
Why does jasmine grow leaves but not blossom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why does jasmine grow leaves but not blossom? The main results are as follows: (1) Jasmine flower bud differentiation and bud opening need direct sunlight, and there is no light in too shady environment, so it does not bloom. (2) too much nitrogen fertilizer and lack of phosphorus fertilizer. (3) excessive density of branches and leaves affects flower bud formation.

Why does jasmine grow leaves but not blossom?

The main results are as follows: (1) Jasmine flower bud differentiation and bud opening need direct sunlight, and there is no light in too shady environment, so it does not bloom.

(2) too much nitrogen fertilizer and lack of phosphorus fertilizer.

(3) too dense branches and leaves affect the formation of flower buds.

Planting methods of jasmine flowers

To introduce to you the cultivation methods of jasmine, how to grow jasmine well, and the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of jasmine.

(1) Overview of jasmine

Jasmine is also known as jasmine, fragrant soul, Molly, Molly, Maoli, Muli, Muli, Mu Li, evergreen shrubs or vines of Oleaceae. The height of the plant is 0.52m. Leaves opposite, elliptic, 3-9 cm long. Cymes terminal, with 3-9 flowers, Corolla pure white, single or double, some become dumb red when withered, very fragrant, new shoots bloom, flowering from June to September in North China. It can promote cultivation in greenhouse and blossom in winter under warm conditions. The leaf color is green, the design color is white, the fragrance is rich, deeply loved by the broad masses. It is used to beautify the courtyard and balcony, fresh and pleasant, sending bursts of fragrance from time to time, giving people a feeling of returning to nature. A large number of jasmine flowers are cultivated in South China and K: River. the flowers are used as spices of smoked tea, and the smoked tea is the famous jasmine tea. Jasmine prefers a warm, humid and sunny environment, with emerald green leaves, white flowers and rich aroma, making it the most common aromatic potted flowers and trees. In the genus Jasminum, one of the most famous is double jasmine, which is commonly known as jasmine. Jasmine has good health and beauty effects, can be used in diet, can be used in the production of jasmine tea. The planting method of jasmine [ornamental value] from June to October, there are many white flowers with fragrant fragrance, which can be used to bottle and make tea besides potted plants. [habits] (1) like light. (2) like high temperature, the suitable temperature is 20: 30 ℃, stop growing below 10 ℃, and freeze to death below 5 ℃. (3) like fertile and acidic soil.

(2) main points of jasmine cultivation.

Potted jasmine can bloom three times a year if it is well maintained. Temperature: like the warm environment, the lowest overwintering temperature of jasmine, hairy jasmine and plain square flowers is more than 10 degrees Celsius, Yunnan Jasminum and Tanchun flowers can be as low as 5-7 degrees Celsius. Light: like enough sunlight, ®season can be cultivated in the open field where there is direct sunlight, and greenhouse cultivation should also have direct sunlight in winter. Moisture: always keep sufficient water in the basin soil, but avoid stagnant water in the basin soil. Air humidity: like moist air, can often spray water around the plant. Change the basin. Change the basin in spring as needed. Jasmine needs to be renewed after several years of cultivation, and it is best to replace it with a new plant. When changing the basin, the old plant will remove the decaying old branches, divide them into new parts and then replant them. Propagation: cutting with branches in spring, it is easy to take root. By the way, jasmine is the national flower of the Philippines, Tunisia and Indonesia, symbolizing love and friendship. [main points of cultivation] (1) Propagation by cuttage (see question and answer 122 for details) can also be put on the pot when the pot is changed in spring. (2) 5% base fertilizer should be added to the basin, and the basin soil should be mixed with fertile compost soil and river sand. It was put into pot from March to April. (3) fertilization should be applied once a week from April to October, from light to thick. Fermented oil, low water, human and animal dung or fishy water can be used. Add water 8 times 10 times in the initial stage and 3 times 4 times in the flowering period (see question and answer 123 for details). (4) watering the basin soil after it is dry, watering every morning and evening in midsummer, and replenishing the spray if the air is dry. But dormant in winter, the basin soil is only slightly moist, and if it is too wet, it will lose leaves and rot roots. (5) the germinating ability of branches is strong, it is necessary to pick the heart and shape when changing pots in spring, and to re-cut and renew in full bloom to facilitate the germination of new branches and flowers. Leaves should be picked after each flowering period. (6) potted flowers should be placed in a sunny place. The leaves enlarge without flowers in the shade. (7) Spodoptera litura and red spiders are often harmed, which should be prevented and controlled in time.

Jasmine flowers are often propagated by cuttings, and they can also be propagated by horizontal striping, split plants and other methods. Hardwood cuttings are usually carried out in March-April or September-October, softwood cuttings are used in May-August, strip propagation is carried out in May-June or late autumn (mid-late October), and ramet propagation can be carried out in both spring and autumn.

Let's take a look at how to raise jasmine and how to cultivate jasmine with high yield.

Jasmine flowers are found in Luodian, Wangmo and Ceheng in Guizhou Province. Open field cultivation can be carried out in high temperature areas below 500m above sea level in Anlong, Chishui and other counties (cities). However, in the areas where the temperature is low in winter, which is easy to cause frost damage to jasmine coffin plants, they are mainly cultivated in pots or protected areas (facilities).

Jasmine can be harvested for many years after one cultivation. In order to obtain the high quality and high yield of jasmine, the following work must be done:

1) cultivation in open field

(1) according to the local climatic conditions, the cultivation of jasmine should be from Guangdong. High-temperature double jasmine varieties were introduced into high-temperature areas of southern Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan and other provinces (regions).

(2) the selection of the garden should be north-facing south, sufficient light and deep soil. The garden should be built on the sandy soil with low groundwater level, rich and loose soil (PH6~6.5) and convenient for drainage and irrigation, and the garden should have a slope of 3 °~ 5 °.

(3) intensive cultivation and deep ploughing of garden soil, broken soil preparation and general agricultural land preparation requirements are the same, but for garden land with larger soil blocks, the soil crushing work should be more meticulous. If the fertilizer is sufficient, it can be sprinkled in the whole garden and then mixed with the soil for planting; if the amount of fertilizer is limited, the soil will be opened to break down the nest and then be mixed and planted. In addition to using mature high-quality organic fertilizer (such as ring fertilizer), colonized fertilizer is mixed with 1~2kg phosphate fertilizer in each litter.

It is generally planted in the way of "one box and two rows of wide trenches". That is, the width of the compartment is about 84cm, two rows are planted along the compartment, the line spacing is 50cm, the nest spacing is 27~30cm, the line spacing is about 17cm, and the width of the compartment groove is about 50cm, which is easy to manage. 5-6 flowers were planted in each litter and planted in triangles, 667m22000-3000 nests and 13000-15000 plants. In the future, thinning seedlings and transplanting should be before spring sprouting and autumn.

After the season dormancy.

Jasmine is a kind of flower that needs a large amount of fertilizer and has strong fertilizer tolerance. It has always been said that "clear orchid, turbid jasmine" and "jasmine do not blossom". Therefore, to strengthen the fertilizer management of jasmine after planting, to promote early branching and multiple branches is the key to make jasmine flowers more and heavier.

The management of mature jasmine flowers is generally to re-apply base fertilizer (mainly mature farm manure, cake fertilizer, etc., plus a small amount of phosphorus and potash fertilizer) before sprouting in spring or after dormancy in autumn. After sprouting in spring, a small amount of urea (50g / 100g per litter) was applied in time to promote seedling growth, such as mature human and animal manure water, and spring flower bud fertilizer was applied once (N, P, K combined ratio 31V / 1.5). After each round of anthesis and budding period, the quick-acting fertilizer can be applied once according to this ratio, generally focusing on topdressing about 7 times in the annual growth period. Excellent management level, 667m2 jasmine cake fertilizer 100-150kg, human and animal feces and urine 5OOOkg above, urea 50kg above and phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. Except for trace elements and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can be sprayed after each flowering and bud stage, the rest of the fertilizers are mainly applied on the ground to avoid the drug damage to branches and leaves. The use concentration of trace elements refers to the previous relevant entries.

After every rain and before topdressing, jasmine orchards need to be ploughed with 7cm or so, and the soil is often loose and well ventilated. In some provinces, most of the soil is clay loam. If we do not strengthen the management of intertillage, it is easy to cause poor soil ventilation, especially the application of chemical fertilizer is easy to harden the soil, so it is best not to use chemical fertilizer alone.

Jasmine flowers need big fat and water, but they are afraid of waterlogging. Too much water is easy to rot roots, too little water stops growing. So the Jasmine Garden is guaranteed not to accumulate water.

In case of spring, summer or autumn drought, water must be irrigated in time, and drainage should be paid attention to in rainy season. Dry the roots moderately if necessary.

(4) reasonable and moderate pruning: if the seedling is pruned below 20cm, it will send fewer branches; if it is cut above 30cm, there will be many new branches, but the branches will be slender and the growth will be thin.

Coring or pruning of new shoots is a very important measure to increase yield, which can turn one branch into two and the overgrown branches of sterile flowers into two or four. 2 flower branches can also be extracted by tapping the leaves. The new shoots extracted from the old stalks in spring can not form flower buds because of low temperature, and new flower buds can not be formed until they stop growing. Therefore, the new branches issued in the spring of the following year should be picked or cut in time, and the flower branches can be produced ahead of time. After each flower picking, you must top and top fertilizer, so that you can blossom many times a year and get a bumper harvest.

Leaf thinning: leaf thinning can promote early emergence of new shoots and multiple branches, because removing old leaves can improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, which is beneficial to flower bud differentiation. The method is to get rid of some of the old leaves left last year, and after picking flowers every season, pick off some of the old leaves from the branches produced last season. The flower-promoting effect of thinning leaves is obvious, but it must be combined with timely topdressing, otherwise the branches are slender and the quality of flowers is poor.

Bud picking: the first flower bud produced in spring can be removed to avoid nutrient consumption and affect the quality of the next flower because of the low temperature and poor flower development.

To strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, please refer to the relevant items for specific methods.

2) potted plants

The main results are as follows: (1) according to the characteristics of good permeability and humid environment of jasmine root system, pot jasmine should be planted in plain mud basin, glaze basin, porcelain basin and so on. There are generally three specifications of plain burning mud basin suitable for planting jasmine: caliber 25cm with a height of 15cm, caliber 30cm with a height of 17cm, and caliber 36cm with a high 22cm. The diameter of the flowerpot is slightly smaller than that of the tree crown, which is beneficial to maintain the humidity of the pot soil.

(2) preparation of cultivated soil

It was made of 4 parts of loam, 4 parts of compost and 2 parts of sand, plus a small amount of bone powder, cake fertilizer, plant ash and so on. It is required that the cultivated soil is fertile, loose, strong in water and fertility conservation and good in permeability. Rotten garbage can be sifted through 16 holes instead of sand and disinfected with formalin. Sprinkle 1.5% formalin 2L evenly in 1OOm3 soil, then cover it with grass or mat and use it after 48 hours.

(3) upper basin

First cover the drain with tiles or broken pots, add 3cm thick coarse culture soil or coarse sand or cinder, and then plant with the prepared culture soil. When planting, wash the roots of the seedlings first, and cut off the main roots, overlong lateral roots and injured roots. Cut and set the stem at the 15~20Cm of the root neck, and then divide the 4-6 seedlings into 2 or 3 clumps and plant them in the basin.

(4) change the basin

When the jasmine flowers planted in the basin grow up from small to small, and the roots cover the whole basin, the plant needs to change from the small pot to the big one. Generally, before the jasmine sprouts, the root system is pruned and then a larger basin is replaced.

(5) Management

When the basin is not changed, the old soil with 2cm thickness can be removed from the surface and the new culture soil can be added.

Fertilization: the principle of fertilization for potted jasmine is to apply thinly and diligently. Topdressing with bone meal, human and animal manure and urine oil retting to produce mature fermented fertilizer and water, urea and compound flower fertilizer as the auxiliary.

During the germination of new buds, the above-mentioned retting rotten fertilizer with a concentration of 5% was applied every other day, and 100 g of urea and compound fertilizer plus human 25kg was applied every 3-4 days. In the flowering season, fertilizer should be applied every 2-3 days, with a ratio of 4:8 or 3:7.

Watering: potted jasmine still holds the principle that the pot soil is not dry or irrigated. When the temperature is low in spring and autumn, it should be watered every 2-3 days, and once every 1-2 days in summer. In the "three volts" day from June to August, high temperature and drought, large water evaporation, irrigated once a day in the morning and afternoon. From November onwards, the water supply should be strictly controlled throughout the winter.

In the flowering period, the amount of water should not be too much, especially the jasmine used to watch flowers should control the water content and prolong the flowering period.

Shaping and pruning: the same as open field cultivation, a good harvest of potted jasmine can be obtained as long as careful cultivation, proper soil, fertilizer and water conditioning, timely coring, pruning and leaf picking, paying attention to pest control, and strengthening cold protection and heat preservation can be achieved.

Time: 2019-04-19 Click: