
Help me, I'm going bald! What is the reason for the loss of leaves in banyan bonsai?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many flower friends who love banyan bonsai take meticulous care of their bonsai, watering, fertilizing, disinfestation, and so on, but suddenly one day it branches scattered leaves, said to enjoy bonsai, into appreciation of fallen leaves. I was in a hurry! Don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu even if you are in a hurry. Everything has a solution.

Many flower friends who love banyan bonsai take meticulous care of their bonsai, watering, fertilizing, disinfestation, and so on, but suddenly one day it branches scattered leaves, said to enjoy bonsai, into appreciation of fallen leaves. I was in a hurry! Don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu even if you are in a hurry. Everything has a solution. Today, Hua Cao Le Xiaobian will solve your problems.

Help me, I'm going bald! What is the reason for the loss of leaves in banyan bonsai?

What is the reason for the loss of leaves in banyan bonsai?

1. Lack of light

The leaves of banyan trees are supported by luxuriant nutrients, and the most important source of these nutrients is sunlight. When the light is insufficient, the leaves grow poorly and defoliation occurs. Of course, in the muggy summer environment, the leaves will fall due to excessive light.

Solution: adjust the lighting time according to the seasonal changes, especially in summer, the banyan bonsai must be shaded at noon, and the normal light in other seasons will be fine.

two。 Improper watering

The banyan tree likes the wet environment, the basin soil is too dry will appear the defoliation phenomenon. Watering should persevere, those who fish for three days and bask in the net for two days must not be able to water with the mood. This kind of people can not raise any plants well. The fallen leaves of banyan trees count as a small warning.

Solution: the root system of the banyan tree is very developed, even if the basin soil is dry in a short time, it will not do too much harm, if you do not care for a long time, it is difficult to say. If you do not water the leaves of the banyan bonsai for more than a month, do not flood at one time, but water it step by step, otherwise it will cause poor root growth.

3. Improper fertilization

Fertilizer should not be applied too much or not. Too much will also cause fertilizer damage, affecting the growth of the plant, light falling leaves, heavy death.

Solution: fertilization should be in accordance with the method of frequent application of thin fertilizer, to avoid the use of high concentration chemical fertilizer or unmature organic fertilizer. If you apply too much fertilizer, you can use the method of watering to let the excess fertilizer flow out from the bottom of the basin with the water, and then dry the basin soil. The editor specially talked about how to fertilize banyan bonsai.

4. Diseases and insect pests

The common pests of banyan trees are shell insects and red spiders, which are easy to appear in the environment with poor ventilation and dry air, which are small and harmful, so it is not easy to control them.

Solution: spraying insecticide and so on. Or choose laundry powder or wind oil essence to spray, non-toxic, the prevention and control effect is very good.


The main reason for the loss of leaves in banyan bonsai is that, as mentioned above, there may be omissions. Flower friends are welcome to irrigate, correct their mistakes, and it is our editor's duty to make up for them.

Time: 2019-04-24 Click: