
Is the pesticide audit agency just the mouthpiece of the pesticide factory? The European Parliament revealed that Germany's Gaposse censorship directly copied the Monsanto report.

Published: 2025-03-04 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/04, Is the pesticide audit agency just the mouthpiece of the pesticide factory? The European Parliament revealed that Germany's Gaposse censorship directly copied the Monsanto report.

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Carcinogenic, not carcinogenic? The world's most widely used herbicide, Jiaposai, the main ingredient, set off a scientific war every spring. The International Cancer Institute listed it as a "highly carcinogenic" 2A for humans in 2015, but the European Food Safety Agency and the US Environmental Protection Agency later said it was "unlikely to cause cancer". The audit bodies each insist on their own words, and the public are even more confused.

A bipartisan report commissioned by the European Parliament uncovers the mystery: the European pesticide review agency appears to be independent, but it is actually the mouthpiece of large agrochemical plants, copying and affixing a large number of materials provided by large agrochemical companies such as Monsanto, thus drawing a very different conclusion from that of the International Cancer Research Institute.

Due to pressure from Monsanto, the four-year-old U.S. Poisons and Disease Registry (ATSDR) risk assessment report on Garfoset was also exposed a few days ago, revealing the cancer risk of the world's most widely used herbicide major ingredient.

The European Union and the United States, which are the benchmark of the world, have reported the lack of pesticide review and regulation one after another. Hope, a member of the European Parliament of the Green Party of Germany (Maria Heubuch), told the "upstream and downstream" reporter that the system in developing countries is more fragile and the risks of pesticides are greater.

Member of the Green Party: the system of backward countries is fragile, and pesticides cause greater risks to the health environment.

If Germany, the European Union and other democracies with advanced technology and vigorous civil society all have scandals of scientific manipulation, how can other more backward and unsound democracies guard against the risk of pesticides?

Monsanto has not only actively influenced the European Union's Garoser audit, but Taiwan is also the target of the agricultural giant. It sells very well in Taiwan every spring. According to the Taiwan Plant Protection Industry Association, in 2017, the domestic consumption of carbophosphate plug reached 3550 metric tons, which is the champion of herbicides in terms of active ingredients, more than 1463 metric tons.

"institutions in developing countries are often fragile, so the health and environmental risks caused by pesticides are greater," Hope, a German Green Party member of Europe (Maria Heubuch), one of the commissioned sponsors of the plagiarism of the Gaposet update assessment report, told Upstream and downstream.

In addition to strengthening the capacity of the relevant authorities through cooperation and pressure from all parties, Hope suggested that countries dominated by small farmers should consider moving away from relying on chemical pesticides and turning to ecological agriculture (Agro-ecology), which takes into account both economy, society, and culture. "the European Union is also promoting ecological agriculture through various cooperation."

"when Bayer buys Monsanto, it is more difficult for Germany to ban Jiaposai."

Even in Germany, the management of pesticides is inevitably disturbed by political and commercial lobbying.

When Belgium banned family gardeners from using gardeners, Italy banned it before harvest, and Germany did not ban it. After more than two years of war among all sides of the European Union, the Gaposai renewal case was only passed at the end of 2017 because of Germany's defection, but it was extended by only five years under pressure instead of the usual 15 years.

Hope explained that when the German Ministry of Environmental Protection opposes the extension of the Gaposet renewal case and the Ministry of Agriculture is in favor of it, it generally abstains when voting. But just after the election and the cabinet was deadlocked, Christian Schmidt, the then agriculture minister, braved public opinion and cast a key vote in favor of it. "anyway, he is going to leave office with nothing to lose."

She went on to point out, "when the German chemical giant Bayer bought Monsanto of the United States, it became more difficult to ban Garfacet in Germany." Because it becomes a matter of national interest, just like Merkel defended the German auto industry during the diesel emissions fraud scandal. "

European civic groups linked together across borders, Xiaomi defeated the whale.

But justice still has a glimmer of hope, Hope said. "the European Parliament is very dissatisfied with the plagiarism of the auditor's report, and the update case of Garasse must be retried. Future audit reports must publicly indicate the source of the cited report. "

The convergence of political power and commercial interests, great wealth and great power, but civil unity can still break through the combination of government and business.

Dozens of EU civic groups have launched an anti-caramel campaign, bringing together millions of shrimps to fight the whales. After a bitter battle, the European Parliament recently decided that the European Union must open the scientific black box of examination and leave pesticide management related to citizens' health, agricultural development and the environment in the sun.

The cancer risk report of Jiaposai has been exposed! Monsanto has been under pressure for four years, and the black hole finally shows its dawn every spring.

Monsanto deliberately concealed the cancer risk of Garrette for 40 years. The court awarded NT $9 billion in the Johnson & Johnson case, and 4, 000 Americans waited to go to court.

Monsanto documents are exposed! Taiwan is also the object of courting │ to bribe experts to name it, whitewashing the cancer risk of Garnet.

Pesticide consumption in Taiwan has reached a 17-year high! The US court ordered Garrette to pay sky-high compensation and ban Taosong for the protection of babies. Will Taiwan follow suit?

Sales of herbicides in Taiwan hit a record high! The annual sales are 2.6 billion yuan, and the consumption per unit area is among the best in the world.

There is no excessive amount of ─ herbicide in Cuncao, which impacts the soil ecology and increases the risk of cancer.

Monsanto was found guilty of four counts in public trial! Ecological slaughter, endangering the environment, health and the right to food, threatening the independence of science

The end of Jiaposai, the legal support of │ in the key war of the European Union, the sway of Germany, and the ban of millions of European citizens.

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