
What about the yellowing of asparagus leaves? the yellowing treatment of asparagus leaves.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, According to the analysis of the yellowing of asparagus leaves, asparagus is a semi-negative plant, and many flower friends think that asparagus is not suitable for basking in the sun, so it is a big mistake to keep asparagus in a backlit place for a long time. Asparagus is graceful, scattered, slender and straight, which can purify the air and edify sentiment.

According to the analysis of the yellowing of asparagus leaves, asparagus is a semi-negative plant, and many flower friends think that asparagus is not suitable for basking in the sun, so it is a big mistake to keep asparagus in a backlit place for a long time. Asparagus is graceful, scattered, slender and straight, which can purify the air, cultivate sentiment, and is good for healthy fengshui. Many flower friends grow it in their homes. But the asparagus leaves turn yellow in winter. What should we do after all?

Analysis of yellowing of asparagus leaves

1. Bask in the sun

Asparagus is a semi-negative plant, and many flower friends think that asparagus is not suitable for basking in the sun, so it is a big mistake to keep asparagus in a backlit place for a long time.

Asparagus is afraid of strong sunlight, which needs proper shade in summer, but the sun is not strong in winter. Long-term absence of sunlight will make the plant become weak and slowly turn yellow.

Therefore, it is best to put asparagus on the sunny windowsill in winter to bask in the warm sunshine.

2. Watering

Asparagus likes to be wet, but is afraid of waterlogging. Before watering, you should knock on the basin of asparagus. If the sound is clear and the soil on the surface of the pot becomes dry, you need to water it. If the sound is dull and the soil is moist, don't water the asparagus.

If the surrounding air is too dry, the leaf tips of asparagus will become dry, withered and yellow, so you should keep asparagus away from air conditioning and heating, and sprinkle water on asparagus leaves and around potted plants every day to maintain air humidity.

3. Fertilization

The roots of asparagus are fragile, and it is easy to "burn roots" by applying immature or over-concentrated fertilizer, which leads to dry yellow and shedding leaves.

If there is no fertilizer for a long time, the soil is barren and the leaves of asparagus will turn yellow. Therefore, asparagus should be thinner and more fertilized, and the rotten organic liquid fertilizer should be diluted and used according to the proportion of 2RU 1000.

4. Radiation

Not only do people need to stay away from radiation, but the growth of asparagus also needs to stay away from radiation. Putting asparagus next to televisions and computers will make asparagus leaves and stems dry and turn yellow.

Generally speaking, if asparagus is more than 5 meters away from the radiation source, it will be much less affected.

5. Temperature

It is suitable for asparagus to grow at room temperature above 10 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the leaves will dry up and fall.

Flower friends can check the temperature at home. If the temperature is below 5 ℃, they should keep warm by bagging in time.

If the temperature is between 5 ℃ and 10 ℃, the growth of asparagus basically stops. Watering should be reduced and no fertilizer should be applied to ensure sufficient sunshine. If the temperature is above 10 ℃, it can be maintained normally.

6. Diseases and insect pests

When asparagus is infected with insect pests such as shell insects, its branches and leaves are easy to wither and yellow. Flower friends observe whether there are insect pests in Chinese bamboo. If so, you can dilute the scale and spray it on the branches and leaves of asparagus according to the ratio of 1RU 2000.

Solution to yellowing of asparagus leaves

Asparagus should not only be watered and sprayed frequently, but also pay attention to several other key points in order to avoid yellow leaves for 10 years.

1. You can't have direct sunlight. Asparagus likes shady places, but it can't be too dark, so keep it in a bright room that is transparent to the north and south, and remember to stay away from the window.

2, do not smoke at home, or put asparagus in a place with heavy lampblack, for a long time, it will lead to asparagus smoke poisoning, resulting in yellow leaves.

3. in general, asparagus does not need to be fertilized. if it is the kind of asparagus that has been raised for many years, you can properly apply a little self-made organic fertilizer, pay attention to a small amount, and do not spread it to the leaves and roots of asparagus.

4. Asparagus leaves that have turned yellow cannot be changed back, so as long as they are yellowed, cut off half of the leaves, so cut off half of them, and don't be soft.

5. Asparagus leaves turn yellow, the biggest reason is lack of water, so, after cutting off yellow leaves, it is necessary to replenish asparagus with water in time. If there is heating or floor heating in the house, if the temperature can reach more than 20 ℃, you can water more properly. If there is enough water, asparagus will naturally lose its yellow leaves, but be careful not to accumulate water!

6. Salvage and conservation after yellowing, generally speaking, it is difficult for asparagus leaves to turn green after yellowing, and the sick and weak branches and leaves will consume the nutrients of the whole plant. In this case, we should abandon the pawn to protect the car and cut off the yellowing branches and leaves to ensure that the new branches and leaves can grow healthily.

Time: 2019-04-18 Click: