and long-term fertilizers such as cottonseed skin and sesame residue can be added properly. When changing pots, pay attention to the root system pruning should not be too heavy, so as not to affect the flowering and fruiting of pomegranate in the same year.

Third, pomegranate bonsai watering

In summer, it is generally possible to water once a day, and every other day in late autumn. The pomegranate bud period is from late April to early June. There should be sufficient light and less watering to make the basin soil dry. When the new leaves on the branches wilt slightly, put the pomegranate tree in the shade for 30 minutes, and then pour enough water into the basin. Repeat this several times, and buds can appear in about 20 days. If the basin soil is too dry, it is easy to cause bud drop, dried fruit and fruit drop; the basin soil is too wet, although sometimes it does not affect the plant growth, but it is also prone to bud drop and fruit cracking. This is also one of the reasons that affect its blossom and fruit.

Fourth, pomegranate bonsai shaping

Pomegranate bonsai shaping, pomegranate tree sprouting strong, several times a year to grow new branches. It is often carried out before sprouting in spring, cutting off the overgrown, over-dense and weak branches, and cutting the branches short when the thickness of the branches reaches about 70% of the ideal thickness, so as to promote the growth and development of lateral branches. Care should be taken to preserve those robust fruiting mother branches. Buds that grow in summer and autumn should be cut off in time. After the fruit is in prison, you should cut off the shape does not need too much fruit, a medium-sized pomegranate bonsai can leave 3 to 5 fruits. The distribution of fruits should be scattered, sparse and dense, and can not be equidistant. If there are too many fruits, in addition to being disorganized, it will also affect the results of next year.

Pomegranate bonsai diseases and insect pests

Pomegranate diseases mainly include white rot, black pox and anthrax. Spraying equal volume Bordeaux solution diluted 200 times every half month can prevent the occurrence of many diseases. When the disease is serious, it can be sprayed with fungicides such as bacillus, mancozeb, carbendazim and so on. Never use omethoate or dichlorvos pesticides. Do not use methamidophos and monocrotophos during flowering, which affect pollination.

Time: 2019-04-24 Click: