
Analysis of death causes and Rescue methods of Common domestic Flowers

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, I believe we have encountered this situation before. When buying potted plants, the florist always says, "it's best to raise this flower. Just water it." As a result, within a few months, the flower died "inexplicably". If you raise it well, why are you dead?

I believe we've had this before. When buying potted plants, the florist always said: "This flower is best raised, watered on the line..." As a result, within a few months, the flower died "inexplicably". How could he die when he was fine? Below I share with you some common causes of death of domesticated plants and rescue methods.

1. dripping Guanyin

Dripping Guanyin--a very pleasant name, but the dripping water is said to be poisonous, be careful.

Common cause of death 1:

Too much light, improper watering.

Main symptoms: inverted leaves, yellow leaves.

Solution: Guanyin love Yin, do not let direct sunlight. Control watering in winter. Also do not spray water on the leaves, which will cause white spots to appear on the leaves.

Common cause of death 2:

Lack of fertilizer and water.

Main symptoms: leaf wilting.


Dishui Guanyin likes moist and fertile soil. During the growth period can be more watering topdressing.

Tips: winter is the dormancy period of dishui guanyin, if the leaves shrink and turn yellow, you can cut the leaves from the stem, stop watering, put them in the corner, and water only once a month throughout winter.

2. fortune tree

Fortune Tree-When "Malabar" was renamed "Fortune Tree", it immediately became a common cause of death for many small families:

The temperature is too low, and the basin is full of water.

Main symptoms: leaves turn yellow and fall off.


Rich trees die easily below 10℃. Avoid ponding in the basin and reduce watering in winter. A small amount of water can be sprayed on the leaves from time to time during the growth period.

Tips: Fortune tree likes yang and bears shade. It can be placed in a place with weak indoor light for 2-4 weeks continuously, and then placed in a place with strong light.

3. green radish

Green radish-up to the White House, down to the people's room, all have its green posture.

Common cause of death 1:

Watering is inappropriate.

Main symptoms: yellow leaves.

Solution: Green dill likes hot and humid environment. Basin soil to wet for the degree, found that basin soil white, you can irrigate water. Reduce watering in winter and keep the pot soil dry.

Common cause of death 2:

Light discomfort.

Main symptoms: yellow leaves, withered.


Green radish suitable for "half shade", avoid direct sunlight, but also can not be placed in the shade for a long time, winter temperature is low when the whole sun maintenance.

Tips: In midsummer, you can spray water several times a day to the aerial roots and leaves, both to clean the leaves, reduce the temperature of the leaves, and increase the humidity of the small environment.

4. aloe

Aloe Vera-can absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde, a must for new homes

Common cause of death 1:


Main symptoms: black leaves.

Solution: Aloe Vera is a tropical plant, naturally afraid of cold, temperature below 0℃, the water in the leaves will freeze. When the temperature gradually drops below 5 ° C, it should be displaced to the indoor south wind sunny place.

Common cause of death 2:


Main symptoms: Rootstock rot.

Solution: Although it looks full of moisture, the most important thing to maintain aloe vera is not too much water. Spray or drench the leaves at ordinary times and keep them slightly wet. Keep the soil dry in winter.

Tips: potted aloe is best to use clay pots, not porcelain pots and plastic pots.

5. wenzhu

Wenzhu-very common, unique elegant style, the first choice of elegant literary people.

Common cause of death 1:


Main symptoms: yellow branches and leaves, withered.

Solution: Wenzhu can not be exposed to the sun, but to see the sun, air circulation; it is best to stay away from the stove and TV, the room temperature can not be lower than 5℃.

Common cause of death 2:


Main symptoms: Rootstock rot.

Solution: asparagus do not dry do not water, dry to water thoroughly, but the basin can not leave water.

Tip: If the bamboo withers due to improper placement, cut off the dead leaves, continue to maintain, and also send out new buds.

6. spider plant

Chlorophytum--A Popular "Grass Root" Orchid

Common causes of death:


Main symptom: leaf tip withered


Chlorophytum should be placed in a place with short or no direct sunlight to avoid strong light. Avoid direct contact with walls, iron frames, window frames and other buildings. To promptly clean dust on spider leaves preservation, often cut off the withered leaves.

7. rubber tree

Rubber tree-looks very long-lived plants, of course, depending on the level of the owner

Common causes of death:

The temperature is too low.

Main symptoms: leaves blackening and falling off, root rot.

Solution: Bark tree likes sunshine, not cold, winter to move indoor sunny place, keep room temperature above 10℃, minimum temperature should not be lower than 5℃. From the end of April to the beginning of May, move to outdoor or balcony maintenance.

Tips: summer high temperature season, rubber tree growth faster, can be applied big fertilizer water.

8. cyclamen

Cyclamen-a world-class famous flower, heard that it is very easy to raise, but there are countless negative examples around

Common cause of death 1:

Spray petals directly when watering

Main symptoms: rotten roots, rotten petals


It is best to water the bottom of the basin by immersion, and then water the flowers and leaves when they are slightly wilted. Don't spray water on the petals, they will rot.

Common cause of death 2:

No ventilation.

Main symptoms: petals withered.


Cyclamen likes ventilation, smoke and dirty air will make petals dry and wither, but it can not be placed directly in the tuyere.

Tip: cyclamen should be placed in windows, balconies and other places with sufficient light, and often change the position of the flowerpot. Sufficient light can make flowers more beautiful, leaves more shiny.

9. cactus

Cactus--this can also raise dead, really is a god!

Common cause of death 1:

The flowerpot is too big.

Main symptoms: Root rot.


The flowerpot should not be too big to accommodate the ball and a slight gap is appropriate. The flowerpot is too large, after pouring enough water, it cannot be absorbed, and the air in the basin is blocked, which is easy to cause the root system to rot.

Common cause of death 2:

Overwatering or underwatering.

Main symptom: ball rot.


In winter, moderate watering should be done in sunny mornings. Summer appropriate in early, late full watering, watering at noon easily cause ball burns.

Tip: For those cactus with sunken tops, be careful not to pour water into the depressions to avoid causing decay.

10. Rieger Begonia

Rieger Begonia-in recent years gradually popular night flowers, flowering long.

Common cause of death 1:

Temperature discomfort.

Main symptoms: yellow leaf color.


The optimum temperature of Rieger Begonia is 18℃ ~ 22℃. Winter as far as possible placed in the indoor south-facing sunny place. In summer, when the high temperature weather lasts above 28℃, it can be placed in an air-conditioned room or shade.

Common cause of death 2:

Watering is inappropriate.

Main symptoms: wilting and death.


Pot soil should be kept moist, not dry and too wet; flowering watering can not be too much, otherwise easy to drop flowers.

Tips: Rieger Begonia growth period requires sufficient fertilizer water, every two weeks can be applied once soybean soaking solution or fermented rice washing water.

Time: 2019-04-18 Click: