
How to raise aloe vera

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise aloe vera

Aloe is a kind of plant which integrates food, beauty, medicine and so on. The market demand in our country is very large, after a long time of development. There are more and more varieties of aloe, and now basically each variety has a certain cultivation area. With the expansion of aloe market demand, the annual output requirements are getting higher and higher, so how to raise aloe? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Land selection and preparation

The cultivated soil of aloe has a great relationship with its growth. Before cultivation, we should choose soil with sufficient fertility, deep soft and normal drainage and irrigation, and then do a good job of soil preparation. Turn it about 30 centimeters deep, do a good job of disinfection and remove germs and insect eggs from the soil. Then apply sufficient farm manure, control the amount, apply 1800kg per mu or so, and fine rake the soil. Then prepare the bed for planting according to the topography, area, etc. If the soil is too sticky and wet, it is not suitable to plant, which will seriously affect the growth of aloe root.

2. Methods of reproduction

The propagation method of aloe is generally based on ramet propagation, and the ramet time is usually about March-April and September-November every year. First of all, the tillers around the aloe plant should be dug out with roots, and then cut off the connection with the mother stem, and then it can be properly planted. There is also a kind of bud insertion propagation, which first takes out the newly grown 6-9 cm new buds from the axils of the leaves. Put it in a cool and ventilated place and control the storage time according to the season. It is maintained at about 4 hours in summer and 30 hours in winter. When the cut is gradually air-dried, it can be cut in time.

3. Timely planting

The planting time of aloe is also required. It is usually carried out in spring and autumn, when ramets and buds grow to about 15 cm. In planting, we should pay attention to control the row spacing, do not plant too dense, to prevent overcrowding after growing up, affect the growth of each other. About two rows are planted on each border, and one is planted in each planting hole. When planting, we should pay attention to stretch the roots of the seedlings and increase the contact area with the soil. Then fill compaction, if the soil is short of water, then appropriate watering, and to do a good job of shading.

4. Daily management

In summer and other high temperature environment, we should pay attention to proper watering to improve the water content of the soil. But we should also pay attention to control the dosage, not too much, to prevent excessive stagnant water, resulting in rotten roots of aloe. During the growing period of aloe, it is necessary to do a good job of weeding by ploughing and concentrating nutrients on the Land Rover plant. Weeds can be piled up and retted together and used as fertilizer. Then we should do a good job of fertilization according to the growth of aloe, and the fertilizers are mainly farm manure and compound fertilizer to meet the nutritional needs of aloe growth.

The above is a brief introduction to how to raise aloe vera. Of course, we should also do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, avoid diseases and insect pests harming the growth of aloe, and reduce planting efficiency. That's all for today's introduction, this article is for reference only. I hope I can help you all.