
How to increase the yield of sapphire grape

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to increase the yield of sapphire grape

Sapphire grapes can be said to be a very popular fruit in recent years. Its market price is basically much more expensive than other varieties of grapes, which can be said to be the top grade of grapes. Sapphire grapes are not only high-yielding and easy to grow, but also taste good. Because of this, it has attracted a large number of growers to plant, but in order to achieve high economic benefits, we need to increase its output first. So, how can we increase the production of sapphire grapes? Let's take a look at it.

1. Reasonable close planting

When planting sapphire grapes, we need to make rational use of land resources, while ensuring adequate light and good air permeability in the field, which can reduce the occurrence of some diseases and insect pests and facilitate later field operation. The planting density group is best controlled in the plant spacing of about 70 cm, the spacing between rows is about 1.2 to 1.5 meters.

2. Build scaffolding

If we want the output of sapphire grapes to be high, then the construction of scaffolding is more indispensable. Generally speaking, we rarely see grapes crawling and growing on the ground, which is not only a waste of land resources, but also prone to disease, poor permeability and low fruit setting rate, so what we see is a scaffolding growth pattern. Generally speaking, when the sapphire grape seedlings grow to one meter high, we need to prepare the scaffolding. Each grape is supported by a main bracket, which is then connected by a rope or wire at the top of each bracket. Finally, the sapphire vine is pulled to the bracket to crawl and grow. The main purpose of setting up the scaffold is to improve the permeability of the field, reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests, and improve its flowering quantity and fruit setting rate.

3. Pruning and shaping

In the process of sapphire grape growth, we should regularly prune branches and leaves, inhibit growth, promote tree potential and maintain tree shape to ensure the yield of sapphire grapes. For sapphire seedlings, we need to top and remove the heart to promote the growth of multi-branches. On the other hand, adult sapphire fruit trees need to trim off some aged, weak, fruiting, diseases and insect pests, and at the same time, they also need to restrain the growth of long branches and reduce the loss of nutrients.

4. Thinning flowers and fruits

In order to ensure the yield and quality of sapphire grapes, we should pay attention to the scientific thinning of flowers and fruits in its full bloom and fruit setting period. In the full bloom of sapphire grapes, we should avoid serious flower drop, so we should knock off or pick some poorly growing grape flowers and keep some exuberant ones. After the grape fruit is set to form an ear, generally, there should not be too many ears on a branch, otherwise it is easy to cause deformed fruit or fruit drop caused by insufficient nutrition supply, so we have to cut off the ear that is too dense or deformed.

5. Scientific water and fertilizer

The growth of sapphire grapes has a great demand for water and fertilizer. If sapphire grapes want to grow well and achieve high yield, then watering and fertilization is a very key step. Under normal planting conditions, if there is no rain, water needs to be handed over every other week or so. Discount can promote the growth of sapphire grapes. Secondly, it is best to supplement fertilizer properly every time it is watered, usually based on ternary compound fertilizer. Especially in the flowering and fruiting stage of sapphire grape, its water demand and fertilizer demand are very large, so we should topdressing and watering according to its specific conditions.

These are the ways to increase the output of sapphire grapes that the editor would like to introduce to you today; and these methods are basically connected in series, and every step should be done in place, so that sapphire grapes can grow better.